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Skyrefuge. The CEO we never asked for that showed up one day to reorganize the company, made us all prove "what we bring to the organization." He is also our editor in chief, micromanager, tax expert, social media manager, psychologist, lead researcher, recording engineer and proofreader

He showed up 30 days ago. There are so many posts. This is a TINY subset of his responses, I'm not going to comment on them all. This person literally posts all day every day and night. I am so sorry you guys have been subjected to somebody so completely removed from how to properly socially interact with people. The level of narcissism is something I have never seen on reddit before. I will never cheat on you guys with /wallstreetbets again! I'm so sorry you had to deal with this.
"I'm just unusually good at Internet-based digging (I've been doing it for 25 years). I'm the one friends come to when they're dating someone new, etc." - yeah, we nipped that in the bud earlier. have several seats.
"I figured people here would value the amount of unique info I dig up, but I guess if I accidentally discover any info that would force them to adjust the model of Hilaria that's already solidified inside their brains, they'd prefer to not hear anything new at all." - value you lmao
"Here's one where I dug up some first-person comments from people who knew her as Hillary, that had never been reported before." - nope, we had all that on DCUM.
"Yes, Alec donating $1M does reduce his wealth by less than $1M. But it reduces his wealth by more than not donating anything would. If wealth-maximization was his only goal, he'd donate $0." -- thank god we have you to explain the complicated math that is tax brackets and writeoffs.
"Alec donates millions to non-profits (via the foundation) every year, since long before Hilaria (it was just "the ABF" until recently). I've looked at their IRS filings, and it seems to be a legitimate, well-operated foundation, not doing anything shady for tax purposes." - We know how much he donates. It's online. We didn't need the IRS filings, clearly.
"I gave *you* the link to the clearinghouse, I have the link to the clearinghouse, and neither of us (nor anyone else on this site) checked it! So we both have first-hand experience showing that "giving someone the link to something" doesn't mean a damn thing. Anyone can send an email about anything to the NYT requesting a correction, the fact that they did so is not indicative of anything."
"I somewhat believe Flat_Slide_5680 did actually speak to someone at the registrar's office, but given the sloppiness with details and repeated mistakes in their posts, I agree with you that the likely scenario is that they just never gave the correct name to the registrar to look up, and so "we couldn't find a person who doesn't exist" isn't positive proof of anything." - WHAT THE FUCK?! You do NOT get to come in my subreddit and act like you are the editor of the damn Wall Street Journal berating an intern.
"In your original post, you say she was under "Hilaria Lynn Thomas". Here you say it was "Hilaria Haywood-Thomas". And the latter is definitely not, nor has it ever been, her last name! Not improving my confidence in your credibility here." - See above.
"Forgive me if I still have more trust in the New York Times over an anonymous Reddit user, but we're going to need better receipts from you than that." -We? Who is we?? Are we turning something in? When is it due?
"Since you don't believe me, let's see what the Linguistic Society has to say on the matter:" -my god you are insufferable
"You should have been following all my comments more closely. ;-)". - No shit, you would have been banned a month ago.
"Making a charitable donation reduces the amount of your income subject to tax, it doesn't stand in as an alternative to paying tax. And it doesn't carry over. In order to "not owe taxes", you would need to donate 100% of your income, and keep $0 for yourself. Even then, there's nothing that would carry over to the next year." - here we go again.
"See my comment here for more details on how a tax-deduction actually works." - bye felicia
"No, nothing is weird about that at all. Your lack-of-understanding is making you see conspiracy where it doesn't exist." - No wonder you aren't a member of any other subbreddit.
"But I do appreciate that you recognize (unlike so many others here) that her social-media influencer antics are not at all unusual for that field, and not the reason why Hilaria is a story." -I appreciate that you recognize you will never see the inside of this subreddit ever again.
"The Tax Map Parcel ID is 0300150000100001014 and the unofficial address is 361 Town Ln, Amagansett, NY, in case anyone can search a more-private MLS database or something like that. Where are my real-estate wonks?" - My god, what do you need the real estate listing for. Do you want me to do a title search too? How about a notarized copy of the deed?
"Before the sub devolved into a den filled with simple-minded dehumanizing Hilaria-haters, we used to get great info like this from people who knew the human Hilaria. Unfortunately that's mostly dried up, probably at least in part because people find this place too gross to associate themselves with it." - BITCH YOU GOT HERE 4 WEEKS AGO
When asked about how recording a podcast works we are treated to this:
"My experience was ~20 years ago, so hopefully enough knowledge would have trickled out by now, especially as recording techniques have continued to evolve and become democratized, that nothing that was surprising then would be particularly surprising anymore. But back then (especially in the rock/metal world I was in), everyone liked to envision the whole band rocking out together, and the engineer would just hit "record". No, in most cases, each guy sits alone and records his instrument all by himself (or maybe even one guy records both guitar and bass, but two guys get credited; especially the the "bass player" has great hair for the band photo, but kinda sucks at playing bass). Similarly, if the guitar part for a verse gets recorded, no need to play the whole song through, just copy and paste that part for the next verse. And then of course run auto-tune to correct the pitches of everything. So all stuff that was hardly "secret", even back then, but things people generally avoided learning about.
Once upon a time I was peripherally involved in the music industry, so that's what really opened my eyes to "things are not as they seem". Sitting in a recording studio while an album is being recorded makes you realize "the fans have NO idea what really goes on in here". And more than that, I learned that most fans don't want to know the truth about their favorite band, because if they did, it really doesn't take much effort to see the various subterfuges going on behind the curtain.
Unfortunately I was out of that biz before the explosion of the Influencer Economy, so like you, I wish I had more direct insight into that particular domain. I've always tried to pick up whatever factual information people would publicly reveal, but while I've read endorsement deals and recording contracts in the music biz, I've never seen one in this domain." - Sorry your shitty 80's hair band didn't get signed. Sounds like that autotune was working pretty hard. And once again, check yourself. Butch walker is a good friend of mine, he bought my friend's recording studio in atlanta. He has a book called Drinking With Strangers. You can learn from that. In the meantime, the question was about a podcast.
"Beware, checaco3 claims all sorts of things that we have no evidence for. They claimed 5 days ago to have a screenshot of a website where Hilaria's parents said they "were able to move to Spain AND start their business with a Generous Donation From HABF Foundation", but thus far have failed to produce said screenshot. I don't think it's malicious, it seems to just be a mis-remembering/mis-interpretation of different things that they saw." -FAILED TO PRODUCE A SCREENSHOT? is there some reason they are required to give you one?? malicious? dude, you have serious issues. and a lot of nerve
"We are on the same team! That's why I'm giving you the links to, to help you figure out how to find the evidence that Hilaria's parents were able to move to Spain AND start their business with a Generous Donation From HABF Foundation. And I really want to see the screenshot you have, because that would be some really good evidence of shadiness that hasn't been exposed yet! Is there anything I can do to help you find it? Do you need help searching your computer's drive?"-Nobody is required to give you dick so stop asking.
"But you had a screenshot, so them changing their website wouldn't matter. Did your computer die or something?" -what is your problem?
"Their website has changed formats over the years, but the content appears to have largely remained the same. You can use to find the evidence you're looking for in the old versions." -When did we hire a project manager in this sub??
"Here's an August 2020 version that looks just like the current website, but you can go back all the way to 2014 if you need to.". -is there some reason you are assigning work to my redditors?
"Since you research charities to gauge their quality, you surely must be familiar with IRS 990 forms?" -Is this how you talk to people in real life? No wonder you work in computer hardware. Nobody wants to deal with listening to you.
"BTW, have you found that screenshot yet showing Hilaria's parents were able to move to Spain AND start their business with a Generous Donation From HABF Foundation? I'll help you shout that news from the rooftops if you can find it again." -Bring this up one more time. I dare you.
"For this theory to have any legs, I think you need to show evidence of a school transfer at some point. I don't believe we have that?" -I am so sorry you guys, I will never leave this sub alone again.
"It's all explained here:"
"I'm not blaming you for getting it wrong or anything; being aware of the original (wrong) story and but not the later correction is a totally normal thing, I was just taking your post as an opportunity to make people more aware of the correction." - I'm going to make you aware of what a dick you are by getting you banned from DCUM too.
"Where in the article does it say that the horse rescue charges $1500 a month. It explicitly says the opposite, that the $1500/month is for horses that are NOT part of the horse rescue"
"Horse owners who pay to keep their animals at the barn make their checks out to “Alexander Baldwin III,” not to the incorporated, non-profit Amagansett Horse Rescue."
"There may very well be something untoward happening here! But misunderstanding the facts uncovered so far will only make that more difficult to uncover, not easier!" - STOP SPEAKING TO MY REDDITORS LIKE THEY ARE FIVE.
"Your understanding is incorrect. Non-profit schools charge tuition to students. Non-profit hospitals charge bills to patients. A non-profit stable charging rent for horse stalls would be completely legal and within the scope of a non-profit." - here we go again.
"But on top of that, it's not even clear that the non-profit is charging rent for horse stalls! The article makes it clear that there is both a non-profit, AHR, and a for-profit business, both being run at the same facility. The only evidence they offered of money being paid was to the for-profit side of the operation (the $1500 checks to Alexander Baldwin). The didn't have any record of money being paid to the non-profit (which, again, even if it was, that would be ok!)". - Dear God, where did I go wrong? What sin did I commit in my past life that of all the redditors in the world, I'm stuck with THIS one.
"But simply assuming "any foundation is suspect" is far more lazy and incorrect than assuming "anyone with a Spanish accent is Spanish". It's really not hard to look at individual cases and determine what the truth is, there's no value added by being broadly cynical." - Well, you are the expert when it comes to not adding any value to something.
"The implication the Post is trying to make is that the year's-rent was not a good-faith request from the landlord, but rather, a request that he knew would be impossible for Jan to meet; a way to terminate her lease while giving the landlord plausible deniability: "no, I didn't terminate the lease, she could have renewed for as long as she liked!" - We don't need you explaining a Post article to us. And besides that was reported everywhere.
"But yes, that in itself is a story that doesn't really make sense, because generally, it would be the landlord's job to do the property maintenance, not the tenant (Jan), so simply swapping tenants wouldn't necessarily improve anything at the property." - WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?
"If someone half-interested comes to this subreddit to learn about Hilaria, they'll see it dominated by these meme-posts, and rightly say "huh, yeah, those ladies on The View and Hilaria and Alec were right, this *is* just a big pile-on; I doubt she actually did anything bad..." -She became a meme. That was the point. That went right over your 50 year old bald head.
"Diluting the sub dilutes the message of the unique bad thing Hilaria actually did." -Go start your own damn sub then.
"Without more detail, I don't yet see anything absolutely damning in regard to the non-profit relationships, though certainly the lack of transparency is concerning. It's interesting that the Post apparently saw an IRS 990 form for AHR, but don't provide it for the reader, and I can't find a public version." -Why on EARTH would the Post publish an IRS form.
"That's where critical-thinking skills come in, which should be active for all media consumption. Caveat emptor and all that. "This thing that's being presented to me, how could its presentation diverge from reality, and what could be the motivations behind that divergence?" -After I deleted your post for containing politics, you actually said because what you said about Trump was true that didn't count as political. Then insulted me by saying "now I know why the post was removed. You didn't understand that
"And for social media influencers in particular, it barely takes any critical-thinking at all! All you have to ask is "how do I, as a random nobody, use social media? Do I post an accidental, uncurated view of my life?" I think the answer is "hell no" for almost everybody, so it's insane to even use that as a starting assumption for people with huge followings."
"I think the thing is that people don't want to know that it's not real. Every single time I point out that Hilaria's photos are intentionally ridiculous because she wants to make money, I get downvoted to hell. I don't remember if I saw this reference here somewhere, but it's like professional wrestling: it's more entertaining to people (both in a want-to-be-the-face, and a hate-the-heel way) if they can maintain the illusion that it's all real."
"There is no evidence that Sarma was friends with Hilaria." - Except for the PICTURES I HAVE OF THEM TOGETHER.
"It looks like II was started ~2013, after the move to Spain. It's a super-small "business", I would guess that the parents are the only employees, and that it's just a structured way for them to "keep busy" in their retirement. It probably makes very little money (their "retreats" are very infrequent, and small), but it lets them putter around as much or little as they like, and feel like they're making a difference in the world."
"Where have you seen her say December 2010? Everything I recall seeing, they've both been consistent and specific, it was February 18, 2011 (they say it was an unusually warm day, and I've fact-checked that, and it's true!)". - How long have you been unemployed for?
"Ah, a link to a set of it makes my heart sing".
"I should have searched to find that thread myself, but Reddit's search is such shit it discourages me from even trying"-
"I'm pretty sure from all my research that she was never technically an "owner" of Yoga Vida, that was one of her lies, but for the purposes of self-certifying, I think that's irrelevant. She was enough of a player in YV despite not being an "owner"- Sign that information up for kindergarten, because it's 5 years old. Lmao how much time did you waste on that?
"You're sure going to have to show where you came up with that "she was his yoga teacher first" thing, because that just ain't true as far as what anyone has uncovered until now. It was also more like sometime in 2009 (maybe as late as the beginning of 2010, when Yoga Vida launched) that "Hilaria" was born." -Nobody has to show you anything, GTFO.
"I'd say just edit your original post to add the El Mundo article (or replace the OE). Then newcomers will see the original source without having to dig into the comments, and there won't be two separate discussion threads." - Well, you wont have to worry about that anymore now, will you?
"In a better-run sub, we'd have a stickied post with a constantly updated list of references, but..." I DO. OKAY BYE.
"First day on the Internet? Here's how you make a link:"
"The entirety of evidence that Sarma and Hilaria knew each other comes from a single, anonymous post on DCUM, and it's just repeated on That DCUM post also says "the article mentions the people who ponied up money to get Sarma out of trouble. Alec kicked in $100k on Hilaria's request", but the referenced NYPost article mentions no such thing."
"In other words, that's really not a credible source."
"I mostly agree the vision of The Birth Of Hilaria that you lay out here, I just think that using the word "con" to describe all that renders the word meaningless. I mean, women discover they get extra attention and affirmation when wearing low-cut tops and a push-up bra. Is that a "con" too? And I strongly disagree that a "long con" doesn't require a specific end goal. Look at the Wikipedia entry for "con" (which includes a section on "long con"). None of the language in that whole entry is remotely close to describing Hilaria's life or actions."
:And the "restauranteur fraudster-friend offered to set her up with Alec Baldwin" is one of the most non-sensical unsupported bits of wisdom that gets thrown around here. The only way involving Melngailis in Hilaria's story makes any sense is if Hilaria diverts a bunch of Alec's money to Melngailis, which if that happened, then I would definitely agree at least that part of it (but still not the Spanish part) was a long con!"
"Believe what you like, but just keep in mind that all successful detectives, from Sherlock Holmes on down, keep their emotions out of the way, because they make it harder to determine what is truth. No human in history was ever 100% anything (good, evil, liar, truthful), so reducing Alec (or anyone) to such a simple, one-dimensional caricature takes us further from truth rather than closer to it." -Sir, this is a Wendy's.
"No idea, she hasn't responded to my query yet. Official reason was "No Politics", but there weren't any politics in the post or happening in the comments. She was of the "Alec gave money to Hilaria's parents" camp, so I don't know if she just didn't like having that view challenged? Aw, shucks, you're making me blush. But I really appreciate it, especially since McNasty420 took down my deeply-researched RANA post today for no discernible reason, so that was making me feel like my work was a big waste of time. But maybe it's better that way, because yes, I'm sure my employer would appreciate me spending more of my skills on them rather than on this!" -Employer lol. So check this out. I removed it because it said Trump steals money from his foundation and this guy didn't consider that political because: "My statement about Trump's foundation wasn't a "theory", and more importantly, not any sort of value-judgement. I now understand that you weren't aware of how non-controversial my mention of Trump was". You are such a DICK. Where do you get the nerve to talk to people like that?
"Oh, yeah, I wasn't arguing your point or anything! I'd just had more time to look into his ancestry and wanted to write down some actual numbers."
That theory isn't possible, because she invented the Spanish persona long before she met Alec. That's a key fact to know for anyone trying to figure out the 'why' of it. It had zero to do with Alec, and was almost surely her own creation with no particular goal in mind (which the OP seems to understand)."
Oh, ok, awesome! Where's your screenshot? -What are you doing? Why do you need this?
How? You can't just say stuff like that without backing it up! "Hilaria is definitely connected to Spain" is a lie that you created this whole subreddit to expose, so let's not just take her place as people who claim untrue things!
And I'm saying none of what you're saying is true. You might have read something like that here, but that was from people who didn't know what they were talking about. There was no "generous donation to the parents in 2012" from ABF.
No, I'm saying that people here misinterpreted the RANA donation to be a donation to International Integrators (and then repeated it 'til it became conventional wisdom), but it's really not at all. Unless there was some *other* donation to II that has been found somewhere? -RANA is a side project under the umbrella of International Integrators now please STFU about it
OMG, and then did you hear where she said she lies to her kids that the wheels on the bus are broken, because she's sick of singing "The Wheels on the Bus"? Or that she hides the fact that she's going to be gone for a day or two from them? Oh wait, those were lies other moms reported telling their kids. It's all part of a regular segment called "Momfessions"! The whole point is to show that it's a fairly normal thing for parents to do. Pretending Hilaria is the only one who lies to her kids is weird, and completely ignores all the other parents who nod along and laugh in the audience. -Thank you, 50 year old guy with no kids.
Erm, his donations were definitely NOT funneled to family members; where did you get that from? Perhaps actually read my post!
Also, yes, he gets a tax deduction for charitable donations, but so does every US taxpayer. -WE KNOW. JESUS.
I'd like to say it's something about living the last four years in the US, when "the truth" seemed to matter less than it ever has before. Creating even awareness of the oft-repeated lies, much less consequences for them, felt like trying to push a pile of air up a hill. So when this opportunity came along at the end of 2020 to expose lies and establish truths, at a sweet-spot big enough where a significant number of people were paying attention, but small enough that I could play a personal role, where that pile of air transformed into something solid that I could definitively poke holes through, it felt like something I had to participate in. -FULL STOP. WHEN THIS OPPORTUNITY CAME ALONG? ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT MY SUBREDDIT?? PLAYING A PERSONAL ROLE? YOU ACT LIKE I HIRED YOU TO BLESS US WITH YOUR PRECIOUS GOOGLE SEARCHING ABILITIES. THE OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO EXPOSE LIES? AT THE END OF 2020? DUDE, THE LIES WERE ALREADY UNCOVERED. HENCE THE MEDIA FIRESTORM.
But that can only be at most a part of the answer, since I felt exactly the same obsession in 2016, when doing crowd-sourced investigation of the real-time cheating of Rob Young / MarathonManUK), a man who had claimed to run 365 marathons in a year, with 0 training, and then was caught (accidentally, by a fan) in the middle of the night riding on/in his support RV while he was claiming a world-record pace for a run across the US.
So for me, there's definitely a Sherlock Holmes factor. Just something about the investigatory process of discovering facts and organizing them to reveal lies, particularly when the lie is so bold, unusual, and created for mystifying reasons. -WE HAD ALREADY BROKEN THE STORY DIPSHIT.
n contrast to many here, the small lies that are pedestrian, banal, and created for obvious reasons (the presentation of herself as someone more-accomplished / put-together / knowledgeable than she actually is, in order to make money) hold no interest for me, since there is nothing unique to her there. Everyone who has ever attempted to make money from their personal brand has presented an embellished version of themselves, but almost no one has trapped themselves 24/7 for a decade walking through their life on such a high-wire of a lie as Hilaria has, while leaving the truth so discoverable far below the entire time.
Thank you! Finally an NYU post, that, while still lacking-in-receipts, at least comes from someone with a posting history that provides significant credibility, and written with a level of detail that provides trustworthiness on its own, but also matches all known facts from independent sources. -STOP. JUST STOP.
Didn't we go through this already? Yes, charitable donations lessen your tax burden. But they also lessen your wealth! Here is the itemized list of $1.4M in donations the ABF made in 2014. If he had *not* made those donations, yes, his tax bill would have been higher, but he would have had more money left in his bank account to spend on a yacht or whatever for himself. So lessening his tax burden cannot be his "entire goal". -for the 50th time, we know how taxes work.
It *has* made donations to the RANA foundation (approx. $70k total, I believe), which Hilaria's parents advertised on their website, but that's not "money to Hilaria's parents" (as people here often say), and I don't even see an obvious connection between the RANA foundation and the Hayward/Thomases. -IT'S LISTED AS A PROJECT ON THEIR WEBSITE DIPSHIT
It looks like it's this, a $369 dedicated paella grill. -this adds that "value" you provide to this sub you were talking about.
Ha. Yep, I'm of a similar age/era, and while I still have a FB account, I've never followed a single celebrity, brand, or even a business, and am rather baffled by people who do. -YET I'M 100% STALKING ALEC BALDWIN'S LIFE
Did you click my links on the bottom? By what rationale do you make the claim that she "brought things to an entirely different level"?
I linked to a picture of a naked mom taking a piss with her baby on her lap, showing off her toenails, and taking a selfie all at the same time! And it took me 2 minutes to find that.
In your original post, you say she was under "Hilaria Lynn Thomas". Here you say it was "Hilaria Haywood-Thomas". And the latter is definitely not, nor has it ever been, her last name! Not improving my confidence in your credibility here. -REMINDER. YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO SKIN IN THIS GAME. YOU SHOWED UP HERE ONE DAY AFTER THE STORY FINALLY STOPPED TRENDING AND TRIED TO REGULATE SHIT. NOBODY NEEDS TO HAVE "CREDIBILITY" WITH YOU. YOU ARE A BYSTANDER.
"As much as I'd like solid confirmation either way, this is most definitely not it. It's the first post from a brand-new account, and the details given make no sense."
"There is absolutely nothing unique about Alec and Hilaria here. Here's a random list I found in 2 seconds"
If I had kids
If you know nothing about language immersion, see what the Linguistic Society has to say on the matter.
The hard part is making sure they have enough natural exposure to both languages. Most of the time, one of the two languages you want them to learn will be "more important" somehow, and the trick is to provide enough opportunities for them to use the "less important" one in a way that isn't forced or artificial. The best way, if you can manage it, is to put children in situations where only the "less important" language is used so that there is no temptation to mix languages or revert to the "more important" language.
It doesn't say that he was also working in that period. Do you have that from another source?
"I graduated from a prestigious university (in my field), but don't have any cap-and-gown photos because I had no interest in attending the graduation ceremony." -PLEASE, I'M DYING. I CAN'T WAIT TO FIND OUT WHAT SCHOOL THIS WAS THAT PREPARED YOU FOR YOUR ILLUSTRIOUS CAREER IN COMPUTER HARDWARE.
" Have you attempted to try the online version I suggested to perhaps get something in writing?"
"But if you spoke with NYU, and they told you straight up they have no record of her being a student, why are you even considering far-more-tenuous absence-of-evidence evidence like this?"
Your lack-of-understanding is making you see conspiracy where it doesn't exist. "Notability" is a requirement for a Wikipedia page to continue existing, and it's decided by other Wikipedia editors.
But I do appreciate that you recognize (unlike so many others here) that her social-media influencer antics are not at all unusual for that field, and not the reason why Hilaria is a story.
Um, those requirements are from St. Patrick Cathedral in Fort Worth, Texas.
Ugh, not very pleasant to see all those grouped together in an easily digestible list, but thank you!
First, this definitely isn't evidence that she's a hypocrite. That would require her to be a major player in the operation at Yoga Vida, which, just like extensive time in Spain, seems to be something she wanted people to believe, rather than something that's actually true.
Then, the plaintiffs allege that the instructors conspired to export YV's client database, which they were not authorized to do, and sent a mass email to that list of clients. I have no idea how meritorious such a lawsuit is
There have been a lot of people in this sub over the last couple weeks questioning "how did she get away with this for so long?? People on the Internet have been talking about it for at least 5 years! Why wasn't it a story until now?!" The non-answer answer is "because the right series of events hadn't happened until now". Essentially, the story hadn't bubbled up to enough influential and listened-to people until now, so it had very little spread. Part of the process for a story to bubble up to the next level of influence is for that level to have trust in the lower-level source. - YES, PLEASE EXPLAIN MY OWN STORY BACK TO ME THAT IS AT THE TOP OF THIS SUBREDDIT.
"Yeah, obviously even if I *had* the power to make this Reddit sub a repository of impeccably-sourced content, I know it wouldn't actually make a damn difference. But, I had to give it a shot anyway." -COME AGAIN?? YOU MEAN PEOPLE DIDN'T APPRECIATE YOU SHOWING UP OUT OF THE BLUE WAY AFTER THE STORY HAD RAN, ACTING LIKE AN OVERBEARING MANAGER WHO BERATES THEM FOR NOT DOCUMENTING THEIR "WORK" THE WAY YOU WANT IT DONE? THEY DIDN'T LIKE BEING GIVEN ASSIGNMENTS WITH DEADLINES? I'M SHOCKED THAT DIDN'T WORK OUT FOR YOU. This is Reddit, douchebag, not Time Magazine. And the story had already run. Everywhere. You showed up afterward, barked a bunch of demands at people, and are now complaining that my subreddit is unorganized and you "tried" to fix it but couldn't?
"Really it's just a nostalgic rant missing the "good old days" of this sub (like 5 days ago) when it was genuinely producing a high density of quality, original information that uncovered a lot of truth." --THEN LEAVE FINALLY
"Yeah, now this is the kind of quality-content I came here for!" -Reddit?
"I actually have Google Doc filled with links, mostly organized as a timeline of Hilaria's whole life. I've been trying to decide whether I should open it to crowd-sourced contributions, but it still feels a bit messy/incomplete for me to do that just yet." - AND IT'S SAFE TO SAY AFTER TONIGHT, YOU NEVER WILL.
"I was one of the first people in the world to host downloadable audio files on a website (from a dorm-room server), so I was long familiar with the music side of it. Once Spotify et al finally came along and revealed that "hey, if you make it easy, most people don't actually want to steal stuff" that really changed a lot in that world, a bit similar to what the changing business models have done for the software world."

Here is his "Manifesto":
submitted by McNasty420 to HilariaBaldwin [link] [comments]

How I was almost scammed by a "Free Yamaha G2 Baby Grand Piano" ad on Craigslist. DON'T give your money to Exelsure Movers or Exelsures Movers. Both are Indian scam operations imitating fake shell moving companies.

How I was almost scammed by a
I'm not sure if this is the right place to make this post. I wasn't able to find any information on this particular scam/ shell company online, so I want to make sure others don't fall for what I nearly did.
I saw an ad on Craigslist in Scottsdale, Arizona for a Yamaha G2 Baby Grand piano about a week ago after searching for free pianos people were giving away for some time (with most ads simply asking for the buyer to move the piano themself and it's theirs). I thought I struck gold when I found a G2 being given away for FREE. The ad mentioned they were only looking for someone who was a lover of music to take it from them. They wanted the piano to be used to share with friends and family the joys of music.
I emailed the person who made the post through Craigslist, hoping I was worthy to receive this piano; my love for music, a bit of back story on my end, and 4-5 days later they emailed me back and said the piano was still available, but for me to give them my personal email for further discourse. (I assumed this was a safety protocol on their end, and felt it only added further transparency between this person and so I obliged).
I sent my email address and the next day a Dr. Mary Jones emails me back giving a bit of back story on why she is getting rid of the piano:
The Yamaha G2 baby grand used to be owned and played by my husband who is now deceased and it was last tuned early February last year before he passed, I'm almost done moving my properties to Texas and I don't think My husband will be happy if I sell his piano, at the same time I'm not happy seeing it around because of less storage, So I'm hoping to give it out to someone who is a passionate lover of the instrument. The first lady who I thought was going to get didnt show up at the she promised and I wasn't going to leave it alone in an empty house .. it's currently going to be in storage with Texas movers I employed to move my properties from my house in Phoenix, If you really don't mind making new arrangements with the movers, I can attempt to get in touch with them to reroute it, this should not attract too many charges since the distance can be recovered within a day or two...I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but do let me know if you wish that I talk to the movers. Just so you know I'm not giving out a scrap or a waste. It’s in good shape.
Dr Mary
Excited beyond belief that I was about to have a Baby Grand of my very own, I wrote my condolences to Dr. Mary, and that I'd be willing to make arrangements in any way I could:
Mary, I'm so sorry to hear the reason you are trying to find your piano a new home. Seeing something your husband loved so much go to any ordinary person doesn't seem proper. I understand you want to see the piano continue to live its life exactly as your husband had. Sharing the exploration and joy of music with everyone. I promise you I will do my best to live up to your husband's legacy in sharing the life of the instrument with friends and family for years to come.
I will happily pay any additional charges to re-route the delivery drivers on your way to Texas if it isn't too much trouble.
I am currently living near [removed] and [removed]. My address is [removed].
The only additional information I want to ask is how careful or experienced the movers are in moving pianos. I was anticipating hiring professional piano movers to ensure you piano is relocated delicately.
I know you're under a short time frame, and I'll move mountains to do anything I can to help you, as I can't tell you how much this means to a person like me.
I should note that Dr. Mary Jones profile photo is a professional photo of a mid 40-50 year-old-blond woman, white doctor's coat, stethoscope draped over her shoulders.
So I'm like cool, she's a doctor from Scottsdale who can afford to get rid of a Baby Grand, as it's more of an inconvenience than anything for her, she just wants to move and not have to worry about it anymore. In retrospect I didn't catch that she referred to herself as Dr. Mary and not Dr. Jones...
24 hours later her reply was the following:
Hi Deeeeeeevin,
I just spoke to the movers now in order to let them know they will move the baby grand back. All you need to do now is to contact them and make new arrangements as regards to the rerouting process. I also would like you to take some pictures when they arrive at your house and send them. This is the movers information, Exelsures Movers. You can present this Referral ID [removed] to an agent on their website / login An Agent is online 24hrs to chat with you on their website. or call them on [Phone Number removed] Let them know Dr Mary Jones referred you and give me feedback.
God Bless you
Feel free to call or text me anytime
[Phone Number removed]
Again, in retrospect there are numerous red flags here, but the excitement of getting my hands on such a lovely instrument blinded me to many of them.
After navigating over to I attempted to call both of their phone numbers with no answer, going to voicemail. So I decided to use their online chat Mary mentioned, as I was told it is available 24 hours a day... I submit my name, email, and phone number, to which I receive an instant message reply from Lori. I closed this tab so I cannot share word for word our conversation, but the general gist was providing her my address for delivery, her telling me to wait a a moment to calculate shipment prices, then her offering me the options of 4 day shipping for $695 including insurance and assembly, or 14 day delivery for $420. (I did think it a bit unusual for shipment across two states to take two weeks, but I was willing to opt for the cheaper option).
I tell Lori I'd like to do the 14 day delivery option and she says she will send me an invoice with pay instructions through Zelle to my email. Then she sends me a photo of the piano without me even asking:
I really can't remember why, but at this point I decided to perform a reverse image search of this image via TinEye and saw three results found for the year 2010, 2012, and 2016 I believe. I thought this was weird, since the moving company even mentions they've only been in operation since 2015, not to mention WHY THE HELL WOULD THE PHOTO BE 11 YEARS OLD IF IT WAS JUST PLACED INTO STORAGE IN THE PAST FEW DAYS.
But I still didn't think this was a scam. I thought TinEye might have made a mistake and I moved on.
So I check my email and sure enough, found the email Lori sent:
With the attached Invoice:
So I'm like cool, looks good enough for me. I drive to my bank and deposit enough funds to make the Zelle transfer they asked for (red flag on their payment choice I know), get back home and decide to look up Exelsures Movers to see if they specialize in piano moving. I figure since I'm going to be paying so much for delivery they better take special care of the instrument. I don't have a lot of money but this was, after all, a dream come true.
After Googling this company and seeing no reviews for other than what is listed on their website I begin to lose faith in this company's quality of service (but still, don't suspect a scam). I have also yet to speak with anyone over the phone from this company mind you. I do however notice a link in my Google searches that mentions "Moving Company Scams" and "How to determine whether your moving company is legitimate." mentioned the following:
If you’re embarking on an interstate relocation, you can also check the FMCSA website, directly, for more information on any official complaints. Every interstate moving company should obtain a U.S. DOT number. As part of this system, consumers can now enter the moving company’s number into the FMCSA’s search engine, located under the “Search Movers & Complaint History” website tab. This search tool reveals registered interstate movers’ complaint history (or hopefully, lack thereof).
So I navigate back over to to see if Lori has their company's US DOT number, since I couldn't find this anywhere on their site. I figure this should ease any uncertainties I have with the moving company, so I make up a subtle lie as to why I'd like to obtain this number; mentioning I'd like to provide insurance to the piano upon arrival, and the insurer requires this number in order to do so. Lori tells me I must contact their admin@ email address, as she does not have access to this information.
NOW I am growing suspicious, angry, and honestly quite bummed out.
I ask Lori if I can make payment through PayPal, Apple Pay or Amazon Pay so I have assurance on my end for delivery.
Lori replies saying the only forms of payment they accept are Zelle, CashApp, Money Orders, or Amazon or Steam gift cards.
This is where I was 100% certain this was a scam. Most of you will probably not understand how I could be deceived this far along, and I'd be on your side there. I'm probably too trusting in people, gullible, uneducated, or a combination of the three.
At this point I don't know the origin of these scammers, but I've watched enough Kitboga and Jim Browning on YouTube to begin raising suspicion after I was asked for GIFT CARDS as a form of payment. Both of these accounts track and identify scammers through various methods, and if you like justice porn for those who take advantage of others, I'd highly recommend both channels.
I was mostly just angry and sad at this point and trying my best to persuade myself that this was still real. I called every phone number on and even what appeared to be an identical site called (singular). I finally get through on one of the lines on the second web page to a gentleman who sounded frustrated and with an accent that to my ear sounded Indian. I lied and told him I was looking to move from Nevada to California; a small studio with some furniture. I remained very polite, but vague and slow to respond to his information inquiries. His frustration seemed unusually short tempered for the simple questions I asked him. The phone call lasted for less than 5 minutes and he hung up on me without saying anything. It's possible they recognized my phone number I entered on the instant messaging session I had with Lori on their company site from earlier and killed the line, but who knows).
I then tried calling the phone number Dr. Mary Jones left me as a last resort, and I was redirected to Google Voice, and realized I was in fact deceived.
I'm glad I lost nothing but time in this exchange, but hope this can keep others from being deceived as I was, and not losing more.
I feel like an idiot, but honestly, I'm really just bummed that I wasn't able to finally get a piano.
edit: formatting
edit2 02/02/21: To date 5 people have confirmed nearly falling victim to this same scam after I made this post. We know how much of a bummer it is feeling taken advantage of, but know you’re not alone.

tl;dr - Avoid and at all costs, both are shell companies really operating as scam operations.
submitted by Deeeeeeevin to piano [link] [comments]

Frequently Asked Questions - An Updated Guide

As this community is growing, the mods have asked for an updated FAQ thread. This is my humble offering!
New Items, Regional Differences, and Angelling
New items and colours usually drop sometime in the early afternoon (EST) on Tuesdays. Around the holiday season, we will sometimes do double drops – i.e. two new drops of items a week.
Items offered will vary by region for a variety of reasons. Sometimes items offered on other continents will not make it to your country. Australia/NZ run opposite to North America seasonally, so there have been items that they receive that North America doesn’t (e.g. grey sage align tanks.) Asia usually gets more nulux items than North America for the heat, and North America gets more sweatelayering options than Asia. If there’s an item that you love that is not available in your region, you can order it from an “angel,” who is someone living in that region that is willing to buy that item for you. That being said, this option is usually much more expensive, since lululemon is priced very high in Asia, and once you factor in shipping fees and a tip (for their time, gas, etc.) you could potentially be paying double what it would cost in your region.
Discounts and Price Adjustments
We offer discounts to specific groups of guests, notably Sweat Collective, military/veterans, first responders, and healthcare workers. You’d be eligible for Sweat Collective membership if you’re a “leader in sweat in your community,” which in practice means if you’re a fitness instructor, athlete (non-NCAA,) or personal trainer. These discounts are for your personal use only – i.e. you cannot buy items on your discount for other people. Lululemon keeps track of sizes of clothing bought, and if the items bought range in size dramatically, or if you’re buying a volume that raises flags, they can and will flag your account and take away the discount. The only exception to this is military spouses.
Most of these discounts are offered in store only, with the exception of Sweat Collective. Official policy is that we are not supposed to do price adjustments for something you bought online, but the degree of enforcement varies depending on the store. There are virtual shopping appointments available, where you book a 15 minute zoom/google call, and you show your badge/work ID to the online educator who will then put through your order with the discount.
You can also price adjust through the GEC if your item goes on markdown, and it is in stock in your size and colour, as long as it is within 30 days of your initial purchase. In-store price adjustments are capped at 7 days, though the degree of enforcement will vary depending on your store/region. Stores can also unilaterally mark down items for a variety of reasons – for example, they only have one unit and it throws off the look of their display; the item is not selling well in that region for whatever reason (e.g. a sweater in Texas that is still full price online.) GEC is NOT obliged to price adjust in those circumstances. You can instead, do a send sale from that store (discussed below.)
Lululemon usually does not offer sales, with the exception being International Women’s Day (a flat percentage off, usually somewhere between 10%-20% off) or via a Strava challenge. Otherwise, there will be new items marked down on Thursday mornings, usually between 7-8am EST.
The biggest “sale” event of the year is usually Black Friday and Boxing Day, where there are a greater number of items marked down, and usually marked down to a lower price.
There are also lululemon outlets, which stock ONLY items that are on sale (WMTM.) They usually do some sort of deal – e.g. $59 for all leggings, $19 for all sports bras, etc.
Everything bought on WMTM/on sale is final sale in North America. EU/UK are subject to different consumer protection laws that allow them to return items bought on sale.
Restocks, Send Sales, Finding Items in Your Country
You have an item that you want to buy but it’s out of stock! What are your options?
A send sale is where you find a store in your country that has the item in stock in the size and colour that you want. You can call the store, and they will ring through the purchase and mail the item to you. However, note that a send sale requires the use of a till, so if you call at busy times, the store might a) not be able to answer the phone, and b) not be able to use a till if there is a big line up.
To find the specific item that you are looking for, you can head to the product page, select the size and colour, and then press "check store inventory." That will pull up a list of store within 50km that stock the item. On the app, you can input the function to be the entire country, which should then pull up the list of stores in the entire country that have the item. However, beware if it says that there is only one is stock! Our inventory levels are live, and can be inaccurate if someone is buying it in that store at that moment, or if it wasn't tapped correctly when it was sold so the system thinks it's still in stock.
Finding item names, sizes, and colours
You found a preloved item and you love it! But you have no idea what it’s called or the sizing of it.
Your first step, if the rip tag is gone/faded, is to look for a size dot. It will usually be in a pocket of leggings/hoodies. It’s a tiny white dot with the size of the item in the middle, and will usually have a string of numbers and letters around it. Very old items will not have the dot, or will have the dot with only the size on it. You can input a 6-lettedigit code into lulufanatics to find the specific item, starting with either a “W” or a “M.” This is a fantastic post on on how to read size dots.
However, the size dot does not tell you everything! Some items don’t have size dots – the tees and swiftlies, for example. But the swiftly line will have the size sewn in contrasting thread on the inside of the hem, near the side seams. The size dot also will not tell you what colour it is. However, items manufactured after 2016 have a manufacture date on it, in the format of MM/YY. Lulufanatics will have the release date of colours in items, and the manufacture date is usually anywhere from 3-8 months earlier than the release date. You can use process of elimination to narrow it down, or rely on some lovely posts that some users have shared of their size dots and colours.
Quality Promise, hems, and repairs
Lululemon is expensive, so we want to make sure that the item you bought is performing well. If it isn’t, we will swap it out. That being said, this is not a blanket promise, and lululemon has been being stricter with this because of TikTok videos that claim you can thrift old leggings and swap them out for new ones. This is not the case. We are trained to look at the size dot of items, and if it’s older than two years, we will not swap it out 99% of the time. It will also depend on the type of item being brought it. Aligns are delicate, and made for yoga and casual lounging – if there is pilling, but you’ve already had the leggings for over ~18 months, we usually will not quality promise them. In short, quality promise is meant as a warranty for items that are less than ~2 years old. Features that will count as a quality promise problem include seam unravelling, excessive colour fade, or the item splitting at the seams. Everything else will depend on your situation.
Lululemon offers complimentary hemming, so you can shorten your leggings or crop your shirts free of charge. Most stores will also offer some sort of seam reinforcement, zipper repair (non-sealed,) or hole fixes (usually along the seam.)The specific type of service offered will vary store by store, because some stores will have their own in-house seamstress, while others will outsource to a third party. Please call ahead and ask your local store what they offer in terms of hems and repairs.
Sizing questions
If it exists, there’s probably a review on this subreddit. You can pop into the search bar, and look up your item name and “size” or “sizing,” and something will probably pop up. Otherwise, a good place to start would be the official lululemon size chart.
submitted by starsinblack to lululemon [link] [comments]

help me and tell me im not alone... i feel so extremely isolated (how do you keep any optimism alive?

EDIT: I cannot thank all of you enough (but i will try to respond to everyone). toddlers and newparents have always been there for me and my wife. being parents is so fucking hard. you care more about than anything youve ever cared about and you constantly (or most often at least) feel bad at it. Every phase you get thru is replaced by another phase a month (if your lucky) ... you add that to a pandemic the country hasnt seen the likes of in 100 years. and then the election year and the trauma from the madness that happened only mere DAYS ago... this shit is so hard. its very hard for people WITHOUT kids. and im sure its very hard for parents of teenagers.... but my god! toddlers! lol
i just want to say thank you. in a time where its very very very very easy to get disillusioned and defeated and question/criticize your friends' response to the pandemic thus separating you from your much needed social sanity safety net and at the same time be fearful of your neighbors who may have had an anti-democratic Trump cult flag waving in the wind for 6 years... and then maybe you STILL see it up (im in texas) ...... shits scary. wherever its coming from. its been terrifying to be a parent since forever.
im just trying to say that this is a great example of how online forums can be used for the positive. and i needed that. not just as the OP , but as an American. i was hoping id be eased as a parent to a toddler during quarantine, but i didnt know that i would be made, maybe if only by a little, more optimistic about the American virtual community.
life is insane right now. but these subs have helped us out so much. Thank you for reading a thank you thats longer than my TLDR that was probably already TL to begin with...and if you make it thru the actual post- thanks again.
lets keep fighting the right fight knowing we're not alone.
*special shout out to stay at home moms and stay at home moms who are pregnant during all this. not for anything long an ranty, but just general badassery and ya'll deserve shout outs wherever shout outs can be shouted out. i was raised by two fucking amazing women and still get my guidance from them and my wife as well.
TLDR: my wife and i are losing our fucking minds from already 10 months of actually following CDC recommendations. no preschool. no family anymore. no playgrounds. fuses are so short and were just defeated as hell ESPECIALLY since wednesday. we feel very isolated. no one we know only has one kid. so even if theyre isolating they know that their child is interacting with other children. Idk how were supposed to keep on keeping on for another potential year before a vaccine for kids 0-16 will probably be made available. I feel alone. and it makes it so much worse. so tired of seeing families doing things that are 100% dangerous and not what were supposed to be doing. are we all just not giving a fuck anymore? and its worth the risk to blindly hope that you or your spouse or your child just happen to hopefully not be the people that get sick and die? How can you rationalize this? We feel like were the crazy ones just because we are very careful. (also- i 100% see the privilege of being able to both be home M-F, but i will say that we also 100% made the choice to be in a financially challenging position and decided the benefits outweighed the cost . my wife is a social worker and i make less than grocery store workers. (sorry- so fucking tired of people saying "oooooh- i wish i could do what you do".... you can! quit your job, dont take trips, sell plasma, and dont have any savings! lol))
just really need someone to say were not crazy.

thank you

my wife and i, together and individually, are losing our fucking minds from this quarantine life. my wife has worked from home since mid March and has been told she will continue to be doing that until July.
ive been a full time stay at home dad since my son (he'll be 4 in march) was born. So i dont have to go into work and my son hasnt ever done preschool. So we didnt have to alter anything other than not eating at restaurants or play on playgrounds etc. My son doesnt mind a mask too much but i live in dallas texas and people are so fucking stupid and selfish here that id say less than 1% of kids i see at any random park have masks on. anyway...
so yeah. weve lived this life for nearly 10 months (the last time my son played on the playground with other kids was on 3/14... his birthday.)
we occasionally saw my wife's sister-in-law/brother's family. the mom was working from home and the dad had been furloughed. and they were as careful as we were. so we had a little pod and that was great.
but he got a job and they had to get a nanny we couldnt risk it
so my son hasnt interacted in person with another child in three months
we saw my wife's parents every once in a while as they were staying isolated and safe as well. but we changed that when they stopped being safe.
needless to say were very discouraged to continue seeing other people in our instas or in real life here in dallas idiot-ville texas... its extremely frustrating and gaslighting. like were the crazy people that are merely listening to the CDC. were not in a fucking bunker... we just dont do the shit thats u deniably unsafe and 100% correlates with increased spread of COVID (i.e. when bars and restaurants opened back up)
now... ive managed to fight, almost weekly it seems, back to a level of optimism. for reality in general.
for a while the cowboys were at least entertaining. my fantasy team was doing well. and i liked my weekend job ( i work at the zoo. being outside doing manual labor kinda stuff and not around people) .... but then i got hurt and cant do those specific tasks anymore. super defeating. i looked forward to sat and sunday so much. as my SAHP know you NEEEEEED to get away from your family for mental survival. but now its a drag to go in. (but still very thankful to employed)
here comes November and the great Orange piece of shit is defeated so we get a sigh of relief. some real optimism. but then, NOPE! we get to deal with his lies and see the numbers of his anti-democratic sedition cult grow in their volume for another 2 months. leading to the terrible terrible day last week. That broke me. it fucking broke my spirit. (even tho they called georgina and the two underdog Dems won!!!! short lived- if at all, joy)
but then i remembered the vaccine! oh yeah, something to hope in, look forward to. i qualify for the 1b phase.... but then i read more (like a dummy! Why try and understand things that you dont know!? gawd! lol) and saw that doctors dont know yet (cuz of lack of data as people are just now getting the vaccine) if you can still be a carrier and transmit the virus even tho you wont be affected by it once you have the vaccine. i was thinking once i got one i would be less anxious cuz i would be less likely to be the one that could transfer it to my family (im the only one who goes into work... grabs groceries, errands etc. ) But "scientists dont know yet" isnt good enough to feel that kind of security. and that really bummed me out. was thinking her parents could come around now with no worries (they get their second dose in 2 weeks) or once my parents got theirs they could see our son (its been almost a year.)
and then hoped that when my wife and i got one we could finally go get a drink somewhere while my sons vaccinated grandparents watched him. nope! those things will still be unsafe until we know more.
then i start reading about when my son would potentially get a vaccine and they think it'll be the end of 2021... another year from now essentially. til we can feel safe? i mean i know the effectiveness of these vaccines arent 100% either... but its better than saying fuck it and just doing whatever you want.
so i really do think were looking at almost a year til i can feel actually safe and almost positive my wife, myself, nor my child will get covid and not be that family where one of us dies (ive had lung stuff before and am technically obese with a BMI over 30. i see stats every other day showing someone in their 30s-40s dying in Dallas county. with preexisting conditions AND NO preexisting conditions...its possible and its just up to random chance! its not a lot, but people who are 32 get it and can die. it happens everyday. its not a lot, but young kids get it and have serious reactions to it and some lifelong complications... it happens. its just random. so we have to be diligent. i know death is technically all around us... but youre not gonna catch a heart attack at the bar. or catch a car crash at the movies. or catch cancer at a fucking jimmy johns. but you can catch COVID at these places and doing these things)
ALLLLLLLL of that is to say... this thinking makes me feel crazy even tho i know its logical and safe and recommended by scientists (hence the hot-button word "gaslighted" from above lol)
I worry what this is gonna do to my kid. hes so fucking smart and we already know he could skip Kindergarten (not a brag lol literally the main reason and benefit of stay at home care vs preschool is more one on one stuff so it usually translates into a faster grasp of he just generally enjoys learning... prolly from his nerdy ass parents lol) but he needs social interaction with kids his own height. and age. and not just be stuck around adults who cant help but talk politics all day as the country melts into what it is right now (dont worry we balance it out with lots and lots of silliness)right? that cant be good. it seems so sad. but honestly- he seems pretty ok with it in general. we'll go to the park and he'll scooter a path and we go by the playground and he may say something THEN about wishing he could play but doesnt break down (me on the other hand, just cries and moves on...its so fucking sad) and at home hes pretty content to just do what weve been doing for 10 months.
but another 10-12 months of this!? how the fuck are we supposed to get thru that? My son's gotta live his 3rd AND 4th year away from kids? its so heartbreaking. but thats what is recommended. and the CDC recommends that even people with vaccines wear masks,social distance, stay home etc. so why would it change until everyone including my lil dude gets vaccinated? So i feel like thats an accurate projection.
it was a heavy thing to realize today. after a week of very heavy realizations about the country and where were at.
reddit parents! its up to you! in true reddit fashion you can either make me feel foolish and wrong, or be used for good and a virtual community and just let me know.... am i alone in this shit. cuz in our life we are alone.
thank u if you read this.
felt a lil better just writing it ( and not SAYING to for the 100th time to my wife.... oh yeah! thats been fun too. who else have just had a BLASSSSSSSSSSST being stuck all damn day with your truly beloved? lol)
submitted by poptartheart to toddlers [link] [comments]

Bank account bonuses expiring at the end of this month / year - December 2020 (BIG LIST)

Big list this month given the end of a year is a nice round deadline. Let me know if any expired early or if we missed any.
Source: Note - I trimmed some descriptions to fit the max char. count
[IN] Advance Financial Federal Credit Union Checking with Direct Deposit ($160) - Open a new checking account to get a $50 bonus. Register for and use online bill pay to get an additional $50. Sign up for direct deposit to earn $50. Sign up for eStatements and like the credit union's Facebook page for a final $10 bonus. Total bonus potential of $160. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[TX] A+ Federal Credit Union Cash-Back Checking/Membership Savings ($50) - Use promo code 2020COM50: Receive a $10 bonus after opening your Membership Savings account. Receive a $40 bonus when you receive $800 or more in direct deposits each month within 60 days. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[Nationwide] American Airlines CU Checking ($100). - All active or retired airline employees and their family members can open a new checking account and earn $25 for each of the following activities within 60 days of account opening: complete $25+ in debit card spending, receive $250+ in direct deposits in the first two months, enroll in eStatements, and download the American Airline Credit Union mobile app. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[AZ] Arizona Central Credit Union Checking ($200). Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[Nationwide] Bank of America Advantage Checking ($100). - Use promo code PSR100CIS: set up two $250 direct deposits within the first 3 months to get a $100 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[Nationwide] Bank of America Checking *TARGETED* ($300). - Set up $4,000 in cumulative direct deposits within the first 3 months to get a $300 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020 t33004k
[ME, NH, VT] Bar Harbor Bank & Trust Simple Checking ($100) - Request the coupon by filling out the form and click on ‘Email Me My Coupon’. Bring the coupon into a branch and open a new Simple Checking account. Complete a $250+ direct deposit by February 28, 2021 to earn a $100 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[ID, OR, WA] BECU Checking and Savings ($200) (Seahawks Teammates) - Open a checking and savings accounts using promo code TEAMMATES200 during application. Within 60 days, complete 10 debit card transactions to earn a $200 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IL] Beverly Bank Total Access Checking ($300). - Beverly Bank subsidiary: open account with $100, enroll in ebanking and estatements, and complete 2 monthly direct deposits of at least $500. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[OH] BMI FCU Free Checking ($150). - Enter promo code CHECK20 when applying online or in person. Sign up for eStatements and make 30 debit card transactions over $5 to get a $150 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MO, OK] Central Bank Checking ($150, $250) - Open a checking account using promo code C150CM20 / C250CM20 and a $50 opening deposit. Within 90 days, complete 2 or more direct deposits for a $150 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[Nationwide] Chime Bank Referral Promotion ($75) – Get a $75 bonus when you have one direct deposit of at least $200 within 45 days of account opening. Exp Dec. 31, 2020 [Ask a friend for link]
[CA, IL] Citizens Equity First CU Checking ($125, $175) - Req's vary by bonus typeExp Dec. 31, 2020 $125 - $175 -
[PA] Clearview FCU Basic or Absolute Checking ($300, $400, $500) – DD and Savings requirements vary by bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IA] Collins Community CU Advantage Checking ($100) - Open a checking account with $50. Set up direct deposit within 60 days to receive a $100 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[KS, OK] Communication Federal Credit Union Paycom ($100). - Use promo code PAYCOM, and within 90 days enroll in eStatements, receive direct deposits totally $1,500, and make fifteen debit card purchases of at least $5 to get a $100 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[KS, MO] CommunityAmerica CU Chiefs Checking ($150) - Open a Chiefs Checking checking account. Within 45 days: provide your email address, enroll in eStatements, and set up a direct deposit of at least $250 to earn a $150 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[FL] Community First Credit Union Free Checking ($100) (UNF) - Students, faculty or staff of University of North Florida are eligible to earn a $100 bonus. All you need to do is open a free checking account, which requires a $25 opening deposit and $5 to become a member. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[FL, select counties] Community First CU Checking ($210) - Use promo code "CHK2020": set up a new debit card in the Save My Change Program to get a $25 bonus, set up a monthly direct deposit within the first month to get a $125 bonus, refer friends and family to get a $25 bonus, let the CU try to save you money on an auto loan or credit card to get a $25 bonus, and set up 2 automatic bill payments within the first month to get a $10 Amazon gift card. Total potential bonus of $210. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[KS] Credit Union of America Core Checking ($300) (Educators) - Open a Core checking account to earn a $100 Amazon gift card. Within 90 days complete a direct deposit of $500 or more to earn a $200 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MA, RI] Dedham Savings Bank Checking w Billpay ($250). - Set up 2 direct deposits amounting to $1,000 and complete 2 online bill payments both within the first 2 months to get a $250 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[DC] Department of Labor FCU Checking (Up to $200). - Set up a $500 direct deposit within the first month (45 days) to get a $100 bonus. Complete 10 debit card purchases within the first 2 months to get an additional $100 bonus. Total potential bonus of $200. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[PA] Dollar Bank Everything Checking ($400). -Open an Everything checking account and receive a $100 reward after making $1,000 or more in direct deposits within 90 days. Receive an additional $100 after receiving $5,000 in direct deposits within 90 days of account opening. Finally, receive $100 within 2 months of the 1-year anniversary of your account opening. Exp Dec. 31, 2020$400-Checking-pa
[VA] Dollar Bank Great Checking ($400). - Open a Great checking account and receive $5,000 or more in direct deposits within 90 days to receive a $300 bonus. Keep account open for 1 year to receive an additional $100 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IN] Dyer Bank Statement Savings ($200) -Open a Statement Savings account. Maintain a $15,000 balance for the 3 consecutive calendar months following the calendar month your new account is opened to earn a $200 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IN] Dyer Bank Total Access Checking ($300) - Open account with $100, enroll in ebanking and estatements, and complete monthly direct deposits of $500 or more for two consecutive months. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IL] Elgin State Bank Cubs Checking ($300). - Elgin State Bank subsidiary: open account with $100, enroll in ebanking and estatements, and complete 2 monthly direct deposits of at least $500. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[CO] ENT Credit Union Checking ($200). -Open a new checking account at the Twenty Mile Service Center or Cottonwood Service Center using promo code PARKER. Activate your debit card and make a deposit of $100 or more to receive a $200 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[CO] ENT Credit Union Checking ($200) [Available for all locations] - Open a new checking account, activate your debit card and make a deposit of $100 or more to receive a $200 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MI, NC, OH, TN, WV] Fifth Third Bank Checking ($250) - Open a checking account after requesting your bonus promo code using the offer link below. Within 60 days, complete direct deposits totaling $1,000 or more for a $250 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MN] Firefly Credit Union Checking ($250). - Use promo code GET250 and open a free checking account. Within 60 days, receive 2 or more direct deposits totaling at least $2,000 and complete 20 debit card purchases totaling at least $300 to receive a $250 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[WA] First Financial Northwest Bank ($300) (Pierce County) - Visit one of the 2 First Financial Northwest Bank locations in Pierce county. Open a First Checking account, Enhanced Savings account, Premium Money Market account, and a CD to earn a $300 bonus. Enhanced Savings account requires a linked checking account that receives $250 in direct deposit or more each month. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[FL] First Home Bank Checking ($250) (Crunch Fitness Members) -Have an active Crunch Fitness membership and set up a monthly direct deposit to get a $250 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IL, IN, OH] First Merchants Advantage Checking ($100, $200, $400). – DD and debit card req’s vary. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[NM] First National 1870 Checking ($200) - Open a new personal checking account (Convenience, Spend & Sign & Save, Elite, Superb, Premier). Complete $500 in ACH credits or debits and complete 20 debit card purchases within the first month to get a $200 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IA, NE] First Nebraska Credit Union Checking ($25, $75). -Set up a direct deposit, complete 10 debit card purchases, and enroll in estatements within the first 2 months to get a combined $75 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020 /
[IL] First Northern Credit Union Checking/Savings ($210) - Open a checking and savings account using promo code BD2020. To earn the $210 bonus, you must direct deposit $250 bi-weekly into the checking account and $100 bi-weekly into the savings account. Each successful checking direct deposit will earn you a $25 bonus (maximum 6 within 90 days of account opening) and each savings direct deposit will earn you a $10 bonus (maximum 6 within 90 days of account opening). Total bonus of $210. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[NY] Five Star Bank Checking ($150, $250 for Premier account) - Open an account and set up direct deposit 60 days from the last day of the month the account was opened to get a $250 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MN] Great River FCU Checking ($100) -Use promo code "St. Cloud Rox" and open a checking account. Within 60 days, complete one of the following: Set up direct deposit OR complete 5 debit card purchases to receive a $100 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[AL, FL, LA, MO, TX] Hancock Whitney Bank Access Checking ($100) -Enter your email address on the form, and receive a promo code. Bring the promo code to your nearest financial center. Set up and receive a qualifying monthly direct deposit of at least $250 within 90 days to receive a $100 bonus. $20 service charge if account is closed within the 180 days. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[AL, FL, LA, MO, TX] Hancock Whitney Bank Priority Checking ($300) -Use the link to get unique promo code. by 12/31/2020. By 2/28/2021, set up and receive a qualifying monthly direct deposit of at least $250 per deposit to earn a $300 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IA, MN] Home Federal Savings Bank Checking ($250). - Set up a $500 direct deposit within the first 2 months to get a $150 bonus. Register debit card with CardValet app to get a $50 bonus. Complete 15 debit card purchases via mobile wallet within the first 45 days to get a $50 bonus. Total potential bonus of $250. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MI] Honor CU Kalamazoo Checking ($250) -Open a new Honor Benefits or Connect checking account with $25 minimum deposit. Add a direct deposit totaling at least $100 per month within 60 days of opening your new account. Bonus amount of $250 will be paid within 30 days of direct deposit requirement. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IL] Hyde Park Bank White Sox Checking ($300). – Wintrust Bank subsidiary: Open account with $100, enroll in online banking, activate e-statements and have direct deposits totaling $500 each month for 2 consecutive calendar months after the calendar month your new account was opened. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[Nationwide] Incredible Bank Chill Checking (1-Year Netflix Subscription, $203.40 Value) - College students are eligible to have their Netflix subscription reimbursed when they open a Chill Checking account. To be eligible for your Netflix subscription reimbursement, you must be 18+ and present a valid college student ID, have your Netflix subscription charged to your debit card, and make at least 5 debit card purchases each month. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MO] Jefferson Bank Checking ($150) – Use promo code C150CM20 and open one of the following eligible accounts: MyChoice Checking, MaxMoney Checking, Free Checking, Preferred Interest Checking, or World Checking. Within 90 days complete 2 direct deposits to earn a $150 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MO] Jefferson Bank Checking ($250) - Use promo code C250CA20 and open one of the following eligible accounts: MyChoice Checking, MaxMoney Checking, Free Checking, Preferred Interest Checking, or World Checking. Within 90 days complete 2 direct deposits that total $500 or more to earn a $250 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[NY] Jovia Financial CU Go Green Checking ($150) - Open a Go Green Checking account with a $100 opening deposit. Within 60 days, complete a direct deposit of $100 or more to earn a $150 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[CA] LBS Financial Credit Union Checking ($100) - Open a checking account using promo code Marina2020. Within 60 days, set up a $100 direct deposit to earn a $100 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[CT, MA, RI] Liberty Bank Student Checking ($100). - Complete 5 debit card purchases within the first 2 months to get a $100 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IA] Linn Area CU Free Checking ($50). - Use promo code "50FORME": enroll in online banking and estatements to get a $50 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IA] Linn Area CU Free Checking w Direct Deposit ($50). - Use promo code "50FORME": set up direct deposit to get a $50 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MD] LM Federal Credit Union RegulaInterest Checking ($100) - Open a regular or interest checking account. Within 45 days, complete 5 debit card transactions. Within 30 days, complete a direct deposit of $500 or more to earn a $100 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MO] Members First Credit Union Checking ($100) - Open a checking account and receive a $100 bonus after signing up for direct deposit, eStatements, and a debit card. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MI] Michigan Schools & Government CU Checking ($200) - Open a Regular or Fresh Start checking account with $25. Within 60 days, sign up for eStatements and receive a direct deposit of $100 or more to earn a $200 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[AZ] Midfirst Bank Checking ($150) - Open a new checking account and complete two of the following three activities within 90 days to earn a $150 bonus: Set up a $250 minimum direct deposit, complete 10 debit card purchases, and complete three Zelle® transactions on the MidFirst Bank Mobile Banking App Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[AZ] MidFirst Bank Checking ($250) - Open a new checking account and complete two of the following three activities within 90 days to earn a $300 bonus: Set up a $250 minimum direct deposit, complete 10 debit card purchases, and complete three Zelle® transactions on the MidFirst Bank Mobile Banking App Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[NY] Mid-Hudson Valley FCU Checking ($200) - Use promo code GETAPPLE200 when opening a new account. Set up direct deposit of $500 or more within 60 days of opening account for a $200 cash bonus. Choose FREE CHECKING account for no fees. Exp Dec. 31, 2020$200-checking-offer
[CO, FL, MN, WI] MidWestOne Bank Power Checking ($225) - Power Checking account must be opened online using or redeemed in-person by presenting offer code at time of account opening. You will receive the $225 deposit into your Power Checking account within 15 business days once you have qualified for Power Checking rewards in one of the first three Power Checking statement cycles after account opening. Power Checking Qualifications: Have at least one direct deposit, automatic debit from a third party, or Online Bill Pay post and clear. Receive electronic statements. Have at least 15 Debit Card purchases post and clear. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[WI] Monona Bank True Checking ($300) - Open a True Checking account with $100. Sign up for two of the following services: online/mobile banking, debit or credit card, bill pay, or other options. Set up direct deposit and complete 5+ transactions a month and your bonus will be deposited to your account within 90 days after you complete these steps. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IL] Old Second Bank Checking and Money Builder Savings ($200) - Use promo code EM2: get a debit card and enroll in estatements to get a $50 bonus. Earn a $100 bonus after completing two $500 direct deposits. Earn an additional $50 bonus when you meet both of the above requirements and open a Money Builder Savings account and deposit $5,000 within 90 days. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MI] Our Credit Union Premium Checking ($100) - Matching deposit up to $100 for new Premium Checking account. Have at least one debit card transaction per month over 60 days. Must sign up for eStatements and complete a monthly direct deposit of $500 or more for 2 months. Must mention ad for matching deposit when opening. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[CA] Paradise Valley FCU Checking ($150) - Open a checking account with a debit card and make 5 debit card purchases within 60 days to receive a $100 bonus. Additionally set up and make at least 1 recurring direct deposit to earn another $50. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[PA] Pennsylvania State Employees CU Checking ($150). - Use promo code "FS150": set up a monthly $300 direct deposit within the first 3 months to get a $150 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[NE, Beatrice locations] Pinnacle Bank Diamond Secure Account ($200) - Earn $50 for completing each of the following: open a NEW Diamond Secure Account, make two direct deposits, make at least 20 debit card purchases, open a NEW PinnSavings Account. Total bonus amount of $200 if you complete all four. Must be opened at on of the Beatrice Locations. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[Nationwide] PNC Virtual Wallet ($50, $200, $400)- Within sixty days of account opening, make cumulative direct deposits of at least $500 / $2,000 / $5,000 to get the bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[FL, mainly Southern FL] Power Financial CU Checking ($100) - Set up direct deposit OR have an initial deposit of $500 to get a $100 bonus. Membership with the credit union required, as well as keeping the account open for 90 days. Must open a savings account as well. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IN] Purdue FCU Checking ($150) - Open a new checking account at the Crown Point branch or online with a Lake or Porter County zip code. Sign up for a debit card and eStatements. Make 10 member initiated transactions. Finally, make 2 direct deposits of $500 or more each within 90 days of account opening to receive a $150 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[WI] PyraMax Bank Checking ($125) - Open new Personal Checking account with promo code 125FREE and receive a $125 bonus after making a direct deposit of $250 or more a month for the first 3 months after the account is opened. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MA] Reading Cooperative Bank - Earn a $50 cash bonus when you open a personal checking account with $10 deposit and set up direct deposit. Earn another $50 cash bonus with you set up online bill pay. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[FL, IN, KY, TN] Republic Bank Checking ($100, $200). - Use promo code LX1/LX2: set up a $100 direct deposit within the first 3 months to get a $100 bonus. Complete 50 debit card purchases to get an additional $100 bonus within the first 3 months. Total potential bonus of $200. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MA] Rockland Trust Bank Checking ($250) (Worcester Branch) - Visit the Rockland Trust Bank location in Worcester, Massachusetts and open a personal checking account. Within 90 days, have at least 4 deposits totaling $2,000 or more. These deposits do not have to be direct deposits. The bonus will be paid directly to your account by April 30, 2021. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[CA] SAFE Credit Union Checking ($150, $250, $400) - Open a Perfect Cents checking or Prestige checking account with $25. Make 30 debit card purchases within the first 90 days to earn a $150 bonus. Make three direct deposits of $1,000 each or more in the first 120 days to earn a $250 bonus. Total bonus potential of $400. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[CT, DE, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI] Santander Bank Simply Right Checking ($225) - Enter email and name to get unique promo code: set up a cumulative $1,000 direct deposit within the first 3 months to get a $225 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[FL] Seacoast Bank Premium Checking/Savings ($150, $250, $400) - Open a Premium Checking account with $50 and a Savings Account using offer code DM400. To earn the $250 checking bonus, complete a direct deposit of $500 or more within 60 days of account opening. To earn the $150 savings account bonus, deposit a total of $15,000 or more within 10 business days of account opening and maintain said balance for 90 days. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[WA] Sound Credit Union IRA Transfer Bonus ($100) - Transfer an IRA or roll over a 401k with a minimum balance of $25,000 to a new IRA with CUSO Financial Services within 45 days and get a $100 Visa gift card. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[WA] Sound Credit Union Sound Checking ($150) - Open a Sound Checking account. Within 90 days, receive at least one direct deposit of $500 or more to earn a $150 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MN, WI] Spire Credit Union Free Checking ($100) - Open a Spire Free Checking account with an opening deposit of $100 or more. Set up an automatic payment or direct deposit and complete 6 debit card transactions within 60 days to receive a $100 bonus. Account must remain open for six months. $100 bonus will be deposited to the checking account upon account opening. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[NY, OH, PA] S&T Bank Checking ($350) - Open a Preferred, Select, or Four Star checking account online to receive a $50 bonus. Sign up for online statements, deposit $500 to the account within 10 days, and make ten $10 qualifying debit card transactions to receive a $100 bonus. All accounts must maintain a $500 balance for the entirety of the bonus process to be eligible for any rewards. Finally, receive a $200 bonus for keeping the account active for 6 months. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[AZ, CO, KS, MO, NM, TX] Sunflower Bank Checking ($200) - Open a new personal checking account. Complete 20 debit card purchases AND have ACH credits or debits totaling $500 or more that all post to the account on or before 1/31/21. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[Tom Green County, TX] Texas Trust CU Checking ($150) - Use promo code 8009: set up one $500 direct deposit OR make 10 debit card transactions totaling $100 within a 35 day period within 90 days after account opening. Your account must remain open with a positive balance. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MN, WI] Thrivent Federal Credit Union Rewards Checking ($200) - Open a Rewards Checking account using promo code 2020CHECKING and within 90 days complete the following activities: sign up for online banking, enroll in eStatements, make 20 debit card purchases. Direct deposit a minimum of $500 total to receive $100, direct deposit a minimum of $2,500 total to receive an additional $100. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MD] Tower Federal Credit Union Prime Share ($100) - Establish a membership with Tower FCU using promo code 100GPS20 and $100 will be deposited to your Prime Share account. Minimum balance to open is $5. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[WI] Town Bank Statement Savings ($200, $300) – Varies by account type. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[ND] Town & Country CU Star Rewards Checking ($100). - Set up a $250 direct deposit within the first month to get a $100 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[AZ] Vantage West CU Premium Rewards Checking ($200) - $100 bonus + 10,000 Rewards Points (a $100 cash value) for new Members who open a Vantage West Premium Rewards checking account, set up a $500 Direct Deposit within 60 days, and use their debit card once. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[WI] Waukesha State Bank Checking ($100) - Open a checking account using promo code DDA100GEO20 and deposit at least $100 to receive a $100 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[CT, MA, NY, RI] Webster Bank Checking ($250 + $250 Donation) - Use the link to the offer below and open a WebsterOne Relationship Checking account. Within 90 days, complete a direct deposit of $500 or more OR complete 20 debit card transactions to receive a $250 bonus. Webster Bank will also donate $250 to the Hartford HealthCARES Colleague Assistance Fund. Use promo code $250WEBONE-HHC-HEROES Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[CA] Wescom CU Checking ($250) - Open a Wescom Checking Account with a $100 deposit and maintain this balance for your first full calendar month after opening to earn a $100 bonus. Use your debit card at least twice a month for two consecutive months to earn $50. Finally, make a qualifying direct deposit of $500 or more for two consecutive months and get $100. Exp Dec. 31, 2020 &utm_medium=socialads-500offer&utm_campaign=Grail
[OH] Westfield Bank Dream Big Checking with Savings ($100) - With $250, set up a monthly recurring direct deposit for a $100 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IL] Wheaton Bank & Trust Total Access Checking ($300). - Wheaton Bank & Trust subsidiary: open account with $100, enroll in ebanking and estatements, and complete 2 monthly direct deposits of at least $500. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MN] Wings Financial CU Checking ($300) - Set up a $300 direct deposit, complete 5 debit card purchases of $5 or more, and enroll in estatements within the first 2 months to get a $300 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IL] Wintrust Bank Northwestern Wildcats Checking ($300) - Open a Wildcats Checking account with $100. Have monthly occurring direct deposits totaling $500 or more for 2 consecutive calendar months after your account was opened and enroll in online banking and active e-statements to get a $300 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[FL, IL] Wintrust Bank Bonuses ($200, $300)- Checking and savings bonuses, varies by account type and amount. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[CA] Yolo Federal Credit Union Checking ($150) - Open a Simply or Student Checking account. Within 45 days, enroll in eStatements, make 5 or more purchases of $10 or more with your debit/credit card. Complete one of the following: have ACH or direct deposits totaling $500 or more, OR establish an aggregate loan relationship of $5,000 or more to earn a $150 bonus. Exp Dec. 31, 2020
(leaving out descriptions because of character count)
[MS, NC, SC, TN, TX, VA] First Horizon Bank BizEssentials Savings ($150) Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[MS, NC, SC, TN, TX, VA] First Horizon Bank Business Checking & Savings ($300, $450) Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[Nationwide] HSBC Fusion Business Checking Bonuses ($200, $300, $400) Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[CT, MA, RI] Liberty Bank Business Checking ($100). Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IL] Old Plank Trail Bank Entrepreneur Checking ($300) Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[CT, DE, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI] Santander Bank Business Checking ($320) Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[IL] St. Charles Bank Entrepreneur Business Checking ($300) Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[AL, AR, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV, DC] SunTrust Business Checking ($200) Exp Dec. 31, 2020
[AZ] Vantage West CU Business Checking ($200) Exp Dec. 31, 2020
submitted by bankbonusphil to churning [link] [comments]

Daily COVID-19 Report for Clark County - Tuesday, Dec 29th

Clark County COVID-19 positives as of Tuesday, Dec 29th:
166,285, ⬆️967 from 165,318 (12/28)
16-day tracking estimates:
# COVID-19 in ICU:
# COVID-19 on ventilator:
# Staffed ICU beds inventory: 772 (12/28)
# Staffed inpatient beds inventory: 5162 (12/28) ⬆️2 from 5160 (12/27)
% Staffed beds occupied: 79% (12/28) ⬆️2 from 77% (12/27)
# Licensed inpatient beds inventory: 4686 (12/28)
% Licensed beds occupied: 87% (12/28) ⬆️2 from 85% (12/27)
# Ventilators available: 479 (12/28)
# Ventilators in use: 454 (12/28)
# Ventilators inventory: 933 (12/28)
SNHD reports 88.7% (147,496, ⬆️1829 from 145,667 (12/28)) of cases have recovered.
Total Hospitalized: 8216*, ⬆️74 from 8142 (12/28)
*Hospitalized excludes deaths
Total Deaths: 2309, ⬆️42 from 2267 (12/28)
(1526 with underlying medical conditions)
Not mutually exclusive conditions:
Positive Results Age Range Breakdown:
MIS-C Cases 29⬆️3
Hospitalized Age Range Breakdown:
Deaths Age Range Breakdown:
Test result average turnaround time is 24- to 48-hours with UMC/SNHD sites. CVS is averaging 2 to 3+ days. All testing sites are closed on 1/1/2021.
Expect holiday case report delay. "Daily case counts reflect newly reported cases and may represent cases that were tested in the preceding days, which could significantly impact the count on days when a relatively large number of laboratory reports arrive in one day." SNHD confirmed they are not counting COVID-19 antibody positives into their COVID-19 positive case counts.
Majority of information is pulled from Southern Nevada Health District's COVID-19 dashboard and historical reports.
Our positives are about 1600/day, our recovery rate has remains steady (80+% range), yet our hospitalizations are rising.
Nevada Hospital Association 12/28 report states: Hospitals remain near 74-80% capacity in both ward and intensive care occupancy. PPE and ventilator status remain good. Staffing remains a challenge in urban centers throughout the state. Review of the pediatric age demographic shows that Nevada has not experienced significant numbers of school-aged children hospitalized as a result of COVID-19. COVID-19 accounts for approximately 17-20% of daily emergency visits over the past 60 days.
Protect our vulnerable and continue to practice good hygiene habits, including wearing a mask to prevent asymptomatic spread as mandated by Governor Sisolak (onus is on businesses, which we want to keep open, but Metro will not enforce it; OSHA is responsible for mask enforcement by fining the business). To report a non-compliant business through the state, call (702) 486-9020 or (775) 688-3700.
Doctors are doing convalescent plasma therapy treatments and are seeking plasma donors to help those in need. One plasma donation can help five patients. Blood donors can get the antibodies testing done for free through Vitalant.
FDA states 144 trials of therapeutics are underway to treat COVID-19. 457 more are in planning stages. Remdesivir has been FDA approved as a COVID-19 treatment (10/22). Despite recent studies showing that Remdesivir do not help in preventing COVID-19 deaths. Dexamethaaone and Regeneron's antibody cocktail (REGEN-COV2) are FDA approved for emergency based use. Eli Lilly's antibody treatment, bamlanivimab, receives emergency FDA approval (11/9).
Nevada has been approved for the 24-hour test procedure. FDA has approved a 30-minute and a 5-minute testing procedures. UNLV provides the main COVID-19 testing services. The first at-home testing kit was FDA approved on 5/15.
If you live within a 1-mile range of the Wal-Mart on Craig Rd, you qualify for a drone-delivered test kit to your front or back door.
Some testing sites require an appointment; some may need to be scheduled by your primary care physician or another authorized provider.
Drive-thru testing at Texas Station reopened on 11/13. 8am to 4pm, Thursday thru Monday. No appointment needed, results in 24 to 48hrs by email and/or SNHD results website.
City Serve coordinates testing sites throughout the valley. Testing is only on Saturdays. Schedule a no-cost test here:
The antibodies test was approved by the FDA a month ago. UMC, E7 Health and local laboratories are able to conduct antibodies testing. Cost is normally $149+, but your insurance may reimburse you for the test. Check your coverage first. Vitalant/Universal Blood Services will do a free antibody test for any eligible donors.
UMC is able to process 4,000 tests per day. It is encouraged for anyone to be tested. Symptoms are no longer required. Appointment is preferred, walk-up testing is available.
UMC's testing sites are inside Stan Fulton Building and Cashman Field Center. They can do 1,200 tests per day, Tues-Sat 8am to 4pm. No symptoms, insurance, or citizenship required for testing. Schedule an appointment online through UMC's website ( A staff member will contact you back to schedule your appointment. According to their reps, there is no limit how often you can get tested. Sites are walk-in, appointment or walk-up. Both sites now use the self-nasal swab test kits.
UMC updates COVID-19 test guidelines:
New guidelines are to save test kits for those exhibiting symptoms.
See all testing locations on the SNHD website.
All testing sites will be closed on 1/1/2021 for New Year's Day.
All CVS pharmacy drive-thru locations also does testing, no cost should be associated with this test. Validate with your insurance. If no insurance, there should be no charge. Requires an appointment.
FDA officially grants emergency-use authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (12/11).
Seven months ago, the first vaccine was tested. More than 160 vaccine prototypes are being tested. Clinical trials of the vaccine were administered four months ago. Phase 1 & 2 of trial vaccines have completed with positive antibody results. Phase 3 clinical trials started with 30k volunteers; large test size of 3k vaccine test trials in the UK. Africa started their vaccine trials five months ago. Multiple sources stating to expect an FDA emergency use approved vaccine by mid-December.
Of the 100+ vaccines submitted, 22 have made the cut to go through testing and final FDA approval phases (5/15 briefing). The front runner vaccine is conducting human trails (Phase 3 aka final stage), completion date is pending. AstraZeneca is prepared to produce 2 billion doses once the vaccine is FDA approved. Pfizer claims their vaccine is more than 95% effective; goal end of the year. Moderna vaccine claims about 94.5% effective. Expected US authorization for Pfizer and Moderna along with distribution approval is expected within 24hrs of regulatory approval (note: they currently have 20M doses ready; vaccine is a two stage dose). Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is 70% to 90% effective based on dosage program (single versus duo).
US government is working with four vaccine manufacturers who are in the final phases of vaccine trials, all prepared for massive vaccine output once FDA approval is given. Worldwide, six are in Phase III.
Vaccine distribution has initiated with Tier 1 to receive the first batches, then availability will continue down the tiers (SNHD vaccine tier pdf).
10k vaccines have been administered in Nevada as of 12/23.
Remain mindful to give our medical community the ability to focus on those in need of their expertise to survive and combat the virus.
For Nevada COVID-19 metrics, with historical spreadsheet and graph data, visit: The Nevada Independent Coronavirus Tracking or check out the link in our side bar.
submitted by Dezkin to vegas [link] [comments]

Elite Philanthropists and their connection to nontaxable organizations and corporations who are actively committing Fraud, embezzlement, and misappropriation of funds against American citizens by soliciting philanthropic goals, such as seeking cures for diseases (Covid-19)

Hello 👋
• Warren Buffett (CEO of Berkshire Hathaway owns ) • Charles Koch (co-owner, chairman, and CEO of Koch Industries since 1967, and his late brother David Koch (deceased) served as executive vice president.) • Bill Gates (roughly 2.32 billion was donated to Gates Foundation by Buffett in 2020) • Brian Hooks (CEO and Chairman of Stand Together. President of the Charles Koch Foundation and Charles Koch Institute • Joseph Grendys (CEO of Koch Foods, he bought out his former boss, Fred Koch, in 1992.) • Anyone else associated 
Maybe you can legally explain yourselves to me in the public eye, I’m all ears, because I’m a little bit confused about certain definitions/the stock market/ organizations/charities/corporations/finical activities and statements/laws/morals/etc...and don’t worry, I’m a nobody, with no money. All I have is knowledge and intuition and I am sure of one thing and that is if you don’t have to follow the rules, why should I???
I believe these charitable organizations, associated individuals, and corporations are committing Fraud, embezzlement, and misappropriation of funds against American citizens by soliciting philanthropic goals, such as seeking cures for diseases (Covid-19) or aiding the families of slain police officers (including the black lives matter) by using manipulative or deceptive manners to collect funds (donations—this includes non-taxable religious organizations).
Below explains in many quotes and examples how this would be possible...bear with me...
Here’s are some facts and similarities between Buffet and Koch:
“Buffett and Koch have much in common. They were both born in the midst of the Great Depression, and both developed in the Midwestern heritage of industry, thrift and folksy friendliness. They also have a keen ability to make money.
In the latest Forbes 400 Richest People in America issue, Buffett is ranked #2 and Koch is ranked #5. The only reason Charles Koch isn’t the wealthiest man in America is because he shares #5 with his younger brother, David (now deceased). Together, they are worth $82 billion, more than Bill Gates ($76 billion) and Warren Buffett ($62 billion).
Both Buffett and Koch have also taken advantage of the law of compounding. Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway reinvests all its profits rather than pay an annual dividend. And Koch Industries reinvests 90% of its net income each year.
But, as they say on Wall Street, “there is more than one way to climb a mountain.” Buffett and Koch differ considerably on how they made their fortunes.”
Here is some more information about Koch Industries —Charles Koch (co-owner, chairman, and CEO). Koch Industries also includes Koch Foods (chicken plant).
“Koch Industries’ Revenue Growth—
Because Koch Industries is not a publicly-traded company, some of its key financial information is not readily available to investors. However, per an SEC fact sheet, the conglomerate has, since 1960, seen its value grow at a rate 16 times greater than that of the S&P 500.
The industries under the Koch umbrella are diverse, ranging from companies that deal with energy to spandex. Koch companies manufacture paper, process minerals, create fertilizers, and refine oil. Some of the subsidiaries are also involved in ranching, commodities trading, and investing.”
Some vague backstory of Koch Industries...🔪🩸🤡
“Marshall turned his investment in Great Northern Oil Co. with Fred Koch during the 1950s into a 16% stake in Koch Industries, now America's second largest privately held company. When his eldest son J. Howard Marshall III sided with Bill Koch, Frederick R. Koch and other collateral family members in a failed attempt to take over Koch Industries from Charles Koch and David Koch, he purchased back company stock given previously as a gift and removed the eldest son from his estate plan. Conversely, during the same dispute, his youngest son E. Pierce Marshall sided with his father, Charles Koch and David Koch.
Marriages: Marshall married Eleanor Pierce in 1931 and divorced in 1961. They had two sons together: J. Howard Marshall III (born February 6, 1936) and E. Pierce Marshall (January 12, 1939 – June 20, 2006).”
This is a random quote shows how Bill Gates stepped down from Berkshire Hathaway in March 2020...right around the Covid19 crisis... coincidence? I think not. There’s always more behind the curtains...
“Acme Brick was an easy target for the conspiracy-minded. Warren Buffett's company bought the Fort Worth, Texas-based business in 2000. Bill Gates sat on the Berkshire Hathaway board until his announcement in March that he’d step down, a fact that web sleuths glommed onto. Gates is at the center of conspiracy theories about the coronavirus.”
Take particular notice in the mentioning of the word “de novo” and the quote surrounding it listed’s what ultimately connects the 1% together.
“A publicly traded company may be purchased by one or more other publicly traded companies, with the target company becoming either a subsidiary or joint venture of the purchaser(s), or ceasing to exist as a separate entity, its former shareholders receiving compensation in the form of either cash, shares in the purchasing company or a combination of both. When the compensation is primarily shares then the deal is often considered a merger. Subsidiaries and joint ventures can also be created de novo — this often happens in the financial sector.”
“De Novo —[Latin, Anew.] ‘of new.’
A second time; afresh. A trial or a hearing that is ordered by an appellate court that has reviewed the record of a hearing in a lower court and sent the matter back to the original court for a new trial, as if it had not been previously heard nor decided.”
“July 8, 2020 (Reuters) - Warren Buffett has donated roughly $2.9 billion of Berkshire Hathaway Inc BRKa.N stock to four family charities and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the latest but not largest contribution in his plan to give away his fortune.
Four-fifths of the donations go to the Gates Foundation. The rest goes to the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, named for Buffett's late first wife, and charities run by his children Howard, Susan and Peter: the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, the Sherwood Foundation and the NoVo Foundation.”
(“In 2020, the NoVo Foundation was one of the key recipients of a $15.97 million gift of Berkshire Hathaway stock from Warren Buffett.”)
“The NoVo Foundation is the private foundation controlled by Peter Buffett, son of investor and left-of-center philanthropist Warren Buffett, and Peter’s wife Jennifer. Warren provided the initial donation of 350,000 shares of Berkshire Hathaway valued at $1,000,000,000. [1] The foundation directs millions each year to left-of-center groups advocating for abortion, LGBT interests, and liberal economics.
Location: NEW YORK, NY
Tax ID: 47-0824753
Tax-Exempt Status: 501(c)(3)-PF
Budget (2015): Revenue: $156,441,003
Expenses: $95,915,729
Assets: $528,162,041
Formation: 2006
Type: Grantmaking Foundation
President: Peter Buffett
Peter Buffett and his wife Jennifer are the co-presidents of NoVo, as well as co-chairs of the board of directors.”
“Philanthropy, voluntary organized efforts intended for socially useful purposes. Philanthropic groups existed in the ancient civilizations of the Middle East, Greece, and Rome: an endowment supported Plato’s Academy (c. 387 BCE) for some 900 years; the Islamic waqf (religious endowment) dates to the 7th century CE; and the medieval Christian church administered trusts for benevolent purposes.
Merchants in 17th- and 18th-century western Europe founded organizations for worthy causes. Starting in the late 19th century, large personal fortunes led to the creation of private foundations that bequeathed large gifts in support of the arts, education, medical research, public policy, social services, environmental programs, and other causes.
See Andrew Carnegie; B’nai B’rith; Bill Gates; George Peabody; Rockefeller Foundation; Straus family.
• John Ruskin • Cecil Rhodes • William Hogarth • Alfred Nobel • Andrew Carnegie • Bill Gates • Audrey Hepburn • John D. Rockefeller • Imran Khan • Madam C.J. Walker”
“Buffett is a notable philanthropist, having pledged to give away 99 percent of his fortune to philanthropic causes, primarily via the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He founded The Giving Pledge in 2009 with Bill Gates, whereby billionaires pledge to give away at least half of their fortunes.”
I must note Jeffery Epstein is also a self-Proclaimed philanthropist—(
Oh, and Bill and Melinda Gates are also noted philanthropists who are associated with billionaire investor Warren Buffett and philanthropist, Jeffery Epstein.
“Together, Gates and Buffett established the “Giving Pledge,” a movement encouraging other billionaires to donate most of their wealth to charity either during their lifetimes or after their deaths. The Nonprofit organization pledged a significant amount of money to research and charitable causes during the coronavirus pandemic. He has given more than $50 billion to charity since 1994. However, his wealth has grown even faster than he has donated money.”
This is how all the elites and governments connect together...under an umbrella term known as “Philanthropists”—more information how it all connects together below.
Notice the name “Donald Ross” in the quote below, his connection to NEO Philanthropy, and especially be aware of his connection to Barack Obama...
“NEO Philanthropy (formerly Public Interest Projects) is a New York-based nonprofit that serves as a fiscal clearinghouse for left-of-center causes. The group serves as a vehicle for center-left foundations to pool resources, hosts donor-advised funds, and sponsors various liberal projects. [1]
Location: NEW YORK, NY
Tax ID: 13-3191113
DUNS Number: 61-438-0421
Tax-Exempt Status: 501(c)(3)
Budget (2017): Revenue: $58,068,414
Expenses: $45,086,138
Assets: $34,839,820
Formation: 1983
Type: Fiscal Sponsorship and Pass-Through Entity
Formerly: Public Interest Projects (1983-2008)
President: Michele Lord Berta Colon (former co-president) Donald Ross (1983-2003)
Notable Projects: Funders Committee for Civic Participation State Infrastructure Fund Shelby Response Fund Four Freedoms Fund
Latest Tax Filing: 2018 Form 990”
Donald Ross worked as the founding executive director of New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) from 1973 to 1982, where he reportedly grew the organization to 180 staffers operating out of 31 offices. Barack Obama, then a student at Columbia University, worked full-time for NYPIRG as a community organizer from February through May 1985. Ross later worked as director of Ralph Nader’s group Citizen Action of New York. ”
“NEO Philanthropy Action Fund (formerly Public Interest Projects Action Fund) is the 501(c)(4) lobbying and election-related advocacy arm of left-of-center funding pass-through NEO Philanthropy (formerly Public Interest Projects). It provides financial support to a number of other left-of-center lobbying and election-related advocacy groups.
Location: NEW YORK, NY
Tax ID: 80-0444461
Tax-Exempt Status: 501(c)(4)
Budget (2016): Revenue: $7,996,232
Expenses: $8,101,542
Assets: $1,288,876
Type: Fiscal Sponsorship and Pass-Through Group
Formerly: Public Interest Projects Action Fund
Latest Filing: 2018 Form 990”
“Stand Together is an American philanthropic organization that was first established in 2003 and was often referred to informally as the Koch Network. It is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization based in Arlington, Virginia, and was founded by Charles Koch to assist philanthropic activities across the United States. Formerly known as The Seminar Network, its renaming as Stand Together was announced on May 20, 2019. The founding CEO is Brian Hooks.
In 2003, Charles Koch began hosting annual meetings of business leaders and philanthropists to support various education and policy initiatives. From these seminars grew a philanthropic community of organizations working to address issues such as poverty, addiction, recidivism, gang violence and homelessness. In 2019, this advocacy organization became the Stand Together Foundation.
Brian Hooks is the current Chairman and CEO. He previously served as executive director of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and is also president of the Charles Koch Foundation. Other leadership members include Evan Feinberg, Amy Pelletier, and Kevin Lavelle.”
“The Texas Organizing Project is a left-leaning 501(c)(4) nonprofit group that focuses on organizing minority and low-income individuals in Texas’s largest metropolitan areas.
Tax ID: 27-1482075
Tax-Exempt Status: 501(c)(4)
In July 2020, it was announced that the Sandler Foundation would be donating $200 million to “racial justice groups” in response to the 2020 Black Lives Matter Protests, and Texas Organizing Project was one of the eight recipients named. The funds will help recipients advocate for left-wing policies in battleground states and create long-term constituencies that support these issues.”
“Sandler Foundation is a left-of-center charitable foundation formed in 1991 with support from Herbert Sandler and Marion Sandler. In 2006, the Sandlers made a contribution of $1.3 billion to the foundation, which was the second largest American charitable contribution of 2006.
Tax ID: 94-3147856
Tax-Exempt Status: 501(c)(3)
Budget (2017): Revenue: $164,595,644
Expenses: $54,814,998
Assets: $952,650,170
In response to the 2020 George Floyd and Black Lives Matter protests, board trustee and Sandler heiress Susan Sandler announced that the Sandler Foundation donated $200 million to “racial justice groups.”
These groups were the Texas Organizing Project, New Florida Majority, New Virginia Majority, the Arizona Center for Empowerment, the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Civic Engagement Fund, PICO California, and Advance Native Political Leadership.
Sandler explained that her goal was to facilitate change at the policy level to lift people out of oppression, basing her policy prescriptions on her belief that systemic racism is the greatest obstacle facing societal progress.
Sandler and the executive director of the foundation, Vivian Chang, came to the conclusion that establishing power in Republican states will be the most effective way to accomplish this goal.
One of the grant recipients, co-director of PICO California Joseph Tomás McKellar, stated that the initiative “is about building a strong constituency that can withstand the kind of storms of the moment and help us build long-term resiliency and commitment amongst a large base of people for systemic change.” Sandler chose grantees that would use the funds to advocate for Democratic-aligned policies in battleground states and create a long-term constituency that supports these issues.”
“PICO California is a left-of-center advocacy coalition comprised of local religious groups in California that advocates for left-of-center policies on racial policy, economic issues, and education.
Location: Sacramento, CA
Tax ID: 84-3224688
Type: Religious group
In July of 2020, the Sandler Foundation announced that it would be donating $200 million to so-called “racial justice” organizations in response to the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests. The Sandler Foundation named PICO California as one of its eight grant recipients.”
Public Health Institute
Location: OAKLAND, CA
Tax ID: 94-1646278
Tax-Exempt Status: 501(c)(3)
Budget (2016):
Revenue: $101,667,328
Expenses: $102,403,539
Assets: $27,156,840
One Percent for the Planet (1% for the Planet) is a left-of-center environmentalist organization founded by the founder of outdoor clothing company Patagonia, Yvon Chouinard.
The organization attempts to create partnerships between companies and environmentalist nonprofits. It allows companies to use its logo on their products, showing that they give to support environmentalist policy and conservation efforts, if they pay a yearly subscription and pledge to donate at least one percent of their sales to environmentalist causes.
It claims 1,200 corporate subscribers, with nonprofit partners in 60 countries.
Formation: 2002
Founders: Craig Matthews Yvon Chouinard
Chief Executive Officer: 2002
Other Name: One Percent for the Planet
Classified: OTHER GROUP
1% for the Planet members support a vast network of environmental organizations that focus on six main issue areas: climate, food, land, pollution, water and wildlife. With the clear tie between the health of our environment and the health of humanity, many 1% for the Planet approved nonprofits are working around the clock to both mitigate our environmental crisis as well as provide relief to those affected by this pandemic.
The list below outlines just some of the nonprofits in the 1% for the Planet network providing COVID-19 relief. These environmental nonprofits are on the frontlines ensuring food security for all, providing public health programs and preventing the spread of future catastrophic viruses through conservation.
In short, they are doing what they do best: providing environmental solutions to ensure that our planet and future generations thrive.
Food security: fighting waste and feeding people.
(Below are programs/and non-profit organizations part of “1% of the Planet—other group”)
• Big Green connects kids with real food through a network of Learning Gardens and food literacy programs that promote youth wellness. Understanding the importance of food security and nutrition, Big Green launched a Rapid Response Fund in response to the threat of COVID-19. “Big Green’s communities suffer from inequities in education, health and fresh food availability. For our students, COVID-19 has the potential to set them back further. • Conscious Alliance prevents food waste by seeking donations from food companies that have close-to-code products, inventory mistakes, imperfect (but safe) foods and product lines going through rebranding, and then distributes that food to underserved and communities in need. “Our goal is to ensure that families have nourishment. With schools closing, kids lose access to meal programs that many rely upon. The need for our work becomes even more critical. In addition, as more people have to take off work, the population that needs our help will be expanding.” - Justin Levy, Executive Director of Conscious Alliance • Food Forward fights hunger and prevents food waste by rescuing fresh surplus produce to supply those in need. In response to COVID-19, the Food Forward team has adapted their efforts to establish distribution hubs to serve community members and local hunger relief agencies. • ReFED aims to create a future where food waste prevention is recognized as an untapped strategy that can save resources, create jobs, alleviate hunger, conserve water and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In response to the pandemic crisis, ReFED is working with their partner organizations to ensure excess food gets to the people who need it most. • Food Recovery Network unites students at colleges and universities to fight food waste and hunger by recovering perishable food that would otherwise go to waste from campus dining halls and donating it to those in need. In response to COVID-19, Food Recovery Network aimed to make it easy for businesses, schools and restaurants that are temporarily closing their doors to donate excess food to those in need via their Food Recovery Guide. • EcoHealth Alliance leads cutting-edge scientific research into the critical connections between human and wildlife health and delicate ecosystems. With this science, they develop solutions that prevent pandemics and promote conservation. In short, EcoHealth Alliance isn’t just on the front lines of COVID-19 research, they’re also busy working preventing the next global pandemic. This video highlights how this organization works to protect humans and wildlife from the emergence of disease. • Health in Harmony works to create community-led solutions for human health and the health of our planet. As a member of the Planetary Health Alliance, and a leader of Planetary Health in-action, Health in Harmony works with academic institutions, medical professionals, businesses and NGOs to explore innovative solutions to health and environmental challenges. Currently, they are running emergency COVID-19 relief efforts that support rainforest conservation. You can donate here. • Pure Water for the World knows that safe water, sanitization and healthy hygiene practices are critical to the general health and wellbeing of all people. This organization works to provide all communities with access to safe water and proper sanitation education to sustain future generations. During COVID-19, safe water and sanitation prove paramount, which is why they’ve set up an emergency fund to bring these needs to communities around the world. Check out how their work is already impacting people in Honduras and Haiti. 
In this video message, Dr. Jane Goodall explains the relationship between wildlife trafficking, conservation and zoonotic viruses like the coronavirus. Scientific research has proven time and time again that the health of humanity depends deeply on a healthy environment with diverse and thriving ecosystems. In order to prevent future pandemics, we must prevent the degradation of wildlife habitats and stop wildlife trafficking. Below are just a few wildlife nonprofits in the 1% for the Planet network that are fighting for just that:
• The Thin Green Line Foundation protects wildlife’s protectors: park rangers. Park rangers are vital to our planet’s ecosystems as they protect wildlife from poaching and illegal trade. That’s why the Thin Green Line Foundation works to provide park rangers with the support they need to protect threatened species around the world. • The International Fund for Animal Welfare protects animals to ensure that our planet and people can thrive together. In response to COVID-19, IFAW rescue teams donated much-need N95 masks to local hospitals. However, with their conservation efforts, IFAW is also working to prevent the next great outbreak that threatens humanity. 
Curious about how wildlife conservation prevents the spread of human viruses? IFAW answers all your COVID-19 questions.
• The Wildlife Conservation Society aims to conserve the world’s largest wild places in 14 priority regions, home to more than 50% of the planet’s biodiversity. As they explain below, protecting these regions and wildlife, also protects us from future outbreaks. 
“WCS is on the frontlines of this issue to halt the wildlife trade and the ‘wet markets’ where animals are sold and viral outbreaks develop. WCS also remains dedicated to carrying on with our important work to save wildlife, protect nature’s strongholds and inspire people to value nature around the world. Your partnership is more important than ever.”
For all COVID-19 and conservation related news, follow the Wildlife Conservation Society’s updates.”
Just read the definition or description below.... “(as long as it doesn’t provide athletic facilities or equipment), or the prevention of cruelty to children or animals.”
What??? Seems like hidden manipulative intent right there...and it was quite the bitch to even find this quote I must add. But I guess that’s the dark side of the moon 🌚 if everyone wants these so-called medical advances, it has to be tested on someone..Wether animal or child, but by now I would hope you can grow/print organs in the lab you can test shit on, so the so called children/animal trafficking isn’t needed so much anymore, which is why I’m assuming they are exposing themselves and I suggest go de Novo and get rid of whatever government-elite world system has been and is currently going on....
EIN: 91-2151932
Classification (NTEE)
Recycling Programs (Environmental Quality, Protection and Beautification )
Nonprofit Tax Code Designation: 501(c)(3)
Defined as: Organizations for any of the following purposes: religious, educational, charitable, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition (as long as it doesn’t provide athletic facilities or equipment), or the prevention of cruelty to children or animals.
Donations to this organization are tax deductible.
Tax Filings by Year
The IRS Form 990 is an annual information return that most organizations claiming federal tax-exempt status must file yearly. Read the IRS instructions for 990 forms.
So, your telling me that a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization founded by Charles Koch in 2003, to assist philanthropic activities across the United States also known as ”Stand Together” or informally as the “Koch Network” also is part of/works together with other non-profit or religious organizations, including the “One Percent for the Planet” organization founded in 2002, which is how all the elites in charge of publicly and privately traded companies connect together.
How so? By self-declaring themselves as philanthropists and associating themselves with and/or founding a non-profit organizations such as ‘Stand Together’ or ‘One percent of the Planet’, who then work together as a network of different organizations and industries (corporations), that focus on six main issue areas: climate, food, land, pollution, water and wildlife. They also note how their organization is aware of the link between the health of the environment and the health of humanity.
These publicly-private run organizations then solicit funds from the public through advertising philanthropic goals through the media, for example, seeking cures for diseases (Covid19 and pushing public vaccination—which is NOT in the best interest of the general public considering normal long-term vaccine trials approved by FDA usually take at least between 7-15 years!) or aiding the families of slain police officers, this also includes pushing donations through Black Lives Matter Movement. This also includes the recent stimulus checks and embezzling and laundering money through the general public without them being aware bc of all the full of shit regulations that exist.
The COVID-19 vaccine is simply a highly deceptive way to solicit donations and allows them to manipulate (blackmail) people through fear into following their selfish agenda. The CEOs, philanthropists, founders, or any other elite who owns or is in charge of a corporation, industry, and/or organizations (including profit and nonprofit and religious) are the ones responsible who own these corporations that give no regard to the environment or human health.
“Charity fraud, type of fraud that occurs when charitable organizations that solicit funds from the public for philanthropic goals, such as seeking cures for diseases or aiding the families of slain police officers, solicit donations in a deceptive manner or use the monies that they collect for purposes not intended by the donors. Charities are subject to the kinds of fraud that can also plague business organizations, such as embezzlement and misappropriation of funds by executives.
Establishing and prosecuting charity fraud is not necessarily straightforward. Many scholars agree that money solicited by persons or groups that are not legitimate charitable organizations constitutes charity fraud, but the question of fraud is complicated when considering charities that use a high percentage of donations for administrative costs or additional fund-raising rather than for the charitable cause. These kinds of issues, as well as the very large number of charitable organizations worldwide, make charity fraud difficult to monitor and eradicate.
Charity fraud is perceived as a particularly abhorrent kind of deceptive business practice because it abuses the trust of altruistic persons who offer donations with the expectation that they are assisting those in need. Charity fraud can result in a lasting backlash because those responsible have manipulated the emotions and generosity of donors in order to elicit a donation, leading to anger and disillusionment if it is revealed that the charity and philanthropic promises were invalid. Disillusionment and suspicion caused by fraudulent charitable solicitation or misappropriation of funds has the additional effect of tainting the fund-raising appeals of legitimate charities, which suffer by association with those who defraud donors.
Misrepresentation Charities may be guilty of fraud when they mislead donors about the percentage of contributions that is applied to various business expenses, thereby vastly overstating the amount of the contribution that will go to the charitable cause. All charities have some administrative costs, but some charities have exorbitant overhead costs that result in almost none of the donation actually going to the charitable cause.
Charitable organizations may also act in a fraudulent way by misrepresenting themselves or associating themselves in a deliberately vague way with known famous charities or with governmental associations for the purpose of obtaining donations. An example of this kind of deception on the part of a charity is the case of the Police Survivors Fund. It was established in 1999 and disbanded by 2003 when its founder pleaded guilty to various fraud charges.
The aim of the Police Survivors Fund was to aid widows and children of police killed on the job. Though this aim was clearly stated in telephone solicitation calls, other factors were left more vague. Consumers may have been confused by the name of the organization as stated during the telephone solicitations because it sounded official.
The actual connection between any municipal police force and the Police Survivors Fund was not made clear to donors because there was no such sponsorship of the charity by a police force, despite the official-sounding name. The Police Survivors Fund had a fund-raising strategy familiar to prosecutors of charity fraud. Fund-raisers would tell those who were solicited that the donation was for widows and children. They initially asked for a large sum, such as $1,000, and then revised it to a lower figure if the potential donor balked, implying that a $99 donation was the least that could be done for the “widows and children.”
The founder of the Police Survivors Fund also used the September 11 terrorist attacks as a marketing tool, mentioning vaguely that his group was coordinating efforts with a “World Trade Center fund” and noting that other donors had given $911 as a symbolic figure to commemorate the attacks. He collected $441,000, only $14,500 of which was actually given to survivors of slain police officers. Fraudulent fund-raisers may also intimidate those they call by misrepresenting the result of refusing a donation, using fear (suggesting that police departments will no longer answer calls from the residence of a hesitant donor, for example) or social pressure.
XOXO 💋 ☥
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