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My Parents kidnapped me out of “love”.

Warning- This is a doozy, so buckle up.
This past thanksgiving break to now has lead to some intense things. I was spending the November holiday with a relative in Vegas and things were perfectly fine, of course in the most covid friendly way possible. However, nearing the end of the break I got a text from my mother stating that she had purchased a plane ticket for me to come back to Houston tommorow morning.
She wanted to surprise me with an extended trip home, even though I had nothing but a whole week’s worth of clothes, my phone, charger, and wallet.
I told her this, yet she said that one of my close friends in Cedar could mail it for me, which is naturally inconsiderate.
I confronted the Vegas relative about this, and they refused to give me flight details until the day of the flight. The whole situation was naturally suspicious, and I told my extended friends in Cedar, one of them being my current boyfriend. All of them thought this whole thing was ridiculous, however, being the patient person I am, carried on with the trip back home.
Being on that flight was horrid the next morning, considering that I was crying for quite a bit of it due to not knowing what was going on. When my parents came to pick me up, it was a drive filled with small talk, which is something I despise. As soon as we got home, we ate lunch quietly and then my parents started questioning things about my life, such as my friends,classes, and of course the boundary pusher of how I am doing spiritually, which is none of their business.
I told them I was doing fine, since I consider myself more spiritual than religious at this point in my life. I believe in a higher power, but I do not trust organized religion. However, they pushed it farther and asked about how I felt about the law of chastity. I told them my honest answer that it has its damage, even though it has good intentions. They didn’t take it well, and told me the ultimate thing that made me lose complete trust in my Vegas relative:
“Your relative found a condom in your wallet when we asked her to go look at your DL card. How far have you gone with boys?”
First off, I am a twenty-year old third year college student, who had two jobs and seventeen credits this past year and still managed to make the Dean’s list.
I told them that it’s not their business, and I am still a person with morals. Of course, most Mormon parents do not understand the concept of boundaries, and asked in detail about how many people I’ve slept with and of course nagged me about The Word of Wisdom. Keep in mind that I occasionally used marijuana and drank very little. I’ve also only slept with two people and was safe every time. However, I still got called a leaf in the wind who stood for nothing, therefore, I fell for everything. With that being said, they took my phone and my dad gave me his shitty laptop to finish school on since everything went online after thanksgiving break. Luckily with zoom, my boyfriend was able to message me about what was going on and he was livid. Thankfully, he was able to contact my cousins who live in Cyprus via text to tell them what was happening. I was able to tell him about the not so subtle ways my parents tried to get me back to God. The talks of turning my scarlet sins to snow. The fruits that people produce. How they painted my ex Mormon cousins as bad influences just because they are sexually active, and encouraged me to get birth control. The constant push to get me back into something they wanted was hell. I lost motivation to do basic things like hygiene and cooking due to how depressed I was. Yet my parents insisted that I was addicted to drugs and needed to be fixed. In reality, I was depressed with how my life was at the moment. With these things happening, my boyfriend, his sister, and another friend offered to fly to Texas to come get me out, and I consented to them moving my stuff out of my old apartment to my friends.
We had it planned out via constant secret emails, yet my mother was secretly going through my emails and found out my plan to leave at the wrong place and time. She demanded that I told my friends to pay them back on the plane ticket that they had purchased for me because they didn’t want me to leave because in their eyes I was mentally unstable. The very next morning my parents took all of the money I had in my bank account taken out. I was very numb to this naturally, and had several episodes of angry tears. Thankfully, my friends were planning to come get me the next day and I kept quiet on the escape plan. However, my parents questioned me about it that very night, and when I got called them out on their BS and still told them I wanted to leave, they used the classic lines of how selfish and arrogant I was, and took my DL and student ID. I got driven to a family friend’s house with my mom, and before she left for work, she read out the Utah laws on marijuana, which I was already well aware of. My friends are not addicts at all, and actually have benefitted from marijuana. She also threatened to call the Cedar City cops on them, just so if “I ever went back, I could visit my boyfriend in jail.” Being in a fragile mental state, I didn’t fight back because I did think that they were going to hurt him. The next day, my boyfriend’s mom posted about the whole thing, and hundreds of people responded like there was no tomorrow. It got to the point where people like Sam Young and John Delin were alerted of the situation. Some of the responders were able to contact my old bishop, and they told what my parents did. My parents of course told him their version, and he took their side. My friends and my parents played the game of calling the cops on each other, but I was never able to give them my word. Being in a fragile mindset, my parents insisted that I give them my word that I would stay home and “work on myself”. So they sold my lease without my consent, and I lost both of my jobs I had.
I wasn’t able to contact anyone for three weeks.
During that time, I went through the worst depression of my life, and my parents of course continued to insist that I was going through withdrawal symptoms. After those weeks passed, my parents payed for this semester with my money that they stole, and gave me my phone back. I immediately contacted my boyfriend and asked for his side of the story of what happened in Houston. He told me how they tried to reason with my parents, but they said to not even come and pick me up, as was expected considering there were jail threats.
The next few weeks I fought an internal battle with my mind, trying to figure out how to get out of my situation. I talked with a therapist who happened to be a BYU grad suspiciously, then again my parents chose a family therapist for their reasons. I filled out the paperwork, but my therapist still insisted that I try to listen to their perspective.
Pretty fishy huh?
I ended up talking to my parents more weirdly enough. They were mainly fights of course. One fight I remember having was regarding my sexual health when my mother dropped this Golden line-
“Consent is not respect. Waiting is.”
My dad agreed with her of course, and I got painted as the person tearing the family apart, while my mother texted my cousins and their mom who have tried to get me out as well that I was a drug addict who was going to die if they tried to help me get out.
The very next week, I had several long conversations with my boyfriend, and after constant talks about how the whole situation was psychological abuse and how I wasn’t a bad person for wanting to leave. I finally gave my consent for them to buy the plane ticket, and I kept quiet about my escape plan.
I ended up leaving the house Sunday morning via Uber, before anyone woke up. I packed minimum baggage, and ignored the various angry texts and calls I got throughout the day about how I was being deceived, and I had no sense of morality, despite the shit that happened the past two months. Yet I still got on the plane I wanted to get on and reunited with the people I loved in Vegas, then drove back to Cedar.
Today, I have a place to crash for a while, a loving boyfriend, support from extended family, and a new job that will help me get back on my feet. There are still things to work out considering that I was just cut out from my family, but it will take one day at a time. This is not an easy path, but I know it’s the right one.
Cheers, Heathens!
submitted by Misty_Walden to exmormon [link] [comments]

My husband is currently on a vacation with his mistress & I'm confronting them...

Hello Reddit! Forgive me as I am new to the online community. Just wanted to tell my story and maybe get some input. I [37F] accidentally found out last month my husband [38M] was using 'work trips' as an excuse to sleep with his also married coworker who lives across the country. When I say accidentally; he sent me a screen shot of Amazon purchases for our children and included at the bottom of the photo was a delivery to this woman. So yes, the worried wife in me checked his search history and email. It was all right there! I learned his November trip was a romantic getaway but this current one is luxurious! A spa resort complete with couples massages, couples cooking classes and monogramed bathrobes from etsy. He mailed her a box of gifts a few days ago for Christmas (how sweet), he purchases sexy lingerie, sent her money on venmo and even started planning a January trip to Las Vegas. I was furious when I learn all this but I kept my composure.
My plan: He left this morning for his 'work trip' but before he left I gathered all evidence of his affair. I spent 4 weeks collecting emails, credit card statements, reservations and confirmations. I wrote him a 10 page letter, put it in an envelope and taped it inside the lining of his suitcase. I plan on sending a group text to him and his mistress right after check in telling them to enjoy their trip. I will also inform them that a letter is in his suitcase and that I want a divorce. I wrote a special section just for her and I want to make sure she sees it so I will be emailing her the letter as well.
He is currently in the air. My group text goes out this evening. Stay tuned...
His flight landed 1 1/2 hours ago. He told me he would text me when he landed and he has yet to do so. I have text him twice, they were delivered but not read. I checked our phone records and he text both me and her during his lay over. His email shows no Uber receipt from his final destination airport to his hotel. She must have picked him up. Something I probably should have clarified in my OP. She lives in the state he is visiting. So he flew alone.
I will be sending a group text to both him and his mistress in 2 hours as that will be 4pm their time and check in.
Sent pictures of our children and he did not respond. FYI he is in the middle of the desert.
My texts are going through green which puts a monkey wrench in my plan for a group text to him and his mistress. Need suggestions. Should I call the hotel? Connect right to their room. I worked so hard for this, it has to be tonight. HELP!

Thank you to everyone standing by and waiting. My best friend has come to my house to help me through this. It seems my texts are going through green (undelivered) but when my friend tried it is blue and delivered.
HE HAS BLOCKED ME! I guess that helps his guilt.
The plan now is to call the hotel. Will wait a few minutes after check in to make the call. Very soon. Please stand by.

Like most of you predicted he does not care, He had zero answers for my questions. That was. the mot hurtful part. But guess what, I have all the emotional support and economic support so i'm not mad. Every question I asked he had no response because his mistress was sitting there. I suspect when he is home alone with me, his answers will be different. I have made sure that he will not emotionally and financially fuck me because I have secured support from family and friends. He can go FUCK himself!!!!!!
Called his hotel room. Talked to his mistress and finally lost my shit. He ended up calling me a few minutes later and had zero empathy. I'm shocked, but I'm not. He said a divorce was in order and fought me on nothing. I expected him to be sad, he was not, but thats ok. I started packing up his shit, I have some great friend who helped me put everything in the garage. Good riddance? I guess so...
The Morning After
I wake this morning broken. My house is in shambles as I went on a rampage yesterday ripping photos off the wall, throwing his stuff in piles on the floor and breaking random objects in anger. Now that I've had a nights sleep I feel that I am a bit clearer in my thinking as I analyze the 'conversation' we had yesterday. He was different on the phone. That was not the man I know, but who was the man I've known? Because everything was a lie. The only thing he cared about on the phone was getting the kids. Which is perfectly ok, he should want to see his kids. But he refused to answer any question I had or admit to anything. I personally feel his lack of remorse was because he was sitting in front of his mistress. If I confronted him at home this would not have been his reaction. When he comes home Monday night I expect to see a different man. Also, in my conversation with the mistress I learned she is recently separated.
I called my mom. That was hard. While she and my dad have always been loving and supporting it was hard to make that phone call. I felt like a failure. I know it wasn't my doing but to admit that I made a poor choice in a spouse was difficult. Was this all because of a mistake I made 13 years ago? Honestly it doesn't matter. I have 2 days to empty my house of his things.
Who do I tell? Do I call his dad? Do I tell his mother? Best friend? Work buddies? I wish there was a manual on how to do this because I'm lost. Even with all my preparation I'm still humiliated.
Luckily he did not take his house keys when he left. So no need to change the locks, I'll be removing his keys and sending him on his way. I don't plan on seeing him when he gets home Monday night. Doors are locked, everything you own is in the garage, have your people talk to my people and I'll see you never.
Preparing for the Return
My friends and family have been wonderful. I am so fortunate to have such great people in my life. Yesterday they came to help me move all of his clothing to the garage. His collectibles were all packed up and sitting here, waiting to be appraised. It took a very long time and I was exhausted afterwards; but it was necessary. I honestly don't think he expects me to have gone to such great lengths to remove him from my life. Because I was so emotional when I confronted him there is a chance that he thinks I will want to reconcile. Fat chance, buddy. His flights lands a little before 10pm tonight. When he Ubers back home the doors will be locked. He told me on the phone he was just getting his car and leaving. I will be holding him to that. Something I should have mentioned earlier, the house is in my name only. He had no credit when we first started looking so everything is in my maiden name and purchased by me. Health insurance, car insurance, cell phones, utilities are all in my name. The only thing his name is on is his car. I think he realizes now that could all come back to bite him. I don't want a messy divorce, I'm willing to listen to his demands and try and meet in the middle on as many things as possible. He obviously doesn't care anymore so I'm going to do my best to not care and treat this like a business deal.
Update late tonight on his return. Thank you to everyone following and showing support. You are appreciated.
The Dust has Settled
It's been a few days since his return. For a man who so diligently planned a secret retreat with his mistress he took no time to plan for his return 'home.' He has been living in the basement since Monday. I allowed him to watch the children open gifts on Christmas but he has since returned to the basement. We have contacted 3 mediators and have appointments next week to start the mediation process. It's obviously over. We had a conversation/argument upon his return and he actually asked about reconciliation. I laughed. I laughed uncontrollably. Of course he pushed blame stating that our marriage has been over for a long time. Well, that's news to me. His actions of an affair were selfish and avoidant. He didn't want to have that hard conversation with me about counseling or divorcing and this route was easier and a lot more fun. Let's face it, he likes the attention of 2 women loving and pining over him. Well, I'm not longer playing that game. She wins, and oh what a prize he is! I have been amicable about talking about the terms of our separation. My biggest hang up is her. He may continue seeing her and I have questions about her character. What kind of woman/mother cheats with a man she knows is married and knows has children? When I confronted her on the phone last Saturday and asked her that question she was silent. I asked if she was 'sorry' and it was as if the line went dead. That kind of person I do not want around my children. People who show no remorse, especially when they are in the wrong, are not kind people.
I have found solace in friends and family and thank you to everyone's recommendation of ChumpLady. I'm half way through the book, read through the website and find it so helpful. Thank you again to everyone. I can't believe the outpouring of support. To the trolls, sorry you think I'm an unfit and inattentive wife, but cheaters cheat because they want to. Thank you again to all, not sure if you want a mediation update or if my story is over. Either way, I'm happy to have 'met' you all.
Where is the 'fault'?
If you listen to the books and advice always given about cheaters it all says the same thing: It's not you, they made a choice. MY STBX insists things were bad. While I don't think we were Pam and Jim or Lucy and Ricky, I think things were good. This process has made me review who I am, who I've been and who I want to be. Could I have made changes? Yes. Was I perfect? Absolutely not. But my decisions and actions were never detrimental to our marriage. They were more like sacrifices. And now I'm having those sacrifices thrown at me and I'm being called neglectful. Is all this about attention? A narcissistic need to be the apple of someone's eye? Him and the AP are now blissfully in the honeymoon stage. Vacations, late night phone calls like teenagers, present buying, etc. But what happens when the other shoe drops? What happens when she sees that he has very little patience with children? That he will walk past a a sink full of dishes completely blind to them? When he doesn't pay the phone bill for 2 months because he is spending money on silly gadgets? What then? While it's not my problem, I'm sure his AP will take issue with these things. Perhaps then she will be put in the situation I've been in for a decade. Should she be the glue and hold it all together or should she neglect responsibilities for his neediness? I've been told by him ( someone who is having a relationship and spending large sums of money on someone else) that I'm at fault. Perhaps, but what about the decades of cleaning up your messes? Maybe if I would have had 2 hour conversations with him every night things would be different, but to be honest, I'm happy I'm here. Now reflecting back I see how under appreciated I was. How neglected I was. All these year I thought I was helping but I was really being taken advantage of and this affair is no different.
Just a word of advice to all the mess cleaners, excuse makers, and spouse sheltering people reading this. Stop. Stop now. I've learned that all the 'helping' is simply them learning how to manipulate you. Draw that line in the sand. Prepare for an uncomfortable situation when they start to stumble under the pressures of real life. But don't lose yourself. I lost myself years ago and it's not a place you want to be.
Mediation & The Move.
We had our first mediation appointment via Zoom yesterday. It was very amicable, but only because I don't want to fight and I just want this to be over. He apparently wants nothing. Not the house, not the furniture, not what he's entitled to of my pension; he just wants to be done as well. As I've been packing up things in the house to declutter I've been offering him things, but he wants nothing. I suspect the moment our marriage is dissolved he will be packing up his collectables and clothing and driving across the country to live with her. I guess I should be ok with this as I don't want to be married to him anymore. It just kills me that he will be moving in with her and helping her raise her 2 children while mine are fatherless. It makes me so angry. Seething. The man who was abandoned by his father is now doing the same thing. Something he said would never ever happened because of the mental issues it has given him today. Well, it looks like that, as well as mostly everything else, was a lie. Again, I take solace in the fact that their honeymoon phase will be short lived. Reality will smack them both in the face and she will realize that he can be more hurt than help.
While I wish him well and hope the best, our kids deserve more than a Christmas/Easteone week in the summer father. No dad at basketball games, cub scouts, birthday parties and school plays. Meanwhile AP will have him and her children's biological father. I guess nothing in life is fair and my boys will have to learn that lesson early than I had hoped.
He's Gone.
My STBX left yesterday morning to visit her. I told him to go. I didn't want to spend NYE with him and our COVID circle friends who we celebrate with have zero interest in seeing him either. He booked a flight 30 minutes after I told him to go. My only stipulation was that he is back for this weekend as it's my birthday and I really need a day to myself. I've watched the kids for 3 weekends now while he went to see his mistress, I thought I at least deserved my birthday to relax. He text me while he was boarding that he won't be home for my birthday. Well then... He claims when he booked this he booked a return for the evening of my birthday. When he tried to change it he was put on standby, it would cost $1000 to change, it was a red eye etc. The excuses kept coming. He apparently does not realize I have access to the internet as well and flights are less than $300 with the airline he flew. I told him this and he said those flights weren't there when he booked (lies) and he will take care of it. I just want him to be honest. If you don't want to be here for my birthday, just say it. If you don't want to spend the day with your children, just tell me. I can't force you to be a parent. I told him the flights were available and affordable, it's his choice to rebook. Ball is in your court. That's all I can do, right? Stay tuned for an update on his return this weekend..
NYE Nightmare.
It was 12:40am on NYE and there was still no call from him. I was angry for no other reason than I explained to the kids that even though daddy wasn't with us he would call at midnight to talk to them and wish them a Happy New Year. I was made to be a liar. So, I text my STBX and his excuse was, 'they are with their friends, I didn't want to bother them'. Excuse me? Bother them? You mean you didn't want your kids to bother you is what you are really saying. If I was across the country on NYE without my kids I would have called and done the countdown with them via facetime. I think most parents would. But not him. He said, "If you would have told me that you told the kids I'd call then I would have." He tried to spin this on me, that I created this mess. Why do I have to tell you that you need to call your children at midnight? This small act said a lot to me. Our children are not a priority. I guess he didn't want to ruin his perfect vacation at his new girlfriend's house with her children. He has a nice new family now. Today is my birthday and he returns this evening. I told him in my NYE text that I will speak to him on the 12th, our next mediation meeting because I'm done. I tried to be civil for the kids but he is not putting forth the effort for them.
Liar Liar, Pants on Fire.
The past few days have been strange. We rarely talk (a decision on both our parts) and when we do it's about mediation, plans moving forward, or the kids. We have been civil and communicating well about those items. We are also friendly in front of the children as not to upset them. The situation is strange because we are getting along, there is no arguing, it's a shared focus to just get through mediation and divorce. That's fine by me. Last night while I was cleaning the kitchen I heard him on the phone in the basement. I guess he didn't realize the door was left open by one of the children. Not wanting to be a part of the drama anymore I went to close the door. At that point I heard him tell her how 'crazy' I have been acting. Excuse me? We don't speak and when we do it's very civil. How is that crazy? Well, he proceeded to tell her about a conversation we had and he lied about everything. While the conversation part was true he told her I exploded, I was in a rage, I was crying etc. None of that was true. He explained how he laughed in my face at my rage, also not true because there was no rage. I had told him awhile back before the NYE debacle that I would start dating eventually and he proceeded to tell her that I was bragging about guys I'm meeting. So far from the truth. I slammed the basement door. I'm sure he knows I heard. So I ask, 'Why the need to lie and make me a villain?' We aren't staying together, I have no reason to fight with you anymore, that's why we are paying a mediator. Why start lying to your new girlfriend that you love? How is that a good way to start a relationship? I don't know what is happening here...
This is my concern: This woman and him are in love and want to start a life together. Ok, thats fine, God bless and congrats. But, this woman only knows me by the stories (which I'm assuming are all lies) he has told her about me. If he does move across the country to be with her, how can I trust a woman who hates me because of misinformation to treat my children properly? I don't care if she hates me personally, I'll still sleep fine at night, but now I'm worried about sending my kids in the summer to stay with them. I want to confront him about this but I know I can't. Maybe it's not that I can't, but I don't know how. Also, he has told no one we are separated and definitely has not told people why. How come? You initiated this, you cheated, you are happy now, so why can't you tell people? He told his father that he was bringing the kids alone to visit him because he and I 'weren't seeing eye to eye at the moment.' What?! I would assume he's afraid to face the music or is just finding comfort in the little love bubble he has created. He chooses to not face reality. He has yet to look for an apartment for when the divorce is finalized but has booked another fight out to see her for Valentine's Day. He is refusing to face reality and it's so frustrating.
We have mediation on 1/12 to discuss custody and hope that we can settle everything and get the paperwork moving. I'm having a scheduled phone conversation with a lawyer today to discuss what I should ask for in terms of physical and legal custody when he moves. Update you all (if you want it of course) on mediation after the 12th.
Mediation and Empty Promises
Yesterday was our second mediation appointment. While it was amicable, there was some obvious tension. The tension was not on my end but more on his. Let me explain... During our first mediation we brought up the topic that he might move out of state. At yesterdays meeting I asked what we would do about custody if he moves to this particular state. When I mentioned the state by name the mediator was confused. This prompted her to ask him why this state that is so far away. His answer? "Well......." Then silence. He couldn't put into words the fact that he was leaving to be with his girlfriend. I had to finally chime in realizing we are paying by the hour that he was moving to be with his girlfriend. I realized later that was the first time he had semi-confessed to having an affair and a girlfriend to anyone. If you love this person so much why can't you just say it out loud? That whole situation confuses me.
Anyway, when it comes to dollars and cents I will be fine. He will also be fine. He will have enough to do what he needs and so will I. We have agreed to a physical custody scenario that allows him weekend and dinner visits. Fine by me, I want my boys to have their father. But, the situation becomes a bit more difficult when he moves. While he said yesterday he plans to stay here at least a year, I doubt that will actually happen. When he does move across the country he wishes to return for one weekend of every month to see the boys. Again, I'm fine with this scenario but where will he stay that weekend? He has no family. Will he just be taking the boys to a hotel? Again, I don't think he actually thought this through. This is a problem I/we will tackle when he does decide to move.
Lastly, the mediator said it could take about 2 months to finalize everything. He and I spoke after the session to go over some facts and figures and I brought up the tentative finalization date of our marriage. I told him how 2 months is a good amount of time to save some money and find an apartment to which he agreed. I also reminded him about his promise to not return to visit her until our divorce is finalized or he has a place to live. He quickly became frustrated telling me that he knew and tried to shut down the conversation. I told him I'm happy that we are on the same page but I'm not budging. If you leave while you still live here you can not come back, that is something we both agreed to.
Now the big question remains; Who does he break a promise with? Obviously it's a win win for me, stay home and help me with the kids while you save $500+ and move out quickly or leave to visit her and I get you out of the house sooner. I'm happy with either decision. I just want to move on with my life and enjoy my moments with my children.
Out For A Swim
When I took this dive into the Reddit community I had no idea where I would land. I thought my feet would hit shallow ground and I would be ankle deep on the banks in an uncomfortable swimsuit all alone. But to my surprise this deep ocean of Reddit readers have engulfed me into their warm waters and I am surrounded by a sea of support. For this I am thankful. I am also so touched by the droves of people who have reached out for advice or offered their own experiences as lessons to be learned. To the ones seeking advice I tell them, I am not an expert swimmer. I am merely doggy paddling through this sea of hurt and confusion. Please don't use me as a sign of strength. Because the truth is, I am not strong, I am you. I am the woman who reads because they are suspicious of late night phones call her husband takes. I am the spouse who has shouldered the entire family and is in desperate need of support. I am the woman who misses affection from her husband who is next to her in bed every night. I. Am. You. To those people who have yet to catch their partner cheating but are suspicious, trust your gut. Cheating is a coward's choice so be braver than them and face the truth. To the spouse who is 'the fixer' and takes on every challenge, take a step back. When you help (even with good intention) you are actually just hurting yourself. To the spouse who has tried everything to receive physical attention from their partner but to no avail, their affection is probably going somewhere else. These are lesson I wish I could have told myself months, if not years ago. Listen to me. Or just listen to you.
To the sharks in water who call me a 'bad mom', 'a crazy bitch', 'fake' or even just think I'm out of my mind, you will find no blood in this water. So it's best you move on and find a thread where the OP will chum the water for you. It's so very easy to read and judge, this I understand. I just hope that if this ever happens to you that you will be as brave, logical and composed as you expect others to be. If not, you will find sharks circling you as well. So I hope you are as strong of a swimmer as you claim to be.
If you are still reading, my saga/survival continues. Our final mediation papers will arrive this week. We were able to settle everything at the last meeting on 1/12 and the documents just need our signature. After that, the divorce papers need to be served and filed with the county. Then we await our court date which will be done via Zoom. Yes, a bit anticlimactic, but it will still serve its purpose of divorcing. He has started (finally) to look for an apartment but nothing is to his satisfaction. Maybe he is being picky or maybe he is comfortable living in the basement. Either way, once the divorce papers are stamped he needs to be gone. He has started making phone calls to her during the day and I can hear him giggling downstairs. I'm happy he is happy, I really am. That isn't passive aggressive. I know I will be happy one day too, he just got there first and that's ok. I feel like my life is in limbo right now. I can't move forward because I'm chained to the past. I'm hoping his move will be soon. I suspect he wants out for February 1st so he can go visit her for Valentines Day. I hope for his sake (and mine) that he makes his deadline. I will update again after I receive the mediation paperwork and divorce papers are served. I'm sure that will stir up a lot of thought and emotion so I'm certain it will be a doozy. Till then, I'll keep doggy paddling.

submitted by hell_hath_no_fury__ to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

Official r/NFL Week 14 Power Rankings

Welcome to the week 14 Official NFL Power Rankings! With circus catches and beatdowns alongside great games, there was plenty to discuss even before a MNF Scorigami that might already be airing on ESPN classic. 32/32 Reporting
# Team Δ Record Comment
1. Chiefs -- 12-1 The Dolphins gave the Chiefs all they could handle in the first quarter of Sunday's game, but the Chiefs once again proved that when they are focused, they are the most dangerous team in the NFL. Travis Kelce, the NFL's leading receiver currently, had another monster game showing why he's a future hall of famer. However, after having five 10+ point wins in the first eight weeks of the season, the Chiefs last five wins have all been won by one score. Will this trend ultimately matter come playoff time? It's hard to argue with results, as the Chiefs 12-1 record is the best record through 13 games in franchise history. The ultimate barometer for the Chiefs is this week as they travel to play the Saints, hopefully with Drew Brees. Many questions will be answered in this clash of two top five teams.
2. Packers +2 10-3 There always seems to be one Lions-Packer game a year that ends up being some kind of adventure. Rodgers and Adams were as good as ever but the Lions kept on lingering throughout the game. Mason "Silver Fox" Crosby nailed an insurance 58 yard field goal with 3:30 to play and made a touchdown-saving tackle on the immediate kickoff. Aside from Crosby, the special teams really leave a lot to be desired, especially after the hands team almost allowed a onside kick recovery (c'mon y'all I don't need Bostic flashbacks). Packers officially won the division game and are now the projected 1 seed, which is pretty neat ngl. Onto a Saturday game I guess?
3. Bills +2 10-3 For a team that was searching desperately in 2019 for a signature win, the 2020 Bills have found them everywhere they turn. This team has had one of the toughest schedules in the league, but except for a couple games they've shown up every time they've had to. This is the second-best team in the conference. The Bills bandwagons are circling now. Josh Allen's extending his baseball glove-sized hand. He says "get in nerds, we're goin' to the Super Bowl."
4. Saints -1 10-3 This loss = Hurts. Dennis Allen seemingly had no answers for the rookie QB and then Miles Sanders piled on as well. "All the things we didn't want to allow happen, happened in that game." This was Sean Payton's post-game assessment and it's fair. Taysom Hill had an acceptable statline but it hides how sloppy he looked on the field. The defense struggled with its assignment to contain Hurts and keep him from getting outside the pocket - a worrying sign considering the next QB on the schedule.
5. Steelers -3 11-2 The Steelers schedule has been insane. 6 days between NYG and DEN. 14 days between HOU and PHI. 10 days between JAX and BAL. But with that BAL game, the Steelers played them, WFT and BUF in 12 days. 3 games in 12 days. The team is out of LBs and OL. This has been a challenging season for everyone, but this is unprecedented. The Steelers have 8 days until CIN, then 6 days until IND. 10 out of 16 games played with an irregular schedule? You can argue the drops are kicking their ass, but this schedule has been brutal. No wonder they've lost 2 straight.
6. Rams -- 9-4 Imagine only scoring 3 points in a game.
7. Colts +1 9-4 Kenny Moore is a player underrated by national media but massively valuable to the Colts. GM Chris Ballard made re-signing him a priority after his breakout 2018 season. Moore has been a reliable performer throughout his tenure as a Colt and added an exclamation point with his insane one-handed interception on Sunday.
8. Titans +1 9-4 Derrick Henry had his second 200+ yard 2 TD game against the Jaguars on Sunday. The performance made Henry the 7th player to rush for 1,500+ yards and 14+ TDs through 13 games.
9. Seahawks +1 9-4 Nothing cures suicidal thoughts losing like playing the Jets, baby. Sunday was never much of a game, as it was all Seahawks all day. Russell Wilson threw for 4 touchdowns, Jamal Adams broke the single season sack record for defensive backs, and Geno Smith got to play a full quarter against the team that drafted him. What a way to get over a bad loss to the Giants. Up next the Seahawks will take on their final NFC East opponent of the season; Football Team.
10. Ravens +2 8-5 This ranker is a brown man, writing about how Lamar Jackson lost 20 pounds dropping some brown, dropping a TD to Brown, to go ahead against the Browns. They go for two. So in response, K-hunt ties the game, 42-42. In response, the Llama sets up the GOAT to nail a 54-yarder, 16th game winner of his career! To say nothing else of the game -- 9 total fucking rushing touchdowns, tying a record held since two defunct teams played each other before anyone on reddit was born... and Jackson runs for a MNF QB record 124 yards -- but still gets all the clutch plays done with his arm, with this middling group of receivers. The even greater news amidst all this is that the schedule doesn't look so bad in the closing stretch, and inspired play like this past Monday from the offense will ease the burden of the Ravens' gradually depleting secondary. Best wishes to Trace McSorely who made an extremely commendable effort to set them up for Lamar's return.
11. Browns -4 9-4 Did you bet the over? The Browns and Ravens combined for 89 points in an absolute rollercoaster of a game. While they did not win, the Browns have shown they are contenders. With two games to go a real shot at the playoffs is on the table. The Browns will face the Giants in another prime time game.
12. Buccaneers -1 8-5 The Buccaneers pulled off a 26-14 win over the Vikings, bringing their playoff chances to 94%. Vikes kicker Dan Bailey channeled his inner Gary Anderson to win the Bucs' game ball on an 0/3 kicking performance with an additional missed XP. Rookie Antoine Winfield Jr. played a disruptive game against his dad's former team and is looking like he has the potential to be one of the league's next great safeties. With only interim coaches to close out the remaining three games of the season, the Bucs should have smooth sailing into the Wild Card round.
13. Dolphins -- 8-5 There are no consolation prizes in the NFL, but a single score loss to the best team in the league while the backup waterboy is lining up in the slot is about as close to a one as you'll ever get. While he was able to pull off the win, even Patrick Mahomes couldn't keep this ball-hawking defense from getting a hold of the ball, often. And at some point, if people don't start talking about Xavien Howard in the DPOY conversation, he's just going to go intercept the damned award himself. Hopefully, the long, long list of injured Dolphins get well soon.
14. Cardinals +1 7-6 A monster day from Haason Reddick and the defense finally put the Cardinals back on the winning track. Breaking a franchise record with 5 sacks was one thing, but getting all the turnovers was huge. Hopefully the offense feeds off of it and has a good week in preparing for a big game with Philly that has huge playoff implications. It will take a complete team effort to beat Philly with Jalen Hurts starting fresh of a win against the Saints.
15. Raiders -1 7-6 The Raiders looked really bad against the Colts, just like they have for the better part of the last 6 weeks. Luckily Gruden finally made the call to fire Pauly G, something fans have been calling for for the past 2 seasons. Only time will tell if it's too little, too late. Every game from here on out is a must win if the Raiders want to make the playoffs.
16. Washington FT +3 6-7 Washington is finding ways to win instead of finding ways to lose. The offense was not able to score a TD so the defense went ahead and spotted them 14 points. Chase Young notches his first TD and continues to prove his worth as the 2nd overall pick as a game wrecker.
17. Vikings -- 6-7 Dalvin Cook became the first back to rush for over 100 yards against the Bucs in over 20 games, but the Vikings were unable to convert long drives into points as Dan Bailey went 0/4 on field goals and extra points. Couple that with some questionable officiating, the Vikings' banged up front seven generating zero pressure on Tom Brady and plenty of self-inflicted wounds and it all adds up to a real tough loss that knocks the Vikings down from wild card favorites to playoff long shots.
18. Bears +5 6-7 The Bears finally snapped their six-game losing streak by rolling over the Texans without much difficulty. Trubisky attempted one throw longer than 20 yards.
19. Patriots -3 6-7 Los Angeles, is a land of contrasts - In a span of four days the Patriots' hopes for a postseason were revived and then unceremoniously squashed. Run Defense, Offensive Line, Cam and the Receivers, There just are too many holes to cover up with week to week coaching, this team needs some reworking over the offseason. The Pats end the season with the division as always, lets hope to fuck someone’s season or seeding up. And also the Jets.
20. 49ers -2 5-8 The 49ers defense did their job, holding the Washington offense to a total of 9 points, but the offense had two takeaways brought back for touchdowns and could not recover. The team looks to right the ship this week against the Cowboys.
21. Broncos +5 5-8 Drew Lock put up the third-highest passer rating in team history — behind a couple guys you may know. In the battle of 4-8's, the Broncos somehow managed to not blow a sizeable fourth-quarter lead and emerge victorious. Winning the game but losing The Hunt for a Better Draft Pick. Will the team remain in purgatory? Stay tuned.
22. Giants -2 5-8 It’s a real joy to watch the rest of the teams in the up-for-grabs NFC East secure wins, with one being against a top-5 team, all while watching your team play so poorly they start setting franchise records. At least we can say the hype was fun while it lasted, right?
23. Falcons -1 4-9 Outplayed by a team whose most impressive win is a tossup between the Bengals, Jaguars, and Jets? Check. Outcoached by special teams ace Anthony Lynn? Check. Ten point lead blown, two interceptions with under five minutes left, double check. Good thing age is just a number for the 32nd youngest team in the league.
24. Panthers -3 4-9 I'm not sure where the Panthers go from here. Coach Rhule has said that he isn't going to do the team and fans a disservice by beginning to evaluate players, which means that we're going to see more of Teddy Bridgewater (who is 0-7 in one score games this season) crumble at the end of the game. Playing at Lambeau in primetime in December is one of the hardest things a team can do, and it's not going to be an easy test for the Panthers, who so far have shown that they can't win close games, nor can they defend the pass (23rd in passing defense). It's going to be tough sledding, but hopefully Jeremy Chinn can continue his torrid pace and run his way into DROY.
25. Eagles +3 4-8-1 Jalen Hurts delivered the spark the Eagles needed to upset the Saints and spread 'quarterback controversy' all over the city of brotherly love. While the season remains a disappointment, the dual running threat of Hurts and Sanders could be interesting to watch going forward, and the NFC Least remains wide-open with 2 divisional games left on the 2020 menu.
26. Lions -1 5-8 Even with a loss, Interim HC Darrell Bevell showed that his Lions are here to compete. This game was never out of hands, and the Lions kept it close the entire time. There are still plenty of woes on Defense, but the Offense continued to ball out as expected. With two TD's coming from the run game (Swift and Kerryon), there is already something to look forward to next year. Lately the team has been able to trust the run on short yardage and redzone carries and it has helped the team with consistency in the red zone. Unfortunately, Aaron Rodgers is a QB that can carve up a weak secondary... so that didn't go great. There's around a 1% chance of the Lions getting a playoff spot, not unheard of, but it'll be tough if Stafford's injury progresses and we lose him for the season. #DefendTheDen
27. Chargers -- 4-9 First of all, props to Falcons Twitter for this gem before the game, and it played out exactly as expected. Both teams did their best to try giving it away at the end, but the Chargers ended up on the winning side this time around. The Chargers had their hiccups again but there were improvements across the board; Justin Herbert's 81.8% completion percentage is his highest of the season, the defense came away with 3 INTs, and special teams probably had their best day. The Chargers get a short week before a Thursday Night tilt in Las Vegas.
28. Texans -4 4-9 The Texans are lucky that Paxton is the Texas AG, otherwise they would have had the biggest blowout loss in the state this past week.
29. Cowboys -- 4-9 The Red Rifle won his revenge game, the defense forced multiple turnovers, and the Bengals were held to 3.4 yards per carry. All that, and the Cowboys still come out of the week with a top 5 draft pick. Honestly, Sunday couldn't have gone better. Now, the only question is whether this was the team turning the corner and the beginning of a strong finish to the season, or this was just a perfect moment of the Cowboys finding a shittier team with serious injuries issues and just doing what should happen in that scenario.
30. Bengals -- 2-10-1 Giovani Bernard hadn't fumbled since 2013 before his 1st quarter fumble on Sunday. So what does he get for his troubles? A spot on the bench thanks to Zac Taylor. Giovani was one of the only veterans who spoke out in behalf of Taylor and the current coaches when multiple articles were released with "sources" saying that Taylor had lost the locker room last month. You have to question the benching for multiple reasons as the directionless Bengals continue to flounder to blowout losses. Just another reason why this should be Zac Taylor's last season as head coach in Cincinnati.
31. Jaguars -- 1-12 This one felt more as expected. Perhaps it was in former GM Dave Caldwell's plans— no, wait, hear me out. Adjusting tinfoil hat; Based on the moves taken this offseason to seemingly dump talent from the Jaguars in attempt to amass more draft picks, perhaps the former front office of the Jaguars were banking on this season not being played, due to pandemic reasons. Sure, this may sound farfetched, but I'd like to hear a more reasonable explanation for fielding such a disaster as this team, this season.
32. Jets -- 0-13 The Jets have now scored on 7 consecutive opening drives, the longest streak in the NFL. After climbing to an early 3-0 lead, I watched Peter Sawkins make an excellent cranachan custard slice on The Great British Bake Off.
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2 Round Mock Draft (3.0)

Here is the much awaited 3.0 Mock! Though some QB movement is inevitable, I didn't mock and player trades, just draft capital trades. My analysis for each team is at the bottom.
Round 1
1.01) Jaguars - Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson
1.02) Jets - Zach Wilson, QB, BYU
1.03) Dolphins - Ja’Marr Chase, WR, LSU
1.04) Falcons - Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State
1.05) Bengals - Penei Sewell, OL, Oregon
1.06) Eagles - Patrick Surtain II, CB, Alabama
1.07) 49ers (Trade with Lions)- Trey Lance, QB, North Dakota State
Lions trade 1.07 for to 49ers for 1.12, 2.43, 2022 Second
1.08) Panthers - Rashawn Slater, OL, Northwestern
1.09) Broncos - Caleb Farley, CB, Virginia Tech
1.10) Cowboys - Kwity Paye, DE, Michigan
1.11) Giants - Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama
1.12) Lions (Trade with 49ers) - DeVonta Smith, WR, Alabama
Lions trade 1.07 for to 49ers for 1.12, 2.43, 2022 Second
1.13) Chargers - Kyle Pitts, TE, Florida
1.14) Vikings - Alijah Vera-Tucker, OL, USC
1.15) Patriots - Micah Parsons, LB, Penn State
1.16) Cardinals - Jaycee Horn, CB, South Carolina
1.17) Raiders - Gregory Rousseau, EDGE, Miami
1.18) Dolphins - Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah, LB, Notre Dame
1.19) Washington - Mac Jones, QB, Alabama
1.20) Bears - Christian Darrisaw, OL, Virginia Tech
1.21) Colts - Samuel Cosmi, OL, Texas
1.22) Titans - Jaelen Phillips, EDGE, Miami
1.23) Jets - Azeez Ojulari, EDGE, Georgia
1.24) Steelers - Liam Eichenburg, OL, Notre Dame
1.25) Jaguars - Christian Barmore, DT, Alabama
1.26) Browns - Zaven Collins, LB, Tulsa
1.27) Ravens - Creed Humphrey, OL, Oklahoma
1.28) Chargers (Trade with Saints) - Wyatt Davis, OL, Ohio State
Chargers trade 2.47, 3.77, and 2022 fifth to Saints for 1.28
1.29) Packers - Eric Stokes, CB, Georgia
1.30) Bills - Jalen Mayfield, OL, Michigan
1.31) Chiefs - Teven Jenkins, OL, Oklahoma State
1.32) Buccaneers - Joesph Ossai, DE, Texas
Round 2
2.33) Jaguars - Trevon Moehrig, S, TCU
2.34) Jets - Alex Leatherwood, OL, Alabama
2.35) Falcons - Najee Harris, RB, Alabama
2.36) Dolphins - Travis Etienne, RB, Clemson
2.37) Eagles - Rashod Bateman, WR, Minnesota
2.38) Bengals - Carlos Basham Jr., DE, Wake Forest
2.39) Panthers - Nick Bolton, LB, Missouri
2.40) Broncos - Daviyon Nixon, DT, Iowa
2.41) Lions - Jay Tufele, DT, USC
2.42) Giants - Jayson Oweh, EDGE, Penn State
2.43) Lions (Trade with 49ers) - Tyson Campbell, CB, Georgia
Lions trade 1.07 for to 49ers for 1.12, 2.43, 2022 Second
2.44) Cowboys - Greg Newsome II, CB, Northwestern
2.45) Jaguars - Pat Freiermuth, TE, Penn State
2.46) Patriots - Rondale Moore, WR, Purdue
2.47) Saints - Levi Onwuzurike, DT, Washington
Chargers trade 2.47, 3.77, and 2022 fifth to Saints for 1.28
2.48) Raiders - Jevon Holland, S, Oregon
2.49) Cardinals - Kadarius Toney, WR, Florida
2.50) Dolphins - Landon Dickerson, IOL, Alabama
2.51) Washington - Terrace Marshall Jr., WR, LSU
2.52) Bears - Amon-Ra St. Brown, WR, USC
2.53) Titans - Elijah Moore, WR, Ole Miss
2.54) Colts - Kyle Trask, QB, Florida
2.55) Steelers - Patrick Jones II, EDGE, Pitt
2.56) Seahawks - Trey Smith, OL, Tennessee
2.57) Rams - Chazz Surratt, LB, UNC
2.58) Ravens - Joe Tryon, EDGE, Washington
2.59) Browns - Asante Samuel Jr, CB, Florida State
2.60) Saints - Richie Grant, S, UCF
2.61) Packers - Alim Mcneill, DT, NC State
2.62) Bills - Shaun Wade, CB, Ohio State
2.63) Chiefs - Quincy Roche, EDGE, Miami
2.64) Buccaneers - Dillion Radunz, OL, NDSU
Baltimore Ravens
1.27) Ravens - Creed Humphrey, OL, Oklahoma
2.58) Ravens - Joe Tryon, EDGE, Washington
The Ravens have multiple needs this season, but none are as important as DE and Center. Center Matt Skura is still recovering from a significant knee injury where he tore his ACL, MCL and PCL in late November along with a disclosated kneecap and his future is unknown. While the franchise-tagged Matthew Judon registered 9.5 sacks and 33 quarterback hits — both team high, Jaylon Ferguson, a rookie, only finished with with 2.5 sacks and nine quarterback hits.
Cincinnati Bengals
1.05) Bengals - Penei Sewell, OL, Oregon
2.38) Bengals - Carlos Basham Jr., DE, Wake Forest
The most important thing in Cincinnati this season is one thing and one thing alone, collect as many assets to protect and assist Joe Burrow this offseason. To make matters worse, Carl Lawson, AJ Green, and John Ross are free agents and most likely to be somewhere else in 2021. Cincinnati posted the second least sacks in 2020 and desperately needs to add playmakers on the edge.
Cleveland Browns
1.26 CLE - Zaven Collins (LB) - Tulsa
2.59) Browns - Asante Samuel Jr, CB, Florida State
On defense, all three levels need to get better. But at the very least, Myles Garrett is locked in long-term as focal point of the defense and Denzel Ward seem likely to join him when he’s extended. I see the browns hammering the defensive side of the ball in the draft this year with a WR in the mix in the later rounds.
Pittsburgh Steelers
1.24) Steelers - Liam Eichenburg, OL, Notre Dame
2.55) Steelers - Patrick Jones II, EDGE, Pitt
With the retirement of Pouncey looming along with free agency of Villanueva, Steelers desperately need to find cheap options on the OL. Eichenburg provides and elite, cheap fill and can be a franchise player. The question mark for RB is also a big one. Do they resign Connor, find another option like Kenyan Drake, Jerrick Mckinnon, or Chris Carson or draft one.
Buffalo Bills
1.30) Bills - Jalen Mayfield, OL, Michigan
2.62) Bills - Shaun Wade, CB, Ohio State
The Bills are a complete team that doesn’t have many sports for an instant starter. However, they will need to get better in the trenches if they want to compete with the likes of Kansas City and Tampa Bay. Mayfield only played 1 season at Michigan, but the need on the right side of the line in evident. Look for the Bills to also look at DE, LB, CB, or even trade down to a team trying to grab a late first rounder.
Miami Dolphins
1.03) Dolphins - Ja’Marr Chase, WR, LSU
1.18) Dolphins - Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah, LB, Notre Dame
2.36) Dolphins - Travis Etienne, RB, Clemson
2.50) Dolphins - Landon Dickerson, IOL, Alabama
In Tua year two, the Dolphins need to fill out their roster if they want to compete with the Bills. There are multiple needs Miami has, but filling out their OL and giving Tua elite options are the priority.
New England Patriots
1.15) Patriots - Micah Parsons, LB, Penn State
2.46) Patriots - Rondale Moore, WR, Purdue
Offense, Offense, Offense. Patriots need to hammer a rebuild on the offensive side of the draft if they even want to dream about the playoffs again. The Bills and Dolphins are a major threat in the AFC and Newton at QB wasn’t a longterm fix. Moore provides Belichick with an elite pass catcher who can line up all over the field.
New York Jets
1.02) Jets - Zach Wilson, QB, BYU
1.23) Jets - Azeez Ojulari, EDGE, Georgia
2.34) Jets - Alex Leatherwood, OL, Alabama
If the Jets want to compete next year, they need to address almost every position. Drafting basically BPA at every spot this year, they select a QB replacement, a long athletic edge, and some more depth in the OL.
Houston Texans
Indianapolis Colts
1.21) Colts - Samuel Cosmi, OL, Texas
2.54) Colts - Kyle Trask, QB, Florida
Indianapolis has an elite defense and if they can fix the holes on offense they will be a threat in the AFC for years to come. With the retirements of Phillip Rivers and Anthony Constanzo, LT and QB becoming immediate early draft picks or free agent acquisitions and I believe drafting Trask and Sam Cosmi will be good replacements.
Jacksonville Jaguars
1.01) Jaguars - Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson
1.25) Jaguars - Christian Barmore, DT, Alabama
2.33) Jaguars - Trevon Moehrig, S, TCU
2.45) Jaguars - Pat Freiermuth, TE, Penn State
The Jacksonville Jaguars are currently in the process of completing their regime change under new head coach Urban Meyer. Once that happens, it will be all about making improvements to the roster this offseason. With Lawrence as a lock, Urban Meyer has to surround his franchise QB with a roster that’ll be competitive.
Tennessee Titans
1.22) Titans - Jaelen Phillips, EDGE, Miami
2.53) Titans - Elijah Moore, WR, Ole Miss
By far, Tennessee’s biggest problem right now is a lack of consistent pass rush, which should have them targeting an edge defender early in this draft. Jaelen Philips fills the need and provides a high-upside EDGE to assist whatever they bring in in free agency.
Denver Broncos
1.09) Broncos - Caleb Farley, CB, Virginia Tech
2.40) Broncos - Daviyon Nixon, DT, Iowa
With the 9th pick, the Broncos should be targeting one of the several talented cornerbacks in this 2021 NFL Draft class. The Broncos brought in former Pro Bowler A.J. Bouye via trade with the Jaguars and he has been on and off the field due to injuries this season. I think Farley is incredibly talented and he fills a need for Vic Fangio's defense.
Defensive line can’t be ignored as a potential concern. They have five free agents-to-be up front, including Shelby Harris, Jurrell Casey and DeMarcus Walker. Not all of them will come back, we suspect. Even with Dre’Mont Jones, DeShawn Williams, McTelvin Agim and maybe Mike Purcell, some depth and insurance would be nice.
Kansas City Chiefs
1.31) Chiefs - Teven Jenkins, OL, Oklahoma State
2.63) Chiefs - Quincy Roche, EDGE, Miami
One thing the Chiefs will need in 2021 is help at the edge rusher position. Right now, Frank Clark and Mike Danna are the only two players currently under contract. They’ll need to find a few more in the draft and undrafted free agency if they don’t re-sign any of their pending free agents.
Las Vegas Raiders
1.17) Raiders - Gregory Rousseau, EDGE, Miami
2.48) Raiders - Jevon Holland, S, Oregon
When it comes to the draft, the Raiders still have plenty of holes to fill, particularly when it comes to the team’s defensive side. Jon Gruden and Mike Mayock have spent plenty of picks on the defense but have yet to draft a player who looks like he can be All-Pro, or even pro bowl material on defense.
Los Angeles Chargers
1.13) Chargers - Kyle Pitts, TE, Florida
1.28) Chargers (Trade with Saints) - Wyatt Davis, OL, Ohio State
Chargers trade 2.47, 3.77, and 2022 fifth to Saints for 1.28
Now, the Chargers going after Pitts is a decision that has to be made after they figure out what they’re going to do with Hunter Henry. Henry is currently playing on the franchise tag for an AAV of $10.6 million. Before both Travis Kelce and George Kittle signed their huge extensions, Henry was the highest paid tight end based on AAV. The Chargers are looking a having to chose between Henry and defensive end Melvin Ingram to bring back. A cheaper, possibly better option at tight end could be for the taking in the first round of the NFL Draft in Kyle Pitts.
Chicago Bears
1.20) Bears - Christian Darrisaw, OL, Virginia Tech
2.52) Bears - Amon-Ra St. Brown, WR, USC
Matt Nagy desperately needs to overhaul their offense if they want to compete with the Packers in the upcoming years. To start, I believe the biggest needs the Bears must address this offseason is the offensive line and Receiver. If the Bears want to find an adequate replacement for the expected departure of Allen Robinson, they’ll have to strongly consider using their first pick, however in this mock draft I have them assessing OT first.
Detroit Lions
1.12) Lions (Trade with 49ers) - DeVonta Smith, WR, Alabama
Lions trade 1.07 for to 49ers for 1.12, 2.43, 2022 Second
2.41) Lions - Jay Tufele, DT, USC
2.43) Lions (Trade with 49ers) - Tyson Campbell, CB, Georgia
With the departure of Stafford announced, Lions have a new QB coming to town. Over the next few weeks, the debate will be had regarding whether or not Detroit should trade down, especially since the team only possesses five total picks this year. Dan Campbell is in year 1, and as long as Rodgers is in GB, odds are they will not make the playoffs. Lions have many holes and the logical thing to do is to trade down and gather as much draft capital as possible. Look for WFT, NE, MIA, or IND as other potential trade partners.
The trade I mocked was the exact same as the Buf-Tampa trade that resulted in Josh Allen in Buffalo. Yes, you don’t need to trade 3 firsts to move up in the first round.
Green Bay Packers
1.29) Packers - Eric Stokes, CB, Georgia
2.61) Packers - Alim Mcneill, DT, NC State
Like the other 3 teams that made the Championship Weekend, the Packers have minimal needs. Kevin King was exposed versus the Bucs and I wouldn’t be surprised if they draft a CB with the first round pick. If the Packers can add another monster upfront, it would help them in so many areas. For starters, it would make life easier on their inside linebackers and open up more gaps for the backer to fill in the running game. A player who can get after the quarterback by pushing the pocket would also alleviate some stress on the secondary and free up blockers for the Packers’ edge rushers.
Minnesota Vikings
1.14) Vikings - Alijah Vera-Tucker, OL, USC
With the 14th pick, the Vikings can go many routes, address the OL, draft an edge rusher, or fix the back end of the defense. With Spielman as GM, it is very unlikely that the Vikings will never draft an EDGE rusher in the first round. At 6-4, 315 pounds, he could play either position at the next level. The Vikings must solidify their offensive line around Kirk Cousins, even after spending second-round picks on Ezra Cleveland (2020) and Brian O'Neill (2018) in recent years, and Vera-Tucker could be the long-term answer on the left side of the line. Cousins plays best when his running game is humming, and Vera-Tucker is a great run-blocker.
Dallas Cowboys
1.10) Cowboys - Kwity Paye, DE, Michigan
2.44) Cowboys - Greg Newsome II, CB, Northwestern
Going into the 2021 draft, the Cowboys have multiple holes they need to address. To start they desperately need to address their secondary. With Slater, Sewell, Surtain, and Farley all gone, this is the worst possible scenario for the boys.
Aldon Smith has played well for the Cowboys this season and may have set himself up for a nice payday over the offseason. With Dallas in a less than ideal cap situation, they may choose to let Smith walk and try to replace him in the draft. In this scenario, Paye would make a ton of sense for the team if they end up picking towards the end of the top 10.
New York Giants
1.11) Giants - Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama
2.42) Giants - Jayson Oweh, EDGE, Penn State
I think that the Giants are an ascending football team, but they need to be more explosive offensively. Waddle e might be the number one WR in the Class and has the size and speed to be the main target for Daniel Jones. One of the more bizarre stats to come out of the 2020 regular season was that the Giants’ top four pressure marks all came from interior defensive linemen. Leonard Williams (62 pressures), Dexter Lawrence (29), Dalvin Tomlinson (28) and B.J. Hill (22) all produced more quarterback pressures than New York’s top mark from an edge defender — Kyler Fackrell with just 19. By drafting an EDGE in the second round, they bring in a dire need.
Philadelphia Eagles
1.06) Eagles - Patrick Surtain II, CB, Alabama
2.37) Eagles - Rashod Bateman, WR, Minnesota
The Eagles have massive holes to fill and might have multiple key players from their SB team leaving this offseason. There’s no question that the Eagles need help at cornerback. They came into this season with Darius Slay as their top corner and even though he hasn’t been elite, he’s been the best CB1 they’ve had since Asante Samuel. The problem is that they lined up Avonte Maddox on the other side and Maddox just simply isn’t a good enough starting outside corner. The Eagles have struggled to draft cornerbacks — think back to Sidney Jones and Rasul Douglas in 2017 — so it’s scary to think about them getting this wrong. But Surtain has an NFL pedigree and at 6-1, isn’t the type of undersized corner we’ve seen the Eagles trot out there during the Jim Schwartz era. Surtain is a true first-round pick and one of the best corners in this draft.
Washington Football Team
1.19) Washington - Mac Jones, QB, Alabama
2.51) Washington - Terrace Marshall Jr., WR, LSU
It's no surprise that the Football Team needs a QB, but they most likely need to give up an unbelievable amount of draft capitol if they want a taste at the top 4 QBs in the draft. With the abundance of QB’s in the market this offseason, it won’t be a surprise if they make a run at Matt Stafford, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Jimmy G, or Matt Ryan if they become available. Washington could bring in one of the elite Receivers in Free Agency, but Marshall at 51 is hard to pass up.
Atlanta Falcons
1.04) Falcons - Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State
2.35) Falcons - Najee Harris, RB, Alabama
Atlanta comes into the 2021 Draft in a unique position. They have plenty of talent, but a team full of aging superstars and an abysmal defense brought them to the number 4 pick. Most likely the top 6 will be Lawrence, Sewell and a run on QBs and WRs bringing the Falcons in a unique position. If they decide to draft a QB, they are in perfect position to pick one but I believe they can do many things. With Matt Ryan on the backend of his career and Julio Jones turning 33, ATL will need to do turn the page soon to be relevant again.
Carolina Panthers
1.08) Panthers - Rashawn Slater, OL, Northwestern
2.39) Panthers - Nick Bolton, LB, Missouri
If Trey Lance falls to 8, Carolina would be happy to pick Lance with the eighth pick. Drafting a quarterback is almost a certainty at this point but if the Panthers take the "aggressive" approach that new general manager Scott Fitterer has talked about, they will likely trade up for either BYU's Zach Wilson or Ohio State's Justin Fields. Instead of a QB, they take Slater. Tackle in particular is a priority with the Panthers likely to move on from left tackle Russell Okung 32, and right tackle Taylor Moton likely to draw interest in free agency that could make him too costly.
The Carolina Panthers are going to need a long-term solution to their middle linebacker spot sooner rather than later and Nick Bolton fills the void left by Luke Kuechly. Nick Bolton is a physical hitter who has the right sort of speed to become a sideline-to-sideline force at the next level.
New Orleans Saints
2.47) Saints - Levi Onwuzurike, DT, Washington
*Chargers trade 2.47, 3.77, and 2022 fifth to Saints for 1.28*
2.60) Saints - Richie Grant, S, UCF
The Saints have many decisions this offseason regarding their elite defensive that puts them in a tough spot. It’s currently uncertain what the New Orleans secondary will look like next season as Janoris Jenkins, PJ Williams, Justin Hardee, and Ken Crawley are all set to be free agents, and adding a top tier talent like Onwuzurike and Grant could help the team for years.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
1.32) Buccaneers - Joesph Ossai, DE, Texas
2.64) Buccaneers - Dillion Radunz, OL, NDSU
With it a possibility that Shaq Barrett opts to leave in free agency, the Buccaneers could find themselves looking for a quarterback hunter. Ossai could fit right in with what they like to do on defense and create havoc for that defense. Should he slide to No. 25, Ossai should be ripe for the picking by the Tampa Bay front office.
LT Donovan Smith has been reliable in terms of his durability and availability, but his performance over the last five years has been inconsistent at best. He’s also scheduled to make more than $14 million next season, though none of that money is guaranteed. That means the Bucs could move on from him without any dead money, and considering how tight the team in terms of salary cap space, they could save a ton of money with a younger, cheaper option like Radunz.
Arizona Cardinals
1.16) Cardinals - Jaycee Horn, CB, South Carolina
2.49) Cardinals - Kadarius Toney, WR, Florida
With the gaping void left in the Arizona Cardinals secondary following the inevitable loss of franchise-cornerback Patrick Peterson, the 2021 NFL Draft offers an opportunity for Arizona to directly replace their isolation-corner with a prospect built in a similar mold. All-Pro safety Budda Baker looks to be one of the few returning members of the Arizona secondary and is in need of a complimenting talent on the opposite side of the hashes.
Los Angeles Rams
2.57) Rams - Chazz Surratt, LB, UNC
Going into the 2021 offseason, the Rams have quite a few question marks among the OL. Whitworth is old and the rest of the OL might be gone this offseason. They violently need to address the OL in the draft and this offseason. The Rams may have their most questions right now at the linebacker position and several key names could be gone by next year. Cory Littleton and Dante Fowler were lost this offseason, Samsom Ebukam will be a free agent next year, and Leonard Floyd was only signed to a one-year contract. Chazz Surratt is a must for the elite Rams D and provides Sean Mcvay with an athletic playmaker.
San Francisco 49ers
1.07) 49ers (Trade with Lions)- Trey Lance, QB, North Dakota State
*Lions trade 1.07 for to 49ers for 1.12, 2.43, 2022 Second*
San Francisco has an important offseason in front of them if they want to continue being atop the NFC West. Injuries battered the 49ers this year and it was a disappointing season all around. The 49ers are in salary cap hell next season and needs to do something if they want to resign Trent Williams, Richard Sherman, Soloman Thomas, and Jason Verrett among others.
Seattle Seahawks
2.56) Seahawks - Trey Smith, OL, Tennessee
Russell Wilson did not look comfortable at quarterback as his ecosystem became increasingly fragile this season. The success of the #LetRussCook movement, more or less, died as protection slowly got worse and worse. In the Wild Card game, Seattle's offensive line struggled mightily, allowing its worst pressure rate of the year - a 67 percent clip on all dropbacks, per Pro Football Focus.
submitted by FoShizzle-MyNizzle to NFL_Draft [link] [comments]

10 GB with plenty of features vs. 16 GB - thats all it is to it, IMHO

So I really do not want to start a war here. But most posts regarding the topic if you should buy a RTX 3080 or a RX 6800XT are first: civil, and second: not focused enough, IMHO.
We now had a little time to let the new GPU releases sink in and I think, what we can conclude is the following:
Rasterization roughly on par with 6800XT, more often than not better at 4k and worse below it
Vastly better raytracing with todays implementations
10 GB of VRAM that today does not seem to hinder it
DLSS - really a gamechanger with raytracing
Some other features that may or may not be of worth for you

16 GB of VRAM that seems to not matter that much and did not give the card an advantage in 4k, probably because the implementation of the infinity cache gets worse, the higher the resolution, somewhat negating the VRAM advantage.
Comparatively worse raytracing

An objective comparison should point to the RTX3080 to be the better card all around. The only thing that would hold me back from buying it is the 10 GB of VRAM. I would be a little uncomfortable with this amount for a top end card that should stay in my system for at least 3 years (considering its price).
Still, as mentioned, atm 16 GB of the 6800XT do not seem to be an advantage.
I once made the mistake (with Vega 64) to buy on the promise of AMD implementing features that were not there from the beginning (broken features and all). So AMD working on an DLSS alternative is not very reassuring regarding their track record and since Nvidia basically has a longer track record with RT and DLSS technology, AMD is playing catch up game and will not be there with the first time with their upscaling alternative.

So what do you think? Why should you choose - availability aside - the RX6800 instead of the 3080? Will 10 GB be a problem?
submitted by Spectre731 to Amd [link] [comments]

Fallout New Vegas Criticism

I love New Vegas, its my favorite game of all time. And it is for a lot of other people too. This unfortunately means that its almost impossible to say anything negative about the game on Reddit without getting massively shat on. The only point you seem to be allowed to criticize is the bugs, which gets rebutted by "but they only had 18 months to make it" or "Bethesda was in charge of QA", as if any of these things excuse it for you as a customer.
So now that the game is 10 years old and most of us have played it tons of times, I thought it would be a good time to make a thread where we can actually criticize this lovely game. I'll start, now bear in mind this is of course all degrees of subjective so don't throw "uR nOT obJEvTiVE" at me just yet:
  1. The bugs has to be meantioned first. The game ran horribly at release and still did for a long time after. Its first many years later with patches and mods that we reached something that can be called mostly stable. I'm playing it right now only with stability mods on and it still crashes about once every 1-2 hours, and its still very buggy and janky.
  2. Caravan, this game's made up card game, is horrible. Firstly its very buggy somehow. I am surprised they couldn't even bug fix a solitaire-like card game, but here we are. Secondly even when it works its not very fun. It takes minimum 3 cards to make a caravan and only one king or jack to ruin it. It means it heavily favors just fucking up your opponent and hope you win the war of card attrition. The game used to be stupidly easy but was then patched so now the AI will spam kings and jacks constantly. After I got the 30 games achievement I dropped it. Lastly the game doesn't do anything with Caravan. There is no quest to become the Mojave champion or such. I get this isn't needed but it would have helped make it interesting. The only other games in the game are casino games which all depends on your luck stat. I would love being able to play high stakes Caravan.
  3. Cut content. Roleplaying is best when you actually have good reason to join both sides. In Fallout New Vegas the NCR gets the majority of the content. If you side with the Legion you can finish all the faction quests in a few hours, meanwhile the NCR has so many quests I always have to check the wiki to remember them all. Its such a shame. It doesn't help that for 3 of the endings you can work with the NCR but only 1 for the Legion. I don't get this when in 2 of those endings you end up double crossing the NCR anyways, why not allow the player to double cross the Legion? The difference being that the NCR will stand down and the Legion will then try to fight you and your army.
  4. Caesar's Legion is weird. I love most of the faction. I love the ideological conflict between a faction trying to redo democracy but running into the same problems with corruption vs a brutal but safe dictatorship. I like talking to everyone and its cool to see how different peoples' options are of the factions. Some just hate the Legion outright because of their massacre. Some see the value of having a safe society, Cass mentions how she considered running her caravan in the Legion instead of the NCR because its safer. Its cool. However I can't get over the fact that this faction is a big ancient Rome LARP. They run around in football gear. Why not just make them look normal, or similar to Romans but not literally Romans. Its such a well crafted faction that gets ruined by this pretty silly design.
  5. Independent is basically the House route but with you instead. You don't get to choose what your plans are other than your interactions with the small factions, which also doesn't feel special. You don't ever get to use your securitrons. It would have been extremely cool to be able to send your army with you to wipe out or subjugate factions instead of just doing the same quest you do if you side with House. Again, you are also forced into a choice between an uneasy alliance with the NCR where you double cross them, or killing both major factions. You can't make it clear to them beforehand that you don't want to be annexed.
  6. The economy is poorly balanced. In Fallout 3 you barely made any money and vendors were just as poor, so it took a long time to accumulate wealth. Most players would just use gear they found instead of paying for it at a store. In Fallout New Vegas you can easily have 5000 caps by the time you reach The Strip. I had twice that when I reached it 2 days ago. Stores have tons of money and are more than willing to buy all your junk. The economy just breaks when vendors are willing to buy all the crap you pick up at such high prices as NV has. I think you can get them to buy for 90% of their value, that's fucking insane. I try to not level up barter too quickly as it just makes the game too easy but I also hate crippling myself like this. The game's vendors need to be selective about what they buy and how much they pay for it. You need 2000 caps to inter the strip, that's pretty much nothing. The game even gives you tons of ways around the credit check so clearly they meant for it to be a hurdle.
  7. The map. I'm not saying its bad, but going from Fallout 3 to NV makes you miss the feeling of being able to go in any direction and always find something. New Vegas is very railroaded. It has a ton of mountains and invisible walls to make the player go specific places (Edit: a lot of people are citing this one setence and using it to rebut me, guys read the whole damn thing). I can still let myself get lost in Fallout 3, in NV I always know exactly which way I'm supposed to go. The game has no counterpart to F3's Andale or Oasis. There are no small outskirts places for you to discover in some random spot. All the towns are along the main roads, with a handful of cool places that are off the beaten path. I love following the road through Primm->Nipton->Novac->Boulder City->Vegas, its an excellent experience for following the main story and finding a ton of side content, and I love they gave returning players the option to head straight north and try their luck. But when I just want to do some side content I always feel like I have to follow a track. I AM NOT SAYING THE MAP IS BAD. Just that it follows a certain design that some don't like. I like it when I just want to do the main story, its a really nice experience that way. But if you want to just go in any direction like in a Bethesda RPG you will get disappointed. There are tons of invisible walls and mountains in the way. Imagine if you started in Freeside instead and just had to get the cash to get into the strip (more than 2k). Then you can choose to follow the I-88, go towards Jacobstown, Bitter Springs, do stuff in Freeside or the other communities around Vegas. Would be a great alternative start for returning players.
Edit: some extra
  1. Combat is ass to say it bluntly. For some reason people always excuse the poor combat in RPG's because its not the games' focus or because its almost tradition at this point. I don't see why I as a player and paying customer should make excuses for a product I paid for. Its embarrasing how poor the AI is in the game, how poorly combat works and how unbalanced the game is. I can go through a ton of the game with my Couriers Stash 10mm and Vault armor and just blast entire legion or NCR camps, and then suddenly difficulty can turn on a dime and an enemy can kill me in 3-4 hits. Difficulty in RPGs is such an important thing as it directly influences your decisions. In Fallout 1 and 2 I did my best to not bite off more than I could chew. In NV can do pretty much anything other than go to Sloan at the start, which is a part that most have noticed too.
  2. The selection of guns is fine, but not armors. Without ultimate edition you don't get any good early game armor in the game. The only option is leather armor. Mid game you fight to get either power armor or combat armor mk2, and late game is all about Riot Gear from Lonesome Road. They could have made armor interesting by giving it stronger buffs and debuffs. PA and metal armor has a -1 to agility but often +1 to strength. Why not give such traits to all armors and maybe even make it stronger? Too much of the armor is also faction armor which you don't want to be wearing unless you are infiltrating somewhere.
  3. Speech is too much like Fallout 3 and not enough like 1 and 2. In 3 and NV dialogue either ends in a skill check (too often speech) or you having to do a task if you can't pass the check. What's being said is largely unimportant unless it leads to a different outcome. In Fallout 1 and 2 dialogue was much more about reading each option and thinking about how the character you were talking too would react. You often couldn't just [speech] 50 do what I want. NV has a few moments where you actually does have to argue and its some of its strongest parts.
  4. Crafting could have been more. This is more of a "what could have been" argument, but personally I don't see why you shouldn't be able to craft a lot more guns or armors. I don't want Fallout 4's style of somehow being able to craft tons of pre war objects you clearly don't have the tools to make, but just having a good selection of makeshift guns and armors would have made crafting and also survival much better.
These are my thoughts. Please feel free to share yours!
submitted by Less_Tennis5174524 to truegaming [link] [comments]

r/hockey NHL Power Rankings Week 1: First Protocol Edition

/Hockey NHL Power Rankings Week Jan 18, 2021 - Jan 24, 2021

Thank You

Thank you to all of the volunteers doing the power rankings. Each ranker has their own system and have their own reasonings and analyis. It truly is a lot of work.


deportalextrebek driftshade1 robtangle acescope sandman730 maxpowr9 goldwhale jchurch8073 tacotruckz eqoisbae suqqa_madiq nodessb silkeystev offraindrop13 rasera hrint philbob99 steckums thoseprose blueferret98 hockeycross admiralfartmore


lang14 keepitsteadyidiots


The visualization contains historical data, so you can see how your team has done over time. Hopefully, we can run this for many years in hopes that we can see the rise and fall of teams by /hockey opinion.
It automatically updates so feel free to bookmark. You can find it here


How does this work? Throughout the course of the week rankers are able to access an app that will allow them to rank teams. At the end of the period we calculate the average ranking for every team and collate all of the analysis provided by rankers.
The app then generates a post that is first proofread and then posted to /hockey!


Ranking (avg) Team Delta Overall Record Comments
1 (1.74) Vegas Golden Knights - 5-1-0 4-0 is an impressive start for the NHL's newest franchise. They excel in every area of the game, and to no one's surprise they are coming out as one of the best teams this season. They have proven to be good at getting close to cups, maybe a good start and a shortened season will be what it takes.
2 (3.26) Tampa Bay Lightning - 3-1-0 Still too early to really comment on anything, especially having only faced 2 other teams. Still have a few question marks in Schenn, Joseph, Volkov, and Stephens. But the rest of the team looks the same.
3 (3.48) Montreal Canadiens - 4-0-2 Montreal is atop the north division and that should come as no surprise to their fans. They have scoring, defense, and of course Price between the bars. The Canadian division winner will surely gloat for a while after this season, and Montreal is aiming for those bragging rights.
4 (5.17) Toronto Maple Leafs - 5-2-0 The Leafs have had a pretty solid start to their season. After two sloppy games against the Habs and Senators, they have buckled up defensively and have let up only 10 goals in their past 5 games. That being said, they've scored 14 in that time, with the majority being PP goals. So... the leafs need... 5v5 offense?? Not something we've heard in Toronto for a while. This is part of the reason that the Leafs are reportedly shopping for a forward, combined with long term injuries to rookie Nick Roberston and not-a-rookie Joe Thornton, it actually seems like a depth forward is a need.
5 (7.61) Winnipeg Jets - 4-2-0 Everybody who is worried or tooting their own horns, say it with me: "Sample size". A fantastic start to the season for the Jets that is ripe with deceiving takes. Ottawa's relative strength being a big question mark makes the 3 game win streak a big question mark. The two games prior were rust-filled .500 hockey spread over 6 days. Excluding the Connors, every player has looked shaky at times, and killer at others. Each game with a 20 minute effort, maybe 40 minutes tops. And of course, the Laine trade. But for all the downs, the ups are looking good thus far. The fan-dubbed 22 year old AHL lifer in Logan Stanley has made impressive strides in the summer, and has exceeded expectations thus far (of which there were none). Heinola looks fantastic, for all the 12 minutes we got to see. Forbort has been a steady rental, and the bottom 6 forwards (all 12 of them) seem like they all have something to prove. I'm sad about the Laine trade and I'm curious about Dubois. Good start Jets, keep going.
6 (8.09) Colorado Avalanche - 3-3-0 Welcome to the Covid Season! Avs have been off to a mixed start, lack of practice doesn't seem like a fair critique since every team was in the same situation, but Avs look rusty. Power Play is clicking, but hard to know if bad Pking is bumping it (Blues PK is barely over 50%). We have the youngest D in the league and none of the really young guys seem out of place. Girard-Toews have insane chemistry. We really need EJ to get up to speed so we stop playing Pateryn. Top Line is Fire and killing it. Middle 6 needs to wake up and start the season. Don't look now but Rantanen is tied for the league lead in goals, Big Moose is rumbling.
7 (8.22) Minnesota Wild - 4-2-0 Minnesota's not playing as well as their record would indicate, but clutch goals and solid defense goes far in this league. Kirill Kaprizov is better than advertised, which is hard to believe since fans have waited years for him to arrive. The blue line is one of the best in the league with the addition of Ian Cole, and the duo of Cam Talbot and Kaapo Kahkonen have been a much steadier presence in net than the Dubnyk/Stalock pairing of old. Talbot went down with an injury Friday night so this could be a very valuable insight into whether or not Big Kahk is the goalie of the future. There is still a glaring lack of skill up the middle - Victor Rask should not be a first-line center in this league - and the power play is abysmal, but in this shortened season it's all about maximizing your points in the standings.
8 (8.74) Washington Capitals - 3-0-3 It's been a great start overall for the Caps. They've picked up points in each of their first five games, and have been getting goals throughout their lineup. Their goaltending is weak to start, but I assume that they will find their rhythm as the season goes on.
9 (9.26) Boston Bruins - 3-1-1 WIth no preseason games, I am not surprised with the roster turnover that the Bruins would have a slow start. This is going to be a "prove it" year for a lot of the youth if they are an NHL-level player. Scoring in general was a major problem and it took 3 games to score a 5-on-5 goal, not to mention hardly any depth scoring. The second Philly game calmed my fears as the team is starting to click on all levels and hope it continues. I am also happy Nick Ritchie hasn't done anything stupid...yet.
10 (10.43) New York Islanders - 3-2-0 The isles are ready to make a statement. They had their chance at the cup last year cut off short by the champions, but they clearly still want to compete. Defensively, no team quite compares. They are definitely a team to watch in the East.
11 (10.83) St. Louis Blues - 3-2-1 Stick taps for Ville Husso. Dude's gotten no help in his first two appearances. Our Special Teams suck, and new arrivals Krug and Hoffman are taking a little time to get adjusted. That said, we're still 3-3 with Thomas, Faulk, and Kyrou all taking HUGE steps from last year, while Binnington has regained his form somewhat from the bubble last year. When the rest of the team gets rolling like we know they can, the Blues are a shoe-in playoff team for their 5v5 play alone. This team has earned some patience but let's hope they figure it out sooner rather than later, and stop taking so many damn penalties.
12 (12.48) Calgary Flames - 2-1-1 Calgary got better this offseason, and with another great start so far, they may be the team that climbs this ranking. They've outscore their opponents well this season and I wouldn't be surprised if this continued and lead to some real success for the Flames.
13 (13) Dallas Stars - 2-0-0 Potentially higher but only 2 games so far.
14 (13.04) Carolina Hurricanes - 2-1-0 Off to a solid start the Hurricanes exploded off the bat with a 3-0 shutout of the wings, seeing Teravainen, Hamilton, Aho, and Svechnikov show off how talented they were. Although they faltered, losing to the Wings in the second game, they came back strong against Nashville with their lines and defense again clicking. The team definitely has all the talent they need to compete this year - goaltending has looked good, offense has been excellent, and defense has continued to be one of the league's best. Going forward, the most impactful factor is going to be consistency across the neutral and defensive zone. While the offense looks solid, there are questions on bad giveaways, and poor possession down low - as this team continues to play, they should click and look up from here. They're off to a promising start, but the loss against Detroit sets them back in this week's rankings.
15 (13.17) Philadelphia Flyers - 3-2-1 Let me tell you the Flyers have the potential to be one of the biggest disappointments in the league this year, even the games we won we looked awful. I am convinced that the whole team is taking shots before each game because half of em look like they cannot skate straight. Thank god for Carter Hart and Moose.
16 (13.52) Pittsburgh Penguins - 4-2-0 Doesn't seem like this team has put together a full 60 minutes yet. I enjoy sneaking by with two points after OT, but we're going to need to start winning in regulation. Going to be an absolute battle to get into the playoffs.
17 (15.65) Florida Panthers - 2-0-0 Only this high because they haven't lost yet. I can't believe they will contend in this division but they've had a great start, even though it was a late one due to the great Texas Covid outbreak. Panthers are over preforming, and if they keep it up they may be able to become the 3rd or 4th team in this division.
18 (16.78) New Jersey Devils - 3-1-1 Hockey is back, 10 full months without Devils hockey, but we are finally back. After last year, you would probably be hard pressed to find a fan that came into the season with any sort of lofty aspirations for the team as a whole but 5 games into the season things look positive. Starting off with a SO loss to Boston followed by an OT win. A bit of a messy win against the Rangers. A 4-1 loss against the Isles wasnt great but it was Wedgewood's first game in net this season after Blackwood hit COVID protocol. At the very least it seems like the games will be entertaining to watch this year. Did I mention all of this happened with Nico still on IR? On an individual scale, the youth has shined. Ty Smith already has 6 points through 5 games this year and Hughes has hit 7, a third of his 2019-20 total. Yegor Sharangovich has seemed to be acclimating to NA ice fairly well too. For a team expected to be sitting at the bottom of the East most of the year, well at least we arent there right now.
19 (19.52) Columbus Blue Jackets - 2-2-2 Excited for the future after the Laine trade, but the first six games of the season looked alright. Power play is the usual garbage we're all used to by now. The Jackets have the worst PP in the whole NHL since 2017-2018. Our PK and defense are looking solid as usual. Saturday's game vs TBL just looked rough to play. The Bolts couldn't get anything done in the neutral zone for a majority of the game. The new blood has looked fantastic. Texier saw that Dubois didn't want the #1C and decided to elevate his game. Del Zotto is putting in work. Domi has been as good as advertised. Both goalies have been solid. There is still a lot of work to do and if the Laine trade didn't happen I'd mention the lack of major offense and anemic PP as huge problems we need to solve ASAP, but maybe I can finally stop writing about how terrible our PP is?
20 (21.17) Nashville Predators - 2-3-0 Nashville didn't get to play all their games this week due to Carolina's COVID outbreak, but all in all the Preds are starting off strong. Inconsistent Goalie play with Saros starting to get some time could cost them a few games. Inconsistent scoring could hurt too, but so far they've shown great things.
21 (21.43) Arizona Coyotes - 2-3-1 Arizona just can't get better. Their limbo of mediocrity may lose them their franchise and frankly they need a lot of help if they want to compete in their tough division. I don't see it happening though.
22 (23.04) Edmonton Oilers - 3-4-0 Turns out last year's MVP and McDavid isn't enough to carry a team through a whole season. The lack of depth and NHL caliber goalies has proven to be a detriment to this team, but the raw talent and excellence of it's stars is enough to win a few games, including one over the leafs this week.
23 (23.83) San Jose Sharks - 3-3-0 So far, the Sharks are looking much better than they did last season. They're playing ok, but if they continue their upward trend they'll be a wild card contender for sure. Our top forward lines have been solid to start the season, but we'll need to see more contribution from the bottom 6 to if we're gonna be in the playoff race. D has been pretty weak. Simek and Ferraro have been good, but Karlsson has still looked lethargic at times, and Vlasic doesn't seem to be bouncing back from last year as much as I'd hoped. Martin Jones is looking like a real goalie again! It's early, but he's looked more confident, and the high scoring games have been more of a defence issue. Hopefully a little time will help the Sharks shift into next gear, as it'll give the new guys time to get used to Boughner's system and the old guys a warm up after not playing games since March.
24 (23.87) Buffalo Sabres - 2-3-1 This year is going to be incredibly tough to get a read on how well teams are actually doing since there will only be in-division games. For the purposes of this ranking, I'll be using data from NHL.com to rank teams based on league averages in Corsi, goal scoring, and standings points. The first few weeks will be skewed and might look weird ffrom small sample size, so don't hate me. Anyway, Buffalo thus far has played six games, four against Washington and two against Philly, who I had thought were some of the best teams in the league last year. We were swept in the season series last year against Philly and split the series against the Caps, so the results so far roughly reflect recent history. Thanks to the shortened season, if we go on our yearly ten game tear, there won't be enough season left to throw it all away.
25 (25.13) Los Angeles Kings - 2-2-2 The Kings have played well, they have not been able to string a full 60 minutes together yet, their goalies have been keeping them from getting blown out, they need to be able to enter zones better and quicker, they have faced the hardest teams in their divisions and been able to stay in the game. The injury to Frk has held their Power Plays back, and the person in Frks place is a terrible replacement, they need to be able to revamp both of their powerplay's and score on them to win some games. Their 2 major off season additions have both played, very well AA has been perfect with Carter and carter has been fast and strong he is looking like his pre-2017 form. Andersson is playing great with Vilardi they are a great duo with some speed and good shots. Kale Clague and Mikey Anderson are very good with their d partners and excellent on the PK (Anderson) and has excellent PP skills when set up.
26 (25.52) New York Rangers - 1-3-1 The Rangers have had a...frustrating start to say the least. Game 1 against the Islanders was a sloppy opening display resulting in a 4-0 shutout by the Isles, but luckily the group only used it as fuel and came back next game to one up them 5-0. The following game against the Devils was an impressive showing by Blackwood to edge us out 4-3. The most recent game against the Pens was a definitely a learning experience for our young guys. We went up 3-1 only to blow the lead and go into OT 3-3. We eventually lost 4-3, and hopefully our boys will come out swinging next game. Pleasant surprises this season so far have definitely been our third line of PDG-Chytil-Kakko, Panarin heating up again, and Adam Fox's emergence as our possible #1 for hopefully the next decade. Some disappointments are definitely Jack Johnson, Ryan Strome, and David Quinn's decisions. Hopefully it starts to get solved now that we've gotten a few games under our belt. LGR.
27 (26.7) Anaheim Ducks - 2-2-2 The Anaheim Gibsons will live and die with the play of John Gibson, our lord and savior. This team will finish between 4-7th in the west depending on the goaltending tandem. Lead by top scoring wingers Nic Deslauriers and Max Comtois, this team has a very low expected goal total. If I were a betting man, I would bet the under in every game. The Ducks were in until the end on Pierre-Luc Dubios. The rumored package from the Ducks included Rakell and Steel. Personally, I am glad the Ducks did not pull the trigger on the trade or increase their offer to get Dubois. Not saying that he is not worth it, but for a rebuilding team like the Ducks, it would drag the team into a bubble playoff spot but they wouldn't have enough depth to really make noise in the playoffs. It would've prevented a rebuild from taking place and most likely wasted the prime of Gibson.
28 (27.26) Vancouver Canucks - 2-5-0 It has been an excellent start to the season for Canucks players who are no longer Canucks players. Indeed, things appear dismal out the gate for a club that had plenty of jump in the playoffs. It's still early in the season, but as they say, the early bird gets the worm, and the late whale gets the... opposite of the worm. Luckily, even with a sour start, Canucks fans get to enjoy proof that Hoglander's talent can translate to the NHL alongside proof that Juolevi does really exist. Otherwise, Bo Horvat is good and John Garrett is white.
29 (27.3) Chicago Blackhawks - 2-3-1 The Hawks are 8-for-19 on the PP with goals in all 6 games. Roster turnover has been intense with 4 players making their NHL debuts, and another 4 making their Blackhawks debuts. Pius Suter (3G, 1A - including a hat trick), Philipp Kurashev (2G), and Kevin Lankinen (2-0-1, .909 SV%) appear to be early wins for the European scouts. Connor Murphy leads the team in ATOI (22:27), has 2G, 3A and a 4-game point streak, and earned his 100th career point. The Hawks are currently in a playoff spot (but that may be a function of cancelled games in the Central).
30 (27.7) Detroit Red Wings - 2-4-0 The Red Wings this year came out with some decent performances to start the season. You could tell that the journeyman veterans that were brought in(Merrill, Staal, Stretcher,etc...)seem to fill enough of that gap so we could see three periods of competitive hockey during a red wings match. There are low expectations for this season however that shouldn't stop us from being able to stomach watching our team…Right??? In comes covid protocol wiping out six starters. We are back watching the, Wings with the depth of a kiddie pool flounder against teams not name Montreal, from last year. Bobby Ryan has been a fanatic story, Bertuzzi continues to dazzle with his tenacity, both Griess and Bernier are playing well enough, and Mantha is giving me Abdelkader flashbacks now that he has a nice big contract
31 (28.26) Ottawa Senators - 1-3-1 It's been a pretty interesting week and a half for the Senators. They won their first game by capitalizing on an (unsurprising) Toronto mental collapse, then lost their next game against Toronto but got the Jimmy Stü hype train off the tracks while playing them pretty closely. They then lost a game to Winnipeg that they should have won due to coaching decisions by DJ Smith that blew up in his face, before they just got outplayed in their second game against Winnipeg. The interesting thing (for me at least) is that winning the first game against Toronto and then keeping the second and third games pretty close (especially with Jimmy's amazing goal and the Chuk Norris line holding their own pretty well against competition), as well as the cool new jerseys being finally seen in action, seems to have raised expectations already for a lot of fans who were expecting another lottery pick going in. Playing against Vancouver next week should help fans figure out what this team is going to be this year.
submitted by HockeyPowerRanker to hockey [link] [comments]

Before Christmas, a friend gift his GTX 1060 6gb all the way from USA to Asia

So for the last 8.5 years, I had a prebuilt which had the following specs: i7 3770 3.4Ghz 4c8t GT 630 2gb 192 cores 875mhz (codename GK107) 4x4gb DDR3 1600mhz 2TB HDD 150gb SSD
A bit of background knowledge: A lot of games like Sniper Elite 4, Fallout 4, Wolfenstein the new order, The Outer Worlds, Farcry series, crysis 3,I usually get 23 fps to 27fps (or 12 to 17 depending on the map etc) and older games, I get better fps like fallout 3, fallout new vegas, crysis 2, etc. I usually tweak settings from nvidia control panel to ini settings to get at least 30 fps.
During the delivery, I was super nervous and all but when it finally reached my country, I was very happy! It felt like Im super close to getting my hands on it! When I received it, I went back home, unpacked it, and behold, wrapped so neatly! I was worried because there was a rockstar cyberpunk soda can wrapped inside the parcel too. And I didnt know how USPS would handle it too. But they did an awesome job!!
I had to a buy a new PSU too, so I bought a Seasonic Focus GX-750, thermal grizzly kryonaut 1ml and compressed air duster
Putting it together: I decided to swap parts and clean the fans as well as changing the thermal paste. The cooler fans were the intel push pin fans types, so I understand why everyone hates it now. When swapping PSU, my case is old so I dont have any area to organize wiring. Sad times. Switched out the gpu. But theres a problem, computer couldn’t boot up. DRAM_LED was on and none of my IO ports were receiving signals. (My mouse and keyboard (used mobo io usb port) has led, ethernet connected but no light) Single abnormal long beep when shutting down. Everyone had no clue online. Websites were giving me combo beeps.
Well I took pretty much the whole day cuz I dont like rushing but I took my own time but legs are cramp af since I sat on the floor for like 8 hrs so by the time it came to debugging, it was night time. The next day I had a dream thinking it would turn on but no :( my thumbs were bruising cuz I was trying to re-fit the ram into the slots and because they had no heatsink, its just a thin pcb which makes pushing it a pain. They were not fitted correctly. But that still didnt allow my computer to boot up. Asked a particular online friend, he told me from the abnormal shutdown beep was a ram issue. He told me something about cmos and ram being related to why it wont boot. Also I didnt know I have 12 missing components or so on my mobo (solder points there and drawing, header note or something is there to say what that component is) but the component like memOK! button, BIOS_FLBK, pwr_fan, CHA_FAN2, GPU_Boost, etc missing. He told me to remove all 4 slots then place 1 ram in the 1st slot (told me how the slots were arranged) then it booted for the first 2 slots, the 3rd ram did not boot when inserted to slot 3 and 4, then switched to the other ram stick and it didnt boot for slot 3 but booted up for slot 4. And everyone thought I broke my mobo or something else irrelevant. Shut it down then placed the beast gtx 1060 and installed the new drivers and restarted (I used DDU in safe mode before replacing the gpu and swapping parts
I am so happy that its working now! I can play most games in ultra at 100fps and even cyberpunk 2077!
To you who sent me, bro, I seriously appreciate it <3 I underestimated this beast of a card
TLDR: Friend gift me a gtx 1060 6gb along with a rockstar cyberpunk soda can. Swapped out the psu for a seasonic focus gx 750 but had to sacrifice a 4gb ram stick and slot for a gpu since they became defective after testing since computer couldnt boot up. Its now working very well :D
Edit: some appreciation text. I will add some pictures and benchmarks to see the changes of old and new gpu.
Edit: HOLY MOLY! Thanks everyone for the kind words and awards! You all are awesome people!! Love yall and thanks for awesome support! I will be adding the benchmarks in a few hours since I just woke up (I made this post last night)
Edit: Hi all, apologies for the long wait, I’m trying to include all (previous settings, low preset 1080p and ultra/playable or low 1080p) benchmarks for everyone to see! Thank you all for being patient :)
submitted by trekko727 to buildapc [link] [comments]

A different ranking: what if BGG was an election?

tl;dr: I try to simulate an election based on how each individual ranked their games. You can (sort of) think of it as what would happen if the whole BGG user base ranked their games using Pub Meeple, together. Results at the bottom for the curious. Wall of text before that, for the even more curious.
As a former voting geek, and a current board game geek, this is one question I wanted to answer: What if we could all vote on our favourite games? (Mostly because I had some time in my hand, and access to the data)
First, I have to say that the data I use comes from BGG, but it was provided to me by Recommend.Games. If you haven't checked them out yet, you probably should. They made a very nice, state of the art, recommendation system based of this data, and it's all open source! Really cool stuff :)
(Data is from December 28th 2020)

How it was done

There is no perfect voting system, but I tried to give my best shot at the problem. You'll see it didn't work so well, but I think it will make for a good discussion.
I started with these requirements:
These then led me to choose the Schulze method for producing a collective ranking, based on individual ones. I won't go into much detail into the method itself, but my steps were:
  1. For each BGG user that has rated more than 2 games, I generate a ballot with their games ordered by rating. Games that are rated the same, are ranked the same.
  2. From these I generate preference pairs, that is, the user prefers game A to B, for every pair of games with a different rank in their ballot.
  3. Then I aggregate all the ballots. At this point, for every pair of rated games on BGG, I know exactly how many users prefers one game to the other and vice versa.
  4. Now I use the Schulze method to go from these numbers to a collective ranking. I won't explain it here, but I'll copy this from Wikipedia, do with it what you may: "Given two candidates A and K, A is said to beat K with strength t if t voters prefer A to B, t voters prefer B to C, and so on, and t voters prefer J to K. The winner W is the candidate which beats any other candidate X with strength t, but X does not beat W with strength t."
Given that step 4 takes a long time to compute (cubic time on the number of games), I limited the election to the top 5000 games on BGG.
This took a while to do, but it was done. And now, without further ado, the winner is:


Did you know that a total of 96 users prefer 1817 to Gloomhaven, while only 41 think the opposite? By this same metric, 1817 beats 4752(!) games in BGG's top 5000, ties with another 207, and loses to only 40!
And now you see the fatal flaw I was talking about earlier. An election like this one assumes that voters can make an informed decision on most, if not all, choices. And that is certainly not true here. This makes the top list full of niche, but very loved, games.
I'm not criticizing 1817, I'm sure it's a great game for the people who have played it, but it's also probably the heaviest 18xx. By the time you play 1817 to have an opinion about it, you have been trough and arduous journey, and you know what you like. All the power to you! If you are one of those people, I envy you :)


Well, since I had gone through all this trouble already, I tried to alleviate the problem somewhat by issuing a decree that only games with at least 5000 ratings on BGG are eligible to take part on the election (all 654 of them). This is an arbitrary number I'm afraid, and sort of invalidates the whole exercise.
(Note that this affects the election in more ways than the obvious one. Say not many people rank game A above B, but a lot of people prefer game A to C, and the same for C over B. Then A is in a good position here, but take game C out of the equation and suddenly A is in a much worse one.)
Anyway, I've typed too much already. If you read this much, I thank you and look forward to your comments and criticisms.
The final ranked list of the collectively elected top 100 games, after a dictatorial and arbitrary ruling on eligibility, is:
Rank Game BGG rank Difference
1 Gloomhaven 1 0
2 Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion 14 12
3 Brass: Birmingham 3 0
4 Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition 5 1
5 Kingdom Death: Monster 36 31
6 Gaia Project 7 1
7 Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 2 -5
8 Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization 6 -2
9 Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon 85 76
10 Too Many Bones 51 41
11 Blood Bowl (Third Edition) 370 359
12 BattleLore (Second Edition) 233 221
13 On Mars 73 60
14 Space Hulk (Third Edition) 310 296
15 Horrified 198 183
16 Dune 302 286
17 Clash of Cultures 296 279
18 Barrage 72 54
19 The Isle of Cats 138 119
20 Star Realms: Colony Wars 160 140
21 Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation 350 329
22 Claustrophobia 290 268
23 Combat Commander: Europe 149 126
24 KLASK 271 247
25 Imperial 2030 230 205
26 Mage Wars Arena 235 209
27 Kanban: Driver's Edition 175 148
28 Die Macher 277 249
29 Forbidden Stars 104 75
30 Hive Pocket ??
31 Lisboa 66 35
32 Stockpile 333 301
33 Evolution: Climate 274 241
=33 Risk Legacy 343 310
35 Endeavor: Age of Sail 115 80
36 Runewars 225 189
37 The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth 93 56
=37 Summoner Wars 498 461
39 Maracaibo 42 3
40 Lords of Vegas 410 370
41 Xia: Legends of a Drift System 145 104
42 Azul: Summer Pavilion 168 126
43 Marvel Champions: The Card Game 55 12
44 Trickerion: Legends of Illusion 126 82
45 YINSH 182 137
46 War of the Ring: Second Edition 11 -35
47 Food Chain Magnate 28 -19
48 Terraforming Mars 4 -44
49 Great Western Trail 10 -39
50 Twilight Struggle 9 -41
51 Brass: Lancashire 19 -32
52 Star Wars: Rebellion 8 -44
53 Spirit Island 13 -40
54 Terra Mystica 16 -38
55 A Feast for Odin 22 -33
56 Underwater Cities 48 -8
=56 Near and Far 152 96
=56 Commands & Colors: Ancients 141 85
=56 Pulsar 2849 211 155
=56 Agricola (Revised Edition) 69 13
=56 Fields of Arle 59 3
=56 Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 33 -23
=56 Pandemic: Iberia 100 44
=56 Concordia 18 -38
=56 Nemesis 26 -30
=56 Paladins of the West Kingdom 77 21
67 Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization 44 -13
68 Mage Knight Board Game 25 -33
69 Cryptid 262 193
70 Civilization 308 238
71 Burgle Bros. 229 158
72 Res Arcana 132 60
73 Archipelago 386 313
74 Aeon's End 67 -7
75 The Gallerist 56 -19
76 Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure 106 30
77 War of the Ring 120 43
78 The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine 49 -29
79 Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game 111 32
80 Yokohama 101 21
81 Decrypto 105 24
82 Age of Steam 121 39
83 Scythe 12 -71
84 Arkham Horror: The Card Game 20 -64
=84 The Castles of Burgundy 15 -69
86 Root 30 -55
=86 Orléans 24 -61
=86 Clans of Caledonia 43 -42
89 Viticulture Essential Edition 23 -66
90 Blood Rage 35 -55
91 7 Wonders Duel 17 -74
92 Agricola 32 -60
93 Caverna: The Cave Farmers 29 -64
94 Wingspan 21 -73
95 Dominant Species 61 -34
95 Eclipse 46 -49
97 Puerto Rico 27 -70
98 Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar 39 -59
99 Le Havre 45 -54
100 The Voyages of Marco Polo 52 -48
You can clearly see that the list is flawed because Innovation is not in there ;)
submitted by kindking to boardgames [link] [comments]

Official r/NFL Week 10 Power Rankings

Welcome to the week 10 Official NFL Power Rankings! By this point last season there were nine teams with a 6-3 or better record. At the same point in 2020? 15 teams. Which actually belong? 32/32 reporting
# Team Δ Record Comment
1. Chiefs -- 8-1 Chiefs are coming off the bye week headed to Las Vegas looking to avenge the early season loss to the Raiders. There are already a lot of narratives going into this game, with buses being at the center of them, but both teams are going to be motivated under the Sunday Night lights. The Chiefs/Raiders rivalry is back.
2. Steelers -- 9-0 A solid game against the Bengals. No traps. No underperforming. Just the kind of effort, result, and final score you'd expect to see out of a 9-0 team. That said, this upcoming week is critical because Jacksonville always seems to have Pittsburgh's number and the Jags were surprisingly persistent against a very good Packers team. It's often said teams "look ahead", and the Ravens game on Thanksgiving comes on a short week, just 9 days from now. The Steelers need to simply worry about repeating Sunday's performance so they can get through the old rivalry of the unpredictable Jaguars. To reach 10-0 and face the Ravens, who would love nothing more than deny the Steelers an 11-0 record, has to be the current objective. Jacksonville have showed they can play.
3. Packers +2 7-2 The Jags punched the Packers in the mouth but Aaron & Co were able to pull out the victory. A late-McCarthy era team might have sputtered the whole game and lost, but this week both sides of the ball buckled down, figured out what worked and what didn't, and got a win. Run defense is still a concern even with getting Christian Kirksey back, and Tae might be injured once again. Still, a win is a win and onto the Colts.
4. Saints -- 7-2 The Saints continued their winning ways with a slow chokehold on an under strength 49ers team, but come out of the game with one major worry. The hopes of the season now rest on the shoulders of Jameis Winston and Taysom Hill unless Sean Payton can channel Ge Hong to resurrect Brees. Luckily for the Saints the next four games all feature 3-win teams. Jameis gets the chance to prove himself and find him as beloved by the fanbase as Teddy, or collapse the season and be cast out forever.
5. Buccaneers +4 7-3 Nothing like a 544 yard, 46 point outing over a division rival to get a team's confidence back on track, and with the absence of Drew Brees, the Bucs reentered the running for the NFC South. Sitting at a cool 7-3, Tampa Bay has the toughest stretch of schedule ahead with the Rams coming up on MNF followed by the Super Bowl Champion Chiefs. With a wild card appearance looking like the worst case scenario, Bucs fans will be able to breathe a sigh of relief for making the playoffs for the first time in 13 years.
6. Ravens -3 6-3 With a depleted receiving corps and a depleted DL... The Ravens will be fiiiiiiiiiine against Derrick Henry, now that they don't have Earl Thomas blocking for him.
7. Cardinals +4 6-3 Those are the plays you dreamed might be possible after the Cardinals acquired Hopkins in March. Thank you Bill O'Brien! As big as that finish was, it's imperative the team shows up against Seattle on a short week to compete for the division lead. Can't have a letdown game after all that work.
8. Bills -2 7-3 In typical Buffalo fashion, the Bills built up their fan’s hopes and dashed them. Then they rebuilt those hopes. Then within a minute Deandre Hopkins re-dashed them. Sometimes you’re just not supposed to win a football game. The football gods decided Sunday was one of those days for the Bills. 7-3 heading into the bye. BillsMafia will take it.
9. Dolphins +1 6-3 The talk before this game was that Justin Herbert would likely do well against the Dolphins tendency to blitz heavy and often, yet the Dolphins defense showed that they're going to dictate the terms of the matchup, and Herbert is just another victim of the innovative pass rush and smothering secondary that Brian Flores has built in Miami. Special mention must go to the special teams as, despite Jason Sanders finally missing his first field goal after a franchise record 22 straight, the Dolphins again demonstrated why they're one of the best special teams units in the league, with great performances in all aspects of their game.
10. Rams +4 6-3 That's yet another dominant defensive performance, and the Rams have now allowed just 9 points during the second half in the last five games combined. As long as the offense puts together a reasonably competent performance, the Rams have a shot at anyone.
11. Colts +2 6-3 The transition from ex-GM Ryan Grigson to current GM Chris Ballard has paid huge dividends for the Colts. This Colts roster, top to bottom, has as much talent as any during the team's tenure in Indy. The team can count on its squads in all three phases of the game, with a huge blocked punt turning the Tennessee contest on its head. If the offense can maintain some consistency, this team should be a force come January.
12. Seahawks -5 6-3 Where to start..... Russ isn't the MVP front runner. Pete would rather trust this defense then go for it on 4th and an inch. But hey, at least we've got a historic defense goin for us. The loss to the Rams was the second straight ugly defeat for the Seahawks, dropping them to 3rd in the NFC West. Thursday's game against the Cardinals isn't a must-win, per se..... but Seattle needs to get right fast.
13. Raiders -1 6-3 The Raiders absolutely dominated the Broncos. Week 11, on the other hand, will be tough. Once again the NFL gives the Chiefs a game against the Raiders after a KC bye week. Since 2010 the Chiefs will have played an AFC west opponent 9 times following a KC bye week (6 of those 9 times it has been the Raiders). In that same time span they have played against an AFC west opponent only 3 times following their bye week (0x Raiders, 2x Broncos, 1x Chargers). The Raiders not only have to beat one of the best teams in the league this week, but also one of the most unfair scheduling biases of the past 10 years.
14. Titans -6 6-3 The Titans now hold a 2-9 record against Phillip Rivers and are 5-20 against the Colts since 2008. The good start to the year for the Titans is in serious jeopardy as they are on a 1-3 streak since their 5-0 start and the next 3 games for the Titans are all against 6-3 teams.
15. Browns -- 6-3 Nick Chubb, back from injury, ran it out at the 1 to ice the win. Smart move. Ok, so now that is out of the way, Steelers should be #1. Who are we kidding here? KC still hanging around at the top? The were on a BYE. I say this as a Browns ranker: How have the Steelers, who are on a 9-0 terror, not been ranked 1 for so long?!
16. Vikings +2 4-5 Mike Zimmer's ability to take a bunch of rookies, 7th rounders and street free agents and hold any offense to 3.0 yards per play is incredible. Meanwhile, Justin Jefferson leads the league in yards per route run and is making DBs look silly week after week.
17. Patriots +8 4-5 Bad weather, good rush defense, solid rush offense - what more can you ask for? The Patriots' season remains alive
18. Bears -2 5-5 "So I was watching game tape today and I realized, ever since I started playing, every single week of my play has been worse than the week before it. So that means every single week you see me, that's on the worst week of my life." -The entire Chicago Bears offense.
19. 49ers -2 4-6 The 49ers took an early lead vs the saints, but that lead vanished as eventually the talent disparity won out. It is a testament to the coaching staff and Shanahan's ability to get players to buy in that the team is continuing to battle every week with so many injuries to key players.
20. Panthers -1 3-7 Bless the knees. Teddy made it, even if the Panthers' wheels fell off. From ill-timed interceptions to a rush defense giving up the length of the field at a time, mistakes were made in many phases to a strong divisional rival. A more winnable home game against Detroit lies ahead.
21. Lions +5 4-5 A W is a W. Without Kenny Golladay on the field, the Lions were still able to put points on the board in the first half. Unfortunately the offense stagnated, and the defense played down to their opponent. Maybe the game script wanted another clutch Matthew Stafford walk off W? No, the true clutch captain Matt Prater sunk a 59 yard chip for the win. This W belongs to the Lions... and Chase Young.
22. Falcons -1 3-6 Raheem better be using this bye week efficiently. With remaining games against Kansas City, Oakland, Tampa (2x), New Orleans (2x), there won't be room for errors Atlanta is known so well for.
23. Chargers -3 2-7 Something about Hard Rock Stadium just brings bad tidings to the Chargers. This was the worst loss of the season, and it's very telling to lose to a team in the middle of a rebuild. The Chargers are a better team on paper, but that doesn't matter if the other team just needs to execute for 60 minutes in order to win. Kudos to Brian Flores and the Dolphins, they're moving in the right direction. The same cannot be said for the Chargers. The Jets are not the easy win that they should be when they come to town next week, and Tom Telesco gets ever closer to working with another top 5 pick.
24. Bengals -- 2-6-1 It was refreshing to have a Bengals vs. Steelers game without the extra stuff that has been going on the last few years. Well, except for Bud Dupree's late hit on Joe Burrow, a hit that threw him into the bench and clearly hampered Burrow's mobility the remainder of the game. It's okay, at least Bengals fans didn't have to listen to Jonathan Vilma claim Joe Burrow can't read a defense for the remainder of the game.
25. Broncos -2 3-6 A certain Tomas Kalnoky song comes to mind after Drew Lock's performance on Sunday. The World of Suck goes on and on. From Andrew Mason, the Broncos have had the worst passer rating and TD:INT ratio in the league since 2017. With no end in sight, it appears all-too-likely the Broncos will be hoping back on the QB Carousel for another go-round.
26. Eagles -4 3-5-1 Scenario: your team scores a touchdown to make it 17-21 before the extra point, which would bring you within a field goal of a tie game, what would you do? If you answered “get sacked for -7 yards on a failed 2 point conversion” you might be the next head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles!
27. Giants +1 3-7 The Giants played good football in all 3 phases of the game on Sunday, which is not a sentence I've been able to utter for a long, long time. Daniel Jones put on a clinic in what was arguably the best game of his young career. James Bradberry deserves all the money we threw at him and then some. Graham Gano and Riley Dixon have magical legs. But by far the most vast improvement in play from early in the season appears to be the Offensive Line. From getting Saquon hit 2-3 yards in the backfield every play to moving guys down the field at will and giving Danny Dimes a clean pocket all afternoon, they've become one of the better units on this team as a whole. All in all, a win heading into the bye week is made that much sweeter by the fact that we finally beat the damn Eagles.
28. Texans -1 2-7 big mood
29. Washington FT -- Absolutely clutch performance by Chase Young who put the team on his back, committed a boneheaded 15 yard penalty with about 6 seconds left to put The Lions in last second winning field goal range. This team and this culture is committed to losing and time after time they just find a way when the chips are up and all the momentum is on their side.
30. Cowboys -- 2-7 Despite some worries, the Cowboys made it through the bye week unscathed. The way this year has gone, that counts as a win (but not for determining draft order or the division title).
31. Jaguars -- 1-8 The Jaguars will not go quietly into the offseason. Putting up a big fuss against the Packers proved futile. However, there does appear to be enough raw talent on the team that it's unlikely the Jaguars lose every game the rest of the season. While still frustrating to watch, the team does have it's moments, like field-length PRTDs. Remember kids, don't out-kick your coverage!
32. Jets -- 0-9 Once again, the Jets failed to do anything at all this week.
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what card games are played in vegas video

There are a total of 22 different table games spread in Las Vegas. Some games are only available at one casino. Others, like blackjack, are spread at all casinos that have table games. Below is a list of all Las Vegas table games. The link provided in each section shows which Las Vegas casinos offer the game. Exclusive Bonus Offers & Casino Tips. Enter your email below to get the latest no Las Vegas is the world's gambling mecca. Sin City is filled with dozens of casinos offering everything from baccarat to roulette and everything in between. Be aware that most people walk away from Here’s a list of card games that are played in casinos that don’t necessarily fall into the blackjack or poker categories. This is an incomplete list, but it will grow over time with your help. If you’ve seen a casino card game that belongs on this list, please comment below in the space provided so that we can cover it here. We’ll eventually link each of these card game names with a Most Popular Card Games Played in Vegas. People visit Las Vegas for one reason and that is to enjoy the fantastic casino experience. Caesar’s Palace, MGM Grand, Golden Nugget, Red Rock, Mandalay Bay and The Bellagio are all examples of awesome Las Vegas casinos. Within the walls of each you can enjoy a tremendous selection of games but what are the most popular card games played in Vegas? It’s one of the easiest card games to learn and has a low house edge. Players must rely on their two cards to defeat the banker while earning less than 21 points in the process and not bust. Slot machines. Slots have become very popular, not just in Vegas because you can access the games from anywhere using your mobile device or computer. You don’t have to step in a land-based casino to If you go over 21, you lose. Each number card is worth its numerical value, face cards are worth 10 and an ace is worth 1 or 11. Baccarat. Baccarat (bah’-ca-rah) is one of the easiest games to learn and offers some of the best odds in the casino. The “player” and the “banker” each receive two cards with the object being to get a point Perhaps the most popular casino table game played around the world, casino roulette is popular in Las Vegas and is a table game staple in every major casino – especially in Europe, where it is the best-loved of all casino games. At Harrah’s Las Vegas, casino roulette consists of a wheel marked with numbers 1 through 36; in Las Vegas roulette, wheels also include a 0 and 00. Choose your The quintessential Las Vegas casino gambling experience is 21, also known as Blackjack. One of the most popular card games of all time, Blackjack has been played across the globe for generations. The object of the game is to get your hand closer to 21 than the dealer's, without going over. Everyone at the Blackjack table plays against the dealer. While Blackjack is basically a simple game, its Card games played in casinos In this game, there’s no compulsion to chase suit. When, A plays a card from the similar suit led by B, then the player who play with the highest card will win the trick. The winning player will collect both the card, and place them in a stock near him/her. Great 3D racing game On The Run returned! Now you can race through the Las Vegas airport. Your task remains the same - deliver important documents to destination point! Be careful - the special agents want you dead! Follw traffic signs to escape. This mission is almost impossible! Remember: you can collect fuel and car repair power-ups. If you are doing car tricks you get extra score points.

what card games are played in vegas top

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what card games are played in vegas

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